SSC 1/6 SW Completists

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I never expected or planned to be a completist in this line. I knew that there would be secondary characters that I had no interest in getting (see consensus on the Endor Triplets...) ;)

I did pick up the first 9 or so figures that went on sale but jumped ship when the whole Jabba and the gang started coming out. They are definitely cool, but not for me. At least not for the type of collection that I want. The only figure I have on pre-order at the moment is Plo Koon and most probably will end up cancelling as well.

I didn't even bother pre-ordering the recent Leia figure. There's just something not right with that one. The sculpt just doesn't win me over.

Yavin Luke looks amazing, in my opinion, but he's a pass as well. I don't want to repeat the same mistake that I did when collecting the Hasbro 12" figures, which was to have a dozen versions of the same character. I'll stick with my Jedi Luke and await the X-Wing/Snowspeeder Luke and Tatooine Luke.

As for LOTR 12", so far I'm a completist. That line is just getting better and better with each release!
Completism may be a disease, actually. Or at least a syndrome. It makes people do irrational, unhealthy things, imho.

That said, SSC had better already at work on ditching the Bucks and updating their bodies. And if they are, they should probably accelerate those plans.

Their choices of characters and the woeful inadequacies and limitations of the Buck are why many people are beginning to lose interest in this line.

I'm still in... but not nearly as excited about this line as I was even 6 months ago.
I'm getting them all. :)

Each figure has been pretty freaking awesome. Not everyones cup of tea but there is nothing wrong where this line is going IMO.
I like 12 inch / 1/6 scale figures and I love Star Wars figures, so this line is a nice blend of both worlds, so budget is primarily what would stop me from getting things in this line. So far, the only thing I've passed on was the Endor Troops, and while not mainstream characters, as just figures they're pretty cool, but knowing more mainstream is to come and knowing my budget, I had to pass, everything else I have or have on order at the moment. Even if this line dies out, I am glad it came into existence because it gave me Jabba and I love that whole package so much, the line could die today and I'd be sad, but I'd always walk away feeling triumphant being able to own his awesomeness :)
Gotta love these soul-searching threads. There's like 3 of them every week! The discussion is good, though, it helps weed out unhealthy habits and helps us create better collections! :maul

Speaking for myself, I have broken down SW into themes. I've noticed that I can pick out an iconic moment/character that stood out over the entire movie. Some themes have more "gravity" than others. Pick a theme with enough gravity to pull in everything else around it. So, here are my top favorite themes:

TPM = Duel of Fates, that's it. Already 2/3's done. :)

AOTC = Jango Fett, thanks to Medicom! This collection may later evolve into a Boba/Jango Fett focus, comprised of both Medicom figures, a PF, the McQuarrie Hasbro figure, and MR props.

ROTS = I'm still sketchy on this one. Obi-Wan was the central character throughout the movie, but this was Palpy's greatest act. I may go with a two tiered focus with the light and dark sides opposite of each other.

ANH = Han Solo, Captain of the Millennium Falcon. This is the only movie where he's just COOL. In the later movies he's long outlived his purpose IMHO. So, yeah, give me a proper ANH Han, Chewie, and the Dejarik Chess table. I already have the props to support this setup.

ESB = Hoth. Simple as that.

ROTJ = Jabba's Palace and the Final Duel. The lush, cozy, green canopy of Endor with Ewoks, Rebels and Scouts, are closely behind my top two themes. This means I am interested in the ERS, but their lack of popularity puts them on the backburner until a deal presents itself.

As Yoda says, always in motion the future is. These rules aren't set in stone, as I am always subject to change my mind.
FlyAndFight said:
I don't want to repeat the same mistake that I did when collecting the Hasbro 12" figures, which was to have a dozen versions of the same character. I'll stick with my Jedi Luke and await the X-Wing/Snowspeeder Luke and Tatooine Luke.

That's 3 Lukes right there, bro. The X-Wing and Hoth outfits are quite different. Don't forget Bespin, Bacta and Muppet Luke.
I'm still a completist (exclusive and inclusive versions of course). I'm actually looking forward to the Endor Rebels almost as much as Jabba! I know that sounds weird, but I'm just excited about them.

I'm also a LotR 12" and Dead 12" figures (including both Docs) completist and I have a complete collection of the X-Files figures as well. :eek:
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I've got it all -exclusive and inclusive. Though, just like most people here, the Endor Troops, Jabba's throne, and the ridiculous Sith probe droids where a real test for me. At a point, I thought I've had it with the SSC SW line. I like SSC's 'thinking out of a box' approach, but sometimes, it really isn't easy to see the difference between -milking- the fans, and -serving- the fans. I can think of at least 100 other things/characters from the SW universe I'd preferred over the Endor Troops, Probe Droids and the Chess table. Yes, and I still belive that Jabba's Throne could have been realized at a lower price point: it was inevitable to make Jabba's Throne from polystone, but the Boba Fett PF could be made from ABS?? Come on! It may be irrational for a grown up man to collect DOLLS (forgive the harsh words), but, hey, I'm not stupid! I wonder what other 'tests' SSC has in petto for us...
IrishJedi said:
Their choices of characters and the woeful inadequacies and limitations of the Buck are why many people are beginning to lose interest in this line.
Moreover the BUCK itself is influencing character choice.
Here's my biggest worry.
Ill use the chess set as an example - WHAT IF they come out with a diorama of the falcon, similar to Jabba's palace - wouldn't you be KICKING yourself for NOT getting the chess set! :confused:
The Earl of Dunfield said:
Here's my biggest worry.
Ill use the chess set as an example - WHAT IF they come out with a diorama of the falcon, similar to Jabba's palace - wouldn't you be KICKING yourself for NOT getting the chess set! :confused:
Yes, that's right, that is the essence of their (SSC) game! To a certain extend, it would be even worse for me: I take nothing less than the exclusive version...!
Essentially it comes down to $$$ for us non-millionaires. I'd love to buy everything and anything--- but there comes a certain point where logic and the almighty dollar kick in...

So far I've budgeted for things--- when SS release 12" figs at the price range of Medicom (regardless of their awesomeness) then that's when I might have to bow out... and I've already bought four Medicom (two in the hand and two more out there in the pre-order bush).
I was a completist right up to the chess table. I just could justify the price or the space it would take up. I also just canceled the Endor Troops a couple of weeks ago... I know I'll be able to pick them up pretty easily later down the line if I want.
I find Josh's new sig ostentatious and I will wage war on him as an example of a non-sig board member!!! VICTORY SHALL BE MINE!!!!!...:eek:

:monkey2 *small voice*Er...... Josh could you make me a sig? (whimper)
IrishJedi said:
That said, SSC had better already at work on ditching the Bucks and updating their bodies. And if they are, they should probably accelerate those plans. Their choices of characters and the woeful inadequacies and limitations of the Buck are why many people are beginning to lose interest in this line. I'm still in... but not nearly as excited about this line as I was even 6 months ago.

I agree that my interest in this line is beginning to faulter....MediCom right now is really outdoing them and I know that there isn't a part of my mind that thinks that SSC won't release these but right now its tough not to just ignore the wait time.

As for the Bucks, I agree a serious overhaul needs to be done especially when companies like Hot Toys are coming out with realistic body coverings to hide the joints. The thing is I have a bunch of SSC figures already and I can't see myself spending the funds to replace all of their bodies so its a catch-22 right now. I want the better articulated and overall better looking figure but I don't want to go back and have to buy a better Luke or Obi body but they WILL look inferior compared to the earlier releases....ugh.....
IrishJedi said:
That said, SSC had better already at work on ditching the Bucks and updating their bodies. And if they are, they should probably accelerate those plans. Their choices of characters and the woeful inadequacies and limitations of the Buck are why many people are beginning to lose interest in this line. I'm still in... but not nearly as excited about this line as I was even 6 months ago.

I agree that my interest in this line is beginning to faulter....MediCom right now is really outdoing them and I know that there isn't a part of my mind that thinks that SSC won't release those but right now its tough not to just ignore the wait time.

As for the Bucks, I agree a serious overhaul needs to be done especially when companies like Hot Toys are coming out with realistic body coverings to hide the joints. The thing is I have a bunch of SSC figures already and I can't see myself spending the funds to replace all of their bodies so its a catch-22 right now. I want the better articulated and overall better looking figure but I don't want to go back and have to buy a better Luke or Obi body but they WILL look inferior compared to the earlier releases....ugh.....