Spooktacular 2012 announcement!!!

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I was thinking the Same that the Folks that got into Spook Left and the New ones are just worried about putting out the High dollar Statues now and doesn't have time for the little money .I mean really to not even put out a kit this year shows something is wrong .
and the poor excuse of a patient zero T-shirt with "Brains "on it complete rip off of the return of the living dead as that was the only Zombie movie that wanted just brains
It could be that they marked them as private, and then reopened them to the public today. I know I searched yesterday, and they definitely weren't accessible.

Interesting and potentially promising...
Yeah I'm missing the scavenger hunt, chat, etc. my calendar was marked for spook before I was getting sideshow calendars that had it printed in them....hoping for a turn around.
No, directing traffic to their site and attracting new customers which is the same as every other company.

This is the key. What always set Sideshow apart was the way they balanced new customer attraction with loyal customer "retention" (I use retention here, not in the context of retention through new products, but retention by creating a sense of community).

Looking at their new product offerings, I am finding less and less that appeals to me. Sometimes that is because the subject doesn't matter to me, but more often it is because the price points have gotten so high that I simply can't afford them. Now with Spook all but gone, I'm feeling less and less like a part of their intended demographic.

It seems to me that the downplay of Spook and the skyrocketing prices of new products are both symptoms of the same directional shift in Sideshow as a company.
Someone needs to make us simply black signature images. Just a blank black rectangle in honor of the poor departed Spook.