Star Trek (2009) DVD/Blu-Ray Discussion Thread

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If someone wants to call me a Trekkie, except for Mike :)D), that's fine.

Alright one way to settle this, let's strip naked and wrestle it out in Jell-O. Whoever wins the other has to go by Trekkie or Trekker....and hell everybody wins when there is


There can never be enough TREKKERS! :rock

Mike :wave

I just really cannot wait to see the story the cook up for Star Trek II/XII. I think everything in the reboot was executed quite well, and cannot wait to see how they follow up. I think, though, these should all be stand alone films. Don't follow the recent trend of 2 and 3 being companion films. Keep it accessible and more fans will flow in.
That's something I was thinking today. Kirk got command of the Enterprise some five years before he was supposed to (I think), so imagine the continuity changes that can happen! And we have seen Scotty has an affinity for the balls of fluff. I actually hope for a more original story though, and for me that's a big change because I wanted the next film to be a take on Space Seed.
Someone mentioned in a interview a while back either Abrams or Orsi that the subtile continuity changes that he has made would have a ripple effect throughout which means some wouldn't as noticable in the beginning, some a bit in the middle like Kirk taking control and by the end and onto what would be the future they'd had been tidal waves that changed things beyond recognition.

They are opening up the floodgates to redo things like Next Generation or Voyager or Deep Space Nine and give a spin that'd be the outcome of Nero's intervention yet keep it in such that original fans wouldn't be too pissed.
Alright one way to settle this, let's strip naked and wrestle it out in Jell-O. Whoever wins the other has to go by Trekkie or Trekker....and hell everybody wins when there is


I'll take the blue.....for Spock, you can have the red, and you all know what red means in Star Trek.......FAIL!!! :D


Well, I just watched it on dvd today. The first 15 minutes to me were kind of corny (the old dad dies to save kid rutine has been done a thousand times and the little kid Jim scenes were dumb) but once he got to the night club it started to be good. I would consider myself a minor fan since I used to watch it all the time as a kid but I don't know all the technical or detail stuff about it but overall I really liked the movie and I think I'll pick up the Blu-Ray version now.
wow, the first 15 minutes is one of my favourite pre-title sequences ever

Yep, when I saw it in the theater, when Kirk is being born and his parents are deciding on a name followed by his father telling his mother I love you I saw a lot of people tearing up. That's good filmmaking to make the audience tear up at characters they just got to know.

For me, I LOVE how the sound drops out and the music picks up when George Kirk is fighting off the Romulans to help the shuttles escape.

Star Trek is truly the best film of 09 IMO. The sequels going to have to really good to top this. Hopefully Lindeloff will be more involved in the writing as he consistently blows me away with his work on Lost.
Yep, when I saw it in the theater, when Kirk is being born and his parents are deciding on a name followed by his father telling his mother I love you I saw a lot of people tearing up. That's good filmmaking to make the audience tear up at characters they just got to know.

makes me [almost] tear up too. Fabulous, powerful film making

For me, I LOVE how the sound drops out and the music picks up when George Kirk is fighting off the Romulans to help the shuttles escape.

yeah.. that's a really dramatic way they've done it dropping all the sound out apart from the music. I can't watch that pre-title sequence enough. Action. Visual Effects. Drama. Emotion.

Just flawless. :bow
I didn't think the opening was terrible (except for Jim driving the car) but the birth just seemed kind of hokey.. maybe I'll learn to appreciate it. :)
What I love about this movie is, to me, the characters are pitch perfect and yet still different. But my favorite has to be Karl Urban as Bones. "Wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I've got left is my bones!"
I didn't think the opening was terrible (except for Jim driving the car) but the birth just seemed kind of hokey.. maybe I'll learn to appreciate it. :)

don't worry, the world would be boring if we all liked the same things ;)

What I love about this movie is, to me, the characters are pitch perfect and yet still different. But my favorite has to be Karl Urban as Bones. "Wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I've got left is my bones!"

Karl Urban actually came up with that line himself too. (blu-ray commentary). It's one of my favourite lines.... explains something that we all thought we knew the reason for, yet making it new and different. Love it. :rock
What I love about this movie is, to me, the characters are pitch perfect and yet still different. But my favorite has to be Karl Urban as Bones. "Wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I've got left is my bones!"

That was great. And I liked how mad Kirk got every time Bones would jam him in the neck with a shot... "Stop doing that!!"
The more I talk about it the more I want to see MORE. And how often does a summer blockbuster make you say that? I think the fact they had a bunch of television folks working on it helped too because they knew the perfect structure. You have a great pre-title sequence, a solid action build up and character set up, then you get a near PERFECT cut when Spock takes down Kirk and strands him. Then the pick up with Kirk on the planet and the continuation.

I just cannot wait to see the followup. I actually think a JJ/Lindelof/Cuse Star Trek tv series would be amazing.
Really liked the film myself and just bought the Blu as part of my bro's chrissie present.He hasn't seen it yet hope he likes it......i'm sure he will.:D