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Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Yup that or Tyrannus to go with my Jango.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

I'd rather have a TPM Obi-Wan, but being that he's my favorite SW character I'll take any and all versions. So I'm down.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Are there any significant differenced between the outfits of Ep II and III?
If not, I think a Clone Obi head-sculpt with Ep III outfit does the trick...
How about the light-saber?
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Not me. I can do without another Ep II product and that includes Dooku, Jango, and pretty much anything else I can think of. Give me more Phantom Menace stuff.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Ep I for me. Clonobi will be my only representation of Ep II Obi.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Are there any significant differenced between the outfits of Ep II and III?
If not, I think a Clone Obi head-sculpt with Ep III outfit does the trick...
How about the light-saber?

There are quite a few subtle differences in the two outfits, including the color of the tunics and undershirt. Also, the lightsabers are different. The design in EP2 is similar to that of TPM, but in EP3 he has one that is basically supposed to be the same one from ANH (much different).
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

I say go with AOTC i can't think of a single figure by sideshow that is specifically from that film.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Disclaimer: (Sarcastic post)

How about another resculpt of an exisiting figure (Luke, Han, Obi, Leia etc.) or a clone.

Please, please don't think outside the box and create a "major" character without an existing sculpt. Characters such as: Chewie (4 of 6) Yoda (5 of 6) and the droids (all 6) movies need not be recognized.

Does Han need Chewie (no), Does Luke / Obi Wan / Mace etc need Yoda (no) does anyone need the droids (hell no). We need power players such as: rebel commando's, fleet troopers and imperial commanders.

SS keep on rollin baby :rolleyes:
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

I'm waiting for an EPI Obi-wan, but would pass on an EPII - not that it wouldn't be a good figure, just more interested in an EPI version.

Although I would rather have a Chewbacca before either ... :monkey3
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Are there any significant differenced between the outfits of Ep II and III?
If not, I think a Clone Obi head-sculpt with Ep III outfit does the trick...
How about the light-saber?

You can make a decent fill in kitbash, but if an Ep2 figure is done properly, it should look significantly different from Ep3.

This is better than nothing, and maybe for some plenty enough, but Obi-Wan's a huge favorite of mine and I'm still holding out for an actual AOTC figure, as well as TPM.


Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

I dunno. I'm content with my Obi kitbash from the Armored Obi, General Obi, Qui-Gon and Mace. The only downside is that he sits slightly taller on the TrueType, but I can live with that.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

You can never get enough Obis. Bring on Ep 1 and Ep 2 Obi, Sideshow.
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Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

We need EP3 to display with PF Anakin.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

*yaaaaaaaawn* nope.
there were plenty of other jedi in aotc and there's no excuse for not making tyrannus yet.

oh, also i'd like a zam wesell because im tired of looking at my stupid hasbro one.
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Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

I would prefer a Phantom Menace version myself (to pose with Qui-Gon and Maul) but as mentioned previously, there are more characters that have yet to be released that deserve at least "one" rendition before we get a "Fourth" Obi-Wan.