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I would also like to thank Cbob, Elvis, some cream I got from the internet that works wonders and all you other guys for putting up with my rambling and NON star wars dollies
now the abs..... this is always the first piece of armour that I fix on.
I super glue it on and use a rapid set spray (because I am SO inpatient) any gaps a I have started to fill with either cheese, car body filler or milliput.... remember you will have to prime the armour before you glue it on... I usually pop some tape on the inside to stop it from sticking to the body suit as that really upsets me...
once filled and sanded I use some 1mm plasticard, ow I have got cramp ow oow ow ow.. I am ok I am fine go back to your seats.. I cut it to a strip and glue it round the body... this stops the armour splitting apart when you are playing with them in the bath...

On this one I have added a few plasticard bits to bulk the belt out.

the buckle is built from plasticard to... I will explain the tubing and stuff another time....




last this tonight is just a handy hint really.... the pouches..

I was gluing mine on but they were easily knocked off... so if you dremel down the back bit to a curve there is more surface area for it to stick to the belt and is harder to knock off...

If there is any thing else folks want to know just ask... also if folks want the armour I will be casting a few more sets and then moving on....

and all these images are up on if you need em in one place... the most amount of pics I took were for the cantina project... 438 and rising but I hope by I will break that with this project.....



Great tutorial m8 and great piccies, but if you do more than 5 marines (liams excluded) im gonna come raid your house for dollie goodness :lol

Man am I jealous. This looks like it should be the cover of a book.

Awesome, awesome stuff!

Mark whenever your ready mate. Looking forward to joining the "Space Marine Appreciation Society" lol.
Got some interesting ideas as said for mine ;) and may lead to me wanting a second kit (one close up and personal and the other for the Shooting :devil:mwaha
ahhh Paul... the idea of you doing a marine would be great...... I really love the fact you guys dig them... we are so lucky in the part of the boards to have so many positive and creative folks who just love their dollies more than cheese.. although I do like a good drop of hard cheese, a good strong Cheddar oww and a pickled egg....

Well I took a day off house work today and played with my dollies and chatted with Mary alll day on ishat, debs was going out in the evening so Liam and I had chip and curry sauce and went to see X-Men first class.... it was ok but totally one scene was ruined by Wolverine swearing.... I was so saddened but hey.... Liam thought the same...

So dollliieessss... well I am trying hard to get my head back in shape after the holiday... heart is totally fine just my head thats mush hahaa...

right MARINES... yes I am still hooked on them... so I wanted to start to add extra naughty bits... Some of the marines have this cool bit of tubing round the neck... so I had to of these amazing springs that are used for gundam models called wave springs... hard to get but sooo cool




Also made a belt for another marine... used the 4mm wave gundam spring things.. super glued em on first.. the added the plasticard front and sides and filled the gaps with cheese and some haddock paste.

Also started painting a blue snub helm.

this was my desk today...... so happy :)

Also got a head for my Victor Creed.... I love the sculpt Robbie did but I wanted to try the headplay one and its pretty cool... BUT boss eyed... pics in a mo..

ah, by the look of that last pic seems the wife is not about............or has mrs. dorgs given you permission to invade the kitchen?