Media Spider-Man [PS4 Insomniac] Game

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So I watched the cut scene compilations on YouTube

Where does Peter get the technology and equipment from on his original Spidey suit in the beginning of the game :dunno
So far I have played this entire game in the Classic Spidey suit, I simply can’t bring myself to use a different one!
the devs confirmed he is 23 years old, 8 years after he first got his powers at age 15.

to say this spider-man is better than MCU Spidey isnt really fair as MCU spidey is at the 15-16 age range. He is still young, unsure of himself and his ability to craft reliant tech and suits.
Game spidey is going to be more confident in himself and his ability to craft what he needs.
They could have just always made MCU Spidey older, working at the paper, with a more recognizable Aunt May and MJ. The only reason he is this young and the character so wildly different was because the MCU (and more likely Sony) chose to make him that young and goofy.

TBH, would you rather MCU spidey make a suit like his stark suit on his own. or with the help of stark himself? Because that was always a thing that bugged me about the prior films is that here is a high school kid who somehow or another crafted his own suit that would normally cost thousands of dollars on it's own to craft.
Yes, I really would. The cost aside, one of Spiderman's biggest appeals is that he is down on his luck but self reliant. Its only because of his intelligence that he is able to come up with this stuff on a shoestring budget. On top of it all, the Homecoming Suit came with a ridiculous amount of bells and whistles that essentially turned him into Iron Man Jr. At that point there wasn't even much point to introducing Iron Spider since he basically already was.

That's another thing I like about this game. Through bits of dialogue we can see that Spider Man has been modifying and incorporating tech into his costume very slowly over time. Makes more sense why he would have it and why over time the worth of the costume would go up.

Also, these are 2 very different worlds...cant really compare them all too much.
Actually I was surprised by how many MCU references were in here. If it wasn't for the fact that the MCU Spidey already exists, I could easily see this taking place in the same world.
So I watched the cut scene compilations on YouTube

Where does Peter get the technology and equipment from on his original Spidey suit in the beginning of the game :dunno

If you play the game then you find backs packs scattered through the city which shows signs that peter has been upgrading his suit since high school.
Combat is soooo good once you get the hang of it and start unlocking more moves. It's deeper than you think.

I find myself spending more time doing swinging around the city doing random side quests and bits most of the time. Done most of the collectables already and it didn't feel like a chore. :lol

Love how the police show up after a crime to take it from there.
The gameplay in this is pretty fun (although the same three crimes popping up gets very repetitive), but I don't like the writing. Spider-Man doesn't feel like Spider-Man. Take a shot whenever a character says something "sounds familiar".

I thought it was laughably bad when
Spoiler Spoiler:

And when

Spoiler Spoiler:

I like the JJJ Alex Jones radio show.

Overall I still prefer Shattered Dimensions and Web of Shadows more. I only have about 45% completion so maybe it gets better.
Idk why people thought he’d be anyone else. I knew he they were lying when the trailer dropped and Arkham knight spoke.

I was like that’s def Jason Todd.
Eh, the overall story of Arkham Knight was more engaging especially the first 3/4... the story in this game feels just a bit generic.

Gameplay wise this one seems like a natural progression from the Arkham formula, even if nothing feels that new.

The stealth in this game is trash compared to Arkham though.
Yea, and as much as I love this game I wasn't a massive fan of them turning Mary Jane Watson into Lois Lane.
Arkham Knight is the weakest of the mainline trilogy with a predictable plot and underwhelming villain in Scarecrow. It doesn't hold a candle to Asylum and City.

A few hours in and Dr Oc already feels like a real character with flaws. Voice work and cutscenes are top notch and almost Naughty Dog level.

Also doing random stuff in city > annoying riddler trophies. :slap
Yeah this is better than all the Arkham games. This game is a pure joy to play. Activated all the towers last night, now there's tons of goodies to collect!
This game can be tough at times, always the random crimes like the armored car alerts. You get two or three of those big charging brutes and then throw in a couple of shock baton dudes and some machine I haven't died this many times in a game in years! Loving every minute of it though!
Idk why people thought he’d be anyone else. I knew he they were lying when the trailer dropped and Arkham knight spoke.

I was like that’s def Jason Todd.

I completely agree! I had many conversations at my old job with fellow coworkers who all these different conspiracy theories of who the arkham knight was.

I always thought that it was jason todd. it was the only logical conclusion in the series. We knew Jason existed and died at some point, yet we never got him in the games.

the only thing that always bugged me was where did Todd get the money to hire his own mercenaries and get all this tech that rivaled wayne tech?? it's never explained at all. How does a dead man get those wonderful toys??