Snake Plissken's Gentlemen's Club

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I'd really be surprised if Kojima does anything extraordinary with Sony. They're not just going to bend over and let him do whatever he wants, which in turn could be a good thing. He'll end up putting out Assassin's Creed level games until he dies now, which is still better than what he's done the last ten years :lol

I just hope that his level of quality comes back to what it was prior to MGSV.
I'd really be surprised if Kojima does anything extraordinary with Sony. They're not just going to bend over and let him do whatever he wants, which in turn could be a good thing. He'll end up putting out Assassin's Creed level games until he dies now, which is still better than what he's done the last ten years :lol

I just hope that his level of quality comes back to what it was prior to MGSV.

The Lust of Ass Remastered.

Did you know that in Policenauts you could fondle people's breast just for the heck of it? And this man wrote MGSS2?? :slap
how the hell was this even allowed

His games have slowly gotten more and more perverted over the years. And it's not even just normal perv stuff. The last game he did before MGSV, he had two men having sex in a cardboard box, as well as pedophilia undertones with a girl (who at the time we thought was underage until you play the game further)

Somewhere along the line, he took his eye off the ball and just became a different person. He used to tell amazing narratives about the military industrial complex, and basically predicted the control of digital information in 2001.

I really hate how much I've disliked his writing the last 10 years since he was my idol as a kid. He was a juggernaut in the gaming industry. Very similar to what Lucas is to SW and how influential that series is with people, MGS is the same to games.
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