Soon - All sales will have to be in Commerce

Collector Freaks Forum

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I rarely sell on this forum. A bunch of members are cheap *** hell, so i dont care if you have to pay to sell in this forum.
Please don't ban me, but, who's going to pay for Les Walker's membership?
Well, and what happen if you break the rule and sell something from your thread? For example when you make something cool and someone will ask you, if you selling it. It will something happen, if you sell it without PM or this breaks the rule and you will be punished? Because I think that will end here (like many For Sale thread in general Custom section).
Well, and what happen if you break the rule and sell something from your thread? For example when you make something cool and someone will ask you, if you selling it. It will something happen, if you sell it without PM or this breaks the rule and you will be punished? Because I think that will end here (like many For Sale thread in general Custom section).

Because it's too hard to reply to the initial inquiry with a link to your commerce thread? :dunno
I have no problem paying a fess if its needed but higher pm space would be appreciated.

I know people have asked about the For Sale threads but what about the Interest sections?
I'm reading between the lines here but, the fee for Commerce privileges is designed to weed out the less desirable elements of the Commerce section, the dead-beats and such.

The whole idea of "You need to be a member for X months and have X number of posts" doesn't seem to be working, so now people have to put their money where their mouth is.

Sums it up perfectly for me I'm all for paying a nominal fee if it improves the buying/selling experience on the board as a whole
Just thinking out loud, I'm essentially in favour of this if it speeds up and organises customisers and we aren't hit too hard... but I wonder where this will put the forum (and the admin) in the case of a C and D's being sent to artists - as they are providing a service now at a price that allows the sale. Is this similar to legal issues faced by torrent / peer to peer providers.
Im sure this site takes money to run, and more importantly...time. The fees are ok as long as they're not raping anyone (which I don't think they will). But, like it was asked earlier...what about the guys that are like Stiff Richards, who are a representative for someone who actually does the work, and everything goes through them? This has the makings of a really bad deal if this alone can't be controlled. If those customizers are required to handle their own business themselves, then that's gonna drive some customizers away up front. Thoughts?
This is going to be unmanageable. It would make much more sense to just charge all members Who want access to any for sale threads a small membership fee.
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I have a few more questions, and I hope they make sense...
A membership fee for ALL sellers AND people who want to access the commerce area to make purchases?
Now what about the people here now who have interest threads with deposits and pending shipments?
Or, people who are on interest lists for items?
How is this going to affect these type of purchases?
I'd personally hate to have to pay an additional fee to a sculptor for my item I've been waiting forever for because he now is passing the fee on to me the customer?

I don't mind helping out the board by paying a membership however I don't want to get reamed by fees because the seller/sculptor/artist/customizer doesn't want to pay them just like the whole "no paypal gift" policy but people still sell that way.

With the imminent opening of the all new SSF forum (probably in the next week or two) we are changing the policy on custom sales.

Starting when the new forum launches - anything being solicited for sale will have to go in the Commerce forum. We will create a new subsection there just for custom items.

I would like to make it in the model of People show off their creations in the appropriate section - for here that will mean that to show an item, an in-progress pic, etc., they will post in this forum.

BUT if they want to solicit it for sale they will need to post a separate thread in the commerce customs subsection. Any discussion of the sale of the item will be there including shipping updates, etc.. Any discussion of the figure or item itself will be in the original thread here.

Also in the new forum only Premium Members will be allowed to offer items for sale. Premium Members will pay an annual fee for membership and will get other perks besides sales forum access.

Okay - this thread is to ask questions, make suggestions, etc. Fire away...

Why fix something that isn't broken?
I can see a lot of fellow board a leaving going else where paying for a membership.

So if you want to create interest on something would you have to pay ?
Have you ever been in the custom section? It's been a cluster**** for years.

Guy with 0 post and 0 feedback shows a sculpt.
Sheeple fawn over it.
Guy says he can cast it for $100, bypassing commerce rules.
Several Sheeple send the nobody monies.
Guy doesn't log on for 7 months.
Sheeple all mad bro at losing monies.
Guy is all 'ha ha I'm using the internet.'
Have you ever been in the custom section? It's been a cluster**** for years.

Agreed... I welcome the separation and a nominal fee to sell might help dissuade some of the scammers. I believe the waiting period and post count will still apply, but with the fee being added.

Once again, as I understand it, the membership fee is only for people buying and selling.

I believe it is only for selling... everyone will still have access to buy, but only those who have the premium membership will be able to sell.

And like Karamazov already said, unless something changed the proposed fee was nominal, I didn't bat an eyelash when it was suggested. But I'll leave that to Dave to discuss as it's his decision.
If it requires me to pay a nominal fee only to buy/sell here, I have zero qualms about it. I hope Dave comes up with a FAQ soon; peeps are already tight in their jeggings!

Just thinking out loud here, so don't crucify me.

If charging a nominal fee for board maintenance is the goal, why not promote the SSF Affiliate links ? I'm not sure if many people frequent the Announcement section (The views are paltry). That gives Dave much more than he would get from memberships and not drive away some people too. Everyone's happy ?

Make it a practice to have all new threads have SSF Affiliate links and have a small line which says buy to support the board. A lot of people on the boards do buy directly from SS, some for Reward Points and some for Exclusives. Would this be feasible DD ?
I believe such a practice has been around a long time. Whenever a new announcement is posted, the respective thread is also updated with it's affiliate product link.

Guy with 0 post and 0 feedback shows a sculpt.
Sheeple fawn over it.
Guy says he can cast it for $100, bypassing commerce rules.
Several Sheeple send the nobody monies.
Guy doesn't log on for 7 months.
Sheeple all mad bro at losing monies.
Guy is all 'ha ha I'm using the internet.'
:goodpost: :lecture