SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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I think this sums up how awesome your work is:

:bow :bow

:thud: :thud:

Your work is impressive as always.
Sweet lord, I mistook that first pic for a prop head! I am humbled by your painting skills, Surf. Elder looks incredible.

EDIT: Just saw the body pictures... I still haven't recovered from receiving such a massive dose of talent and awesomeness just yet, so I can't think of nearly enough positive adjectives to describe the piece. Can't wait to see built-up pics though, I'll tell you that much! All hail.
I love you guys. Group hug.:1-1: :1-1: :1-1:

You guys make my day. Thanks for all the praise. I do this cause I love it, but it do this well because you love it.:peace
Some built up shots for y'all.


Diet Dr Pepper is not a myth. It really does taste as good as regular Dr Pepper, especially Cherry.




Hunter in the shadows is rising.

Thank you, and thank you.

It's hard to tell in these pics, but I also darkened the armor cause the P2 Elder's armor is almost a cobalt blue gunmetal color. I did some lightening of the dreads too, but it's not a dramatic change. Surprisingly, they were much easier to repaint the the stiffer, bendy dreads of the AVP Elder.
Thank you, and thank you.

It's hard to tell in these pics, but I also darkened the armor cause the P2 Elder's armor is almost a cobalt blue gunmetal color. I did some lightening of the dreads too, but it's not a dramatic change. Surprisingly, they were much easier to repaint the the stiffer, bendy dreads of the AVP Elder.
TMI warning - your pred repaints always give me a boner.

anyway, are you gonna fix the gauntlets too? HT didn't get them right and it's always bugged me.

PS. is there enough reference material to make an accurate scabbard for him?
I'm glad my paint apps are so 'stimulating' for you.:lol

This was a commission for repaint only. So, no, I won't be doing the scabbard or gauntlet mod on him, but if you search back a few pages I posted pics of my own Elder which I did do the gauntlet mod on, but recently sold on eBay. In fact, I did a lot of mods to that one, but this one has a better repaint.
yeah i remember that one you sold. and i'd still like to see a scabbard for this guy. doesn't seem like there are any clear pics of the actual prop anywhere though. i wonder how accurate the NECA one is.
You should make a full-on ultimate custom Elder. With the newer badass paint apps, the added cannon laser, the P1 shoulders, accurate gauntlets, and scabbard. Perfect in every possible way.
I would if I had another custmor had a P2 Elder and the parts (and the money) to work on. It would be nice to see a totally realized, ultimate Elder.
i'd rather see somebody make an accurate shoulder cannon than anything. the HT one sucks so bad and if i'm gonna drop a few $k on a 1:6 custom figure it better be super accurate. HT's sculpt looks suspiciously like the SSC P1 maquette's cannon which isn't based on the prop at all. been trying to convince baloo to make it but i don't think he's gonna bite either. probably more trouble/work/time than it's worth.
awesome work as always silent, thats the type of paintjob I would like for my 1:1 scale elder head, LMK when your table is clear