Skyfall (aka Bond 23)

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i saw Skyfall tonight and was surprised by the numerous influences The Dark Knight appeared to have on it...

I just watched it tonight and thought THE EXACT SAME THING.

Bardem was superb. I loved him. Shame he was killed off, I think he is one of the most intriguing Bond villains that will ever exist. There was something about him, harrowing.

It wasnt like a normal Bond film. I never like the Connery or Moore films. I didnt like lazenby. Didnt mind some of the Brosnan films, and up until Casino Royale, Timothy Dalton was my favourite Bond.

But these three films have been supreme. Gone is 90% of the cheesy lines. The campness is gone. its brutal, intriguing, interesting. Its not daft or ridiculous. I love the Craig films. I suppose thats why my Favourite was Licence to Kill; because it was adult, matured, gritty. It was an adult film with an adult storyline, alot of the cheese gone.

But yes, Skyfall was superb.
God this flick must be good my parents have actually ventured out to the cinema to see it tonight TOGETHER, a momentous occasion! I think the last film they saw was grease! lmao

Can't believe it took them 50 years to finally strip away all the nonsense that wasn't even in the books and have Bond feel like a capable and dangerous assassin and not a cartoon character.
I just watched it tonight and thought THE EXACT SAME THING.

Bardem was superb. I loved him. Shame he was killed off, I think he is one of the most intriguing Bond villains that will ever exist. There was something about him, harrowing.

It wasnt like a normal Bond film. I never like the Connery or Moore films. I didnt like lazenby. Didnt mind some of the Brosnan films, and up until Casino Royale, Timothy Dalton was my favourite Bond.

But these three films have been supreme. Gone is 90% of the cheesy lines. The campness is gone. its brutal, intriguing, interesting. Its not daft or ridiculous. I love the Craig films. I suppose thats why my Favourite was Licence to Kill; because it was adult, matured, gritty. It was an adult film with an adult storyline, alot of the cheese gone.

But yes, Skyfall was superb.

People do tend to forget the Connery ones weren't perfect. I think the quality slipped in "Thunderball" and they went downhill from there. But seriously, "Dr. No" is awesome. He shoots a guy in cold blood and it feels more like the books than any of the sequels did. And when he first introduces himself as "Bond, James Bond?" It wasn't a gimicky catch phrase yet. And that is the best deliverance of the line. It probably will never be topped. Craig's at the end of CR, due to the context, certainly follows at close second.

All that said, yeah, Craig's films are absolutely the best for me. I like what they've done with the character. And I think Skyfall is the best of both worlds for all Bond fans. It's set in the edgy, brutal world established in CR but brings back classic elements missing or done horribly wrong for the past couple decades.

I think I want to see this again in theaters but don't want to spend the money when "The Hobbit" hasn't come out yet.
People do tend to forget the Connery ones weren't perfect. I think the quality slipped in "Thunderball" and they went downhill from there. But seriously, "Dr. No" is awesome. He shoots a guy in cold blood and it feels more like the books than any of the sequels did. And when he first introduces himself as "Bond, James Bond?" It wasn't a gimicky catch phrase yet. And that is the best deliverance of the line. It probably will never be topped. Craig's at the end of CR, due to the context, certainly follows at close second.

All that said, yeah, Craig's films are absolutely the best for me. I like what they've done with the character. And I think Skyfall is the best of both worlds for all Bond fans. It's set in the edgy, brutal world established in CR but brings back classic elements missing or done horribly wrong for the past couple decades.

I think I want to see this again in theaters but don't want to spend the money when "The Hobbit" hasn't come out yet.

I think those who grew up with connery will naturally believe, that he is the best. I didnt like Connery because of the scottish accent. I mean, every other bond was clear english. So the continuity annoyed me there. I know Andrew Bond was a Scott and Monique was swiss like. But yeah. I just didnt like Connery. Moore was worse. Lazenby abysmal, Brosnan acceptable. Goldeneye was great and I still love World is not enough.

But Dalton was the first mature film. Not so quippy and camp. Raw emotion and anger, cold blood. Revenge. It was brilliant, licence to kill.

But these Daniel craig films, they delve so much into James Bonds psychology, into his mind. he isnt some joker who just makes quips, bangs women, shoots the badguy and kills them cheesily, onto the next rinse and repeat.

Bond has a personality, there is a vulnerability, a weakness. things affect him. He is a human being. Thats what i like about these current films. Theyve gone from scratch. Ofcourse theres the nice little nods to the original films, but im loving the retelling in a more true to the novel way.
Well it's not unlike Nolan's take on Batman. Focusing on characters and cutting the cheese.

And no, i'm not trolling.

The older Bond films never appealed to me because of the cheese factor. These ones have been on another level for me. Skyfall in particular. Though i do need to rewatch Casino Royale
Well it's not unlike Nolan's take on Batman. Focusing on characters and cutting the cheese.

And no, i'm not trolling.

The older Bond films never appealed to me because of the cheese factor. These ones have been on another level for me. Skyfall in particular. Though i do need to rewatch Casino Royale

CR is still my favorite, Skyfall right up there though.
I love the new Bond, but only because of the value behind them.

QoS was OK, but was WAY too ****ing serious. It wasn't at all what Bond should've been. Bond can be serious, but it has to be fun. No matter what. That's why the series is what it is. A dead serious Bond is not worth anyone's time, because it goes against everything he is.

SkyFall was the perfect combination of the two. I hope the next film ups the comedy, and camp a bit more. But to a degree. Stay in the Connery era, stay away from Rodger Moore level camp.
I love the new Bond, but only because of the value behind them.

QoS was OK, but was WAY too ****ing serious. It wasn't at all what Bond should've been. Bond can be serious, but it has to be fun. No matter what. That's why the series is what it is. A dead serious Bond is not worth anyone's time, because it goes against everything he is.

SkyFall was the perfect combination of the two. I hope the next film ups the comedy, and camp a bit more. But to a degree. Stay in the Connery era, stay away from Rodger Moore level camp.

I get what you're saying you sexy beast of a geek.

But No, No, No....leave it just the way it is, I agree with Fernand, Void and K07 on this one.

Leave the cheese were it belongs, in my toes. :lol
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I want it to the level of Goldfinger. That's as high as I want. I want the over the top villains, the great giant sets.

I want that to come back.
I want a guy with 10 flying hats of death.

Make the villain called Christain Nolan. And have him be a really boring person, who is very dour. And then at the end, he gets attacked by a mob of angry people (fans)

I want a guy with 10 flying hats of death.

Make the villain called Christain Nolan. And have him be a really boring person, who is very dour. And then at the end, he gets attacked by a mob of angry people (fans)


You have just brought upon yourself many years of voidcat punishment beyond comprehension. :horror

But probably also a few high fives from Nam and DiFabio. :lol
I love Nolan, but i'd welcome a villain with his name to die, so people can stop comparing this to TDK. :lol

I never caught it.
I love Nolan, but i'd welcome a villain with his name to die, so people can stop comparing this to TDK. :lol

I never caught it.

The connection was in my face a good many instances.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:
Never crossed my mind. Batman was so way behind anything I had inside my head. :D

But that's because my life doesn't revolve around Batman. :lol
Bond is possibly a gay boi in this. The "intimate moment" is just awkward and I can't believe Bond would respond like that. I cringed. He implies that he might have had sex before with other men? WUT!?! Moneypenny is black? Q is a young hipster? Skyfall isn't a mission or plot organization? So disappointed. It's like they turn everything that's great about Bond on it's head to reflect the times. They even make fun of the cliches and then show them. I mean I know Bond changes with the times, but the times suck! Great way to depict the character for his 50th anniversary.

The Nolan similarities/sensibilities are definitely there, especially the cinematography (which is probably the only good thing about it). Silvia is a gay version of the Joker, cop disguise, getting caught and "being ahead and all". The island looks like ****ing Inception! The story is boring. Bond retired, doesn't remember how to be Bond, sucks at being Bond. The Bond Rises.

Best Bond yet? **** THIS MOVIE!


Not even mad. Just a bit shocked actually. I guess the director wasn't lying. Jokes on me!

Get out of here, Skyfall was great. STFU.

Bond ain't gay, and neither was Silvia (well, I dunno, maybe). He was just trying to make Bond uncomfortable and Bond brushed it off with his usual charm (like in Casino Royale when he was getting his balls bruised).

The film talks about change but it also clings to tradition. James Bond exemplifies the old and is still very much the same Bond he was 50 years. If anything, Skyfall celebrates Bond's 50 years on screen in a fresh new way. They don't make fun of the old Bond films, they embrace it. The subtle and not so subtle homages to the other 007 films were brilliant. From "For her eyes only" to literally showing shaken not stirred. Also, let's not forget the return of the Aston Martin.

Don't feed into all the nonsensical Nolan Batman comparisons, this celebrates Bond, period. Silvia is a typical Bond villain, Bond is Bond, the plot revolves around spies and the secret service just like all the previous Bond installments. If anything, Nolan was inspired by Bond, not vice versa. I also saw more Mission Impossible, The Fugitive and Home Alone influences than anything else. It was a Bond film, period.

Forget about that though. Back to Bond. The opening almost made me weep with nostalgia with Adele's "Skyfall" theme, just like most of the other Bond intros. The song and animation was brilliant. They never once betrayed the character of Bond. In Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, Bond was too grim and serious, in this, the quips are back and Bond is just as good as his predecessors. He's suave AND lethal. The back and forth with Q, the little there was, was just a brilliant as the back and forth with the old Q. The action scenes were terrific and the cinematography was beautiful. It wasn't boring like most of the other "supposed" great cinematography in other films. Right away I noticed different principles and elements of design. Symmetry (when M is looking out the window and the rain and also the flag covered caskets of the deceased agents) and brilliant color (especially in Shanghai with those colorful advertisements in the highrise) . You could tell they tried to use as many exotic locations as possible, and they pretty much cover everything a movie goer would want to see in a film. The action is there, the sex, the humor, the guns, the scenery, the drama. Skyfall was great. Much better than that boring turd, Quantum of Solace.

This feels like a celebration of Bond while also keeping it fresh and new, the end is a testament to this.

Seeing the new M and Moneypenny with Bond taking on a new mission is just as cool as it was with Connery, or Brosnan or any of the other Bonds. Great film. Great Bond, James Bond.