Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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The series feels much more like the original trilogy too. Love it.

Now. It definitely has a bit of that magic but it took a bit to get there, the first couple of season and the feature film were cringeworthy but it's definitely come into its own. I just wish they had left out some of the notables from the OT, I could really do without seeing whiny Boba Fett for example to which at this point I feel makes an appearance just because instead of actually being tied to the overall plot.
I think CLONE WARS could have been something really cool had they not used any of the core characters from the movies and just followed new Jedi, Clones, Separates, Bounty Hunters, etc. It's laughable how contrived most of it is and how it all but takes a giant dump on the continuity of even the films themselves.

But what do you expect for something that exists almost solely to sell toys to kids.
Haven't been a round to converse with you folks in a while, but I have been liking this season since Umbara as well. This current arc is very interesting and I'm absolutely itching to perhaprs see Mace Windu having to "confront" one of the jedi. I might be jumping ahead, but it seems as though he will be joining the fray one way or another. So seeing him face off against the bounty hunters, or straying Anakin off of Kenobi could be very cool. Cad Bane is always cool, but I'm even happier that the new episode will feature my favorite clone wars bounty hunter Embo! And Ashoka has really come into her own, and this is coming from a guy who never strongly disliked her. She was awesome against Nightwatch, especially when R2 freed her and she decapitated four mandalorians in a split second. That's the kill of the season so far. I was surprised though when the mandalorian chick smacked Ashoka's ass, kind of jealous too. :dunno
Everything doesn't have to feel like the OT to me. I just want the *OT* to feel like the OT. I actually like the different flavors offered by the PT, CW microseries, and TCW. Nice variety to suit whatever I'm in the mood for.
Yeah especially how Boba Fett is always whiny, nervous, and hiding behind other bounty hunters. Just like I remember him in the OT. :monkey3

I just feel it in my bones that there is major character development in store for Boba - but you can't have that if the character just starts off all badass. I'm wondering how Boba will become hardened...I could almost see Bane teaching Boba a few tricks (to advance his own agenda, natch), before Boba falls in with the Death Watch, goes completely hardcore and takes down Bane - after all, there can only be ONE top bounty hunter!
it's not like Anakin was shooting lightning he just simply doled out a bit of a force choke

I'd be willing to bet that "force choke" isn't in the Jedi handbook. Even Anakin might not see it as a "Sith move", but I'm sure both he and Ahsoka are experienced enough to know it's crossing a line - and they seem angry enough not to care. I think we may be seeing hints of Ahsoka's fate...
I honestly i dont think I can see Ashoka dying. As much as logic wants to go with it, I just don't see it happening. The most innocent and lighthearted character of the show, which are probably great reasons to kill her off for this show to really take the dark angle we all have seen it flirting with in recent weeks, but I think somehow Ashoka ends up living. Its one thing to kill of clones and battle hardened jedi in the show, but I bet they chicken out at the end of the series. Although Anakin force choking Ashoka out of a blind range would probably be the most impactful way for her to go, part of me may also want her to live to become the powerful warrior we saw in the glimpse on Mortis.
Now. It definitely has a bit of that magic but it took a bit to get there, the first couple of season and the feature film were cringeworthy but it's definitely come into its own. I just wish they had left out some of the notables from the OT, I could really do without seeing whiny Boba Fett for example to which at this point I feel makes an appearance just because instead of actually being tied to the overall plot.

Just saw last CW episode and within a second, I saw Weequay walking by. Such a cool character!
Check out this rumor floating around out "Underworld"

Star Wars: Underworld
There's an absolutely psychotic rumor flying about this proposed 50-episode live-action TV series, which almost certainly won't happen for at least five years because it's just too expensive to make with current technology. Still, according to George Lucas and producer Rick McCallum, the scripts are all more or less written, which opens the door for some truly insane spoilers on their supposed content.

According to an inside source — one that is apparently "unproven" but has "reasonable context" — an early episode will feature "a group of bandits acquiring the capability of time travel, and using it to travel back in time to stop Darth Vader from ever existing", which I suppose either means stopping Anakin Skywalker from being born or, perhaps more likely based on the wording, even turning to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader.

Presumably this would mean undoing the events of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi — in other words, one of the first acts of this new TV series would be to erase from existence the part of the franchise that everybody still actually likes. ( I'm starting to believe it.) Of course, if this is just a single-episode plot that ultimately gets undone, it becomes much more believable, but even then it seems to conflict with Lucas and McCallum's statement that this show will be staying away from the Skywalkers and the specific events of the film franchise. So, yeah...take this all with a Kessel Run's worth of salt, I'd say. [/Film]
:lecture NO WAY. Nope. NO! If this comes to pass, I'm DONE! :(

Seriously!? That plot was great for Terminator, but not this. It HAS to be BOGUS. Right? :monkey2

Besides, who in the story would know Anakin was Vader and who would want to stop him from being born or turning?
:slap This can't be real? Can it? I thought the series was about the events between Ep 3 and 4?? How does time travel even fit in the whole Star Wars universe?
That's exactly what I was thinking was Abrams' Star Trek, where they go back and stop Anakin from being Vader (killing him? maybe in the actual Clone Wars) and therefore alter the entire Star Wars Universe.

The question wouldn't be that this couldn't happen, it sounds like something that LFL could/would do in order to keep the Star Wars universe moving and not have to worry about the OT (Abrams' Star Trek held the originals separate while still being able to continue, could be the same if done right) but more why it would happen. It would have to establish that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader as common knowledge but that something would have to occur to want the "bandits" to go back and stop it, at the end of ROTJ which is where Lucas stops his own thought of official Star Wars, the Empire is destroyed and everyone is celebrating with Ewoks. I'm not sure what could be said that would have happened for them to want to do this.

I will say this, if this arc is actually true it would not only negate the Original Trilogy but a good chunk of ROTS AND every single piece of EU that came after ROTJ period.

It'd be a ballsy move but it'd be so ballsy that it would make everyone tune in, love it or hate it.
Keep in mind though that just because they TRY to do it doesn't mean they succeed, and so the OT lives.

Now back to CW I agree that 'Force Choke' is not labeled a Sith move the way lightning is.
But it is an angry move for sure, some might say your passion takes over, so Anakin uses it and Ahsoka is not sure how to feel about it but neither of them is thinking "oh my god! I'm turning!"
True but if they try and don't succeed it would place them in the center of ROTS directly and that would go against Lucas' original standing on it (as the article pointed out), whereas if they do, it pretty much leaves uncharted territory. I just wonder if LFL is actually THIS bold.
Judging by the nature of spoilers that came out for ROTS, I'm assuming that this is all just rumours. Either that or they label it as 'Infinities', which I loved, even if it was non-canon.

And if a thousand fan-boys suddenly cry out in terror, they might not go ahead and do it. Imagine if we'd known about Jar-Jar before he happened. Lucas 'retired' because he's getting too much negativeness about the PT. He is finally listening to the fans, even if it took him a long time to do so. And while he's not going to be fully responsible for the show, he's still the head guy when it comes to Clone Wars, which has proved that it listens to fans too. We got sick of 'Padme-complaining Wars' and that got us the Umbara episodes.