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I never even really noticed the beard/hair difference... now I will have to keep my eyes open next time I watch.




At the time ROTS Obi came out he universally hailed as quite awesome (paintjob not withstanding) and I think he still stands out as one of Sideshow's best sculpts.

Agreed, compared to Clonobi and some of SSC's figures in the past year, the paint apps don't hold up as well as when he was brand new, but I still love Andy's sculpt and would love to see it with a Clonobi quality paint job on the beard especially.

:rotfl Lucas should've fired the continuity overseer. That's atrocious. "Good morning Ewan. We'll be putting this Sean Young wig on ya. Once that's fitted, we'll be shaving your nads and gluing the curlies to your face for the pick-ups." I guess we should be lucky that SS didn't use that as the reference material for the sculpt. :yuck
I still say a second wig/pube beard head should've been the exclusive. :lol

That elevator shot never ceases to crack me up. That whole scene is so amateurish from the acting to the dialogue to the editing. They must've jammed that one in there at the very last second.
The more I've thought about it the more it feels like I'm just settling for the AOTC Ben. I'd rather a good (IMO) ROTS Kenobi, but that ship has sailed. I think I'll cancel and wait for the inevitable Darth Tyrannus/Christopher Lee figure. I keep having to fight the "completist" urge in me and remind myself to be content with single "definitive" figures; and for me ANH Obi-Wan is THE Obi-Wan figure.
At the time ROTS Obi came out he universally hailed as quite awesome (paintjob not withstanding) and I think he still stands out as one of Sideshow's best sculpts.

ROTS Obi Wan is still my favorite till this day and he can still hold his own against some the other newer figures.
its called topstick. You canm get it from most costume shops I think. Even most pharmacies.
ROTS Obi Wan is still my favorite till this day and he can still hold his own against some the other newer figures.

ROTS Obi-Wan is one of my favs as well. Mine has a decent paint app. My "Ben" Kenobi, on the other hand, looks like he hasn't seen the sun in 5 years. He's pale and still shiny, for some reason. I will be repainting him some day soon.
I haven't gone through all the previous pages to see if this has been addressed before, but why no SS Dooku?
I love the ROTS Obi, which means I'm not as eager to get the Ep II Kenobi. I particularly like the stern expression--makes him more intense. The Ep II sculpt in pretty spot on as well, but I'm in no hurry since I'm happy with my current Kenobi.
I'm surprised they made an EPII Obi Wan before an EPII Anakin. And so soon after the Clone Wars Obi Wan. You'd think they would have made every Vader and Anakin by now, since Lucas considers him to be the main character.