Snake Plissken's Gentlemen's Club

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Good morning everyone!

This now looks like that marvel group. Lol.

They even say good night to each other. They are so nice.
Morning fellas.


1/6 MGSV Codec

Looks hot.
Matt and Trey summarized my thoughts on George Lucas/ technically no one told him to stop, or try to tell him its a bad idea. I think the executives just wanted a movie done asap. Here's the South Park commentary HERE

Same thing with Kojima, I mean, bless that man, glad he got his new studio set up with Sony, but man his deal with the female characters throughout the franchise...ugh God I love Meryl, but then it turns into the whole mess with Quiet -_-
He created the most powerful female lead ever in gaming, The Boss.

But then you have characters like Quiet which were pure jerk off material...

It's hard to believe they were made by the same man.
He created the most powerful female lead ever in gaming, The Boss.

But then you have characters like Quiet which were pure jerk off material...

It's hard to believe they were made by the same man.

I think it happens to most creators as they age like " I can do whatevah I want " I mean even George Miller went through that phase when he made Mad Max 3... but he bounced back at least with Fury Road XD

The boss was just amazing, I even love Eva so so so so much. I loved villains like Olga and Sniper Wolf, but then his later games had women enemies like Beauty and the Beasts , yes I get the sort of joke about the chicks, but the whole Quiet thing was uggggh.

So Kojima, congrats on the new studio but I hope someone can still tap on his shoulder and sometimes try to convince him when it's a bad idea -_-
I think it happens to most creators as they age like " I can do whatevah I want " I mean even George Miller went through that phase when he made Mad Max 3... but he bounced back at least with Fury Road XD

The boss was just amazing, I even love Eva so so so so much. I loved villains like Olga and Sniper Wolf, but then his later games had women enemies like Beauty and the Beasts , yes I get the sort of joke about the chicks, but the whole Quiet thing was uggggh.

So Kojima, congrats on the new studio but I hope someone can still tap on his shoulder and sometimes try to convince him when it's a bad idea -_-

I think at Konami, his ego got too big and at the end of the day he just loved the smell of his own farts. He should of moved on from MGS2, but that wasn't his choice since Konami probably forced his hand. MGS3 was the last great venture he did, but everything after that seems so disconnected and haphazardly attached to the rest of the series. MGS4 was a fail ending, but I respect it a whole hellva lot more than V. All the sequels to MGS3 are just redundant fluff that never should of been made.

I really hope all his future projects are completely removed from the genres and themes brought up in MGS. A clean slate could change my opinion of him. But after 10 years of the same mundane games, I'm staying pessimistic.
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