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As soon as the computer generated actor is perfected to the point that it doesn't look cartoony, Lucas will just completely redo the entire original trilogy and people will be posting about how they are missing these. Let's face it until the man is six feet under he will NEVER stop altering his creations.
Honestly, I wish I could just roll with these changes and enjoy the films for what they are. But. . .I can't. The Special Edition changes take me out of the movie in their ____tiness. That damn CG Jabba scene kills me when Han steps on his tail.
As soon as the computer generated actor is perfected to the point that it doesn't look cartoony, Lucas will just completely redo the entire original trilogy and people will be posting about how they are missing these. Let's face it until the man is six feet under he will NEVER stop altering his creations.

I agree... these will be a work in progress forever.
I wish he'd just rerelease the original three already (Star Wars, Empire and Jedi) with the highest possibly quality and be done with it.

Then, I don't care what changes he makes to future versions. Just give us the originals. Even as a kid, the only "changes" I would have liked or wanted were actual deleted scenes inserted back in, that's it. Not these asinine tweaks that try to shove the prequel trilogy down your throat. I think the three biggest distractions from these changes have been the "NOOOOO" for Jedi, Boba Fett's kiwi accent in Empire and the replacement of the Hayden ghost. Those have really killed the films for me.

I'm really surprised more changes haven't been discovered. People that have it are only reporting the ones that are leaked, surely there are more? I thought for sure that he'd give all the Stormtroopers Jango voices by now or insert more prequel ____.
Someone mentioned a CG Yoda talking about midichlorians in the OT. :lol I keep trying to tell myself that it could be worse, but that's not much comfort to me somehow.
Someone mentioned a CG Yoda talking about midichlorians in the OT. :lol I keep trying to tell myself that it could be worse, but that's not much comfort to me somehow.

That's the next home entertainment version.
the nice thing about the horrible obiwan/krayt dragon scene and the nooo... with vader is that it is audio! I'm sure we will get bootleg 1080p versions with audio fixed back too the original.
I really cant get around GL's thinking on these audio alterations.
You would think he would have stopped when he added then removed lukes scream down the cloudcity shaft.
Its a compulsive disorder, continuos alterations of what were fantastic movies.
Does he not get feedback from David Accord or Ben Burt??
I mean these audio takes sound ridiculous, they are laughable.
I keep thinking this whole press junket is a joke about these additions...
even bad press is better then no press.
I do wonder what it is that makes him think that these changes are not only good, but worth going out of his way to make! I mean, Obi-Wan's yell? Adding another, unnecessary background character in Jabba's Palace?

I can't even begin to understand, and maybe that's part of why this is so boggling to me. Some of the changes kind of make sense (even if they're unnecessary), but some are just bizarre.
If Han shoots first again GL can add NOOOOO to everyones freaking dialogue for all I care.

The damn trilogy can be one long continuous NOOOO, just let Han shoot first damn it, geezes christ almighty bastard already!

Han can yell NOOOO while he's frying Greedo, just give the man back his character arc for crying out loud already!

:gah: :gah: :gah:

I CAN'T TAKE GREEDO SHOOTING FIRST!! (falls on knees with hands raised in the air)
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I'm sure this has been covered here but.. while watching ANH this weekend, I was reminded of the added scene of Han talking with Jabba along side the MF, why oh why is Jabba so small compared to how he looks in Jedi... not to mention those goofy arms... anyone else feel this representation looked like mini-me-Jabba?
I'm sure this has been covered here but.. while watching ANH this weekend, I was reminded of the added scene of Han talking with Jabba along side the MF, why oh why is Jabba so small compared to how he looks in Jedi... not to mention those goofy arms... anyone else feel this representation looked like mini-me-Jabba?

If they made him any bigger Harrison Ford's eye line wouldn't matched. The on-set actor was only a short ass.