Rob Zombie's Halloween Uncut DVD - BUYER BEWARE

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King of the Monsters
CF Supporter
Sep 8, 2006
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Just wanted to share with my fellow freaks, it seems at the moment the only version of Rob Zombie's film that's out is the Uncut Director's Cut. Well, buyer beware, it has the trashy rape escape scene instead of the nice transfer scene from the theaters, you may wish to hold out for a theatrical edition or not buy this film at all, but when I saw the workprint, I felt this was the low point of the film, and I think it says a lot about what a **** up Zombie is to be so behind such a scene that he'd want it back in on the DVD, guy's trash.
What do you mean by rape escape? i know Zombie is one F'd up dude, i havent seen this movie anyway so can you break it down for me
Just wanted to share with my fellow freaks, it seems at the moment the only version of Rob Zombie's film that's out is the Uncut Director's Cut. Well, buyer beware, it has the trashy rape escape scene instead of the nice transfer scene from the theaters, you may wish to hold out for a theatrical edition or not buy this film at all, but when I saw the workprint, I felt this was the low point of the film, and I think it says a lot about what a **** up Zombie is to be so behind such a scene that he'd want it back in on the DVD, guy's trash.

thanks man. i'll make sure i hold out and watch the regular version.
There was a leaked, in progress cut of the film that hit the internet a few weeks before it was released in theaters. In this cut, Michael escapes while 2 janitor's break into his room to rape a female patient in the mental hospital he's locked in. It's really ****ed up and pure trash and I didn't care when it was cut out but now to see he liked it so much to want it back in really makes me think quite low of him as a person and a director. The theatrical release has Michael taking out a group of cops escorting him out of the hospital, it's much cleaner and because of the change, I really enjoyed the theatrical release. I really hope it gets offered on DVD. The only siginificant difference from the theatrical has been the change back to the rape scene, otherwise it's the same, so I'll work past that, but if the theatrical hits DVD I'll definitely buy it, THAT version is a pretty good movie.
I really have a hard time with rape scenes in film. There are a few instances where it is done in a way that is meaningful and powerful (Like Boys Don't Cry) but often it is exploitive and almost glorifying and sexualized. I'm sure I'll get boo-hooed for saying it, but I think its the sort of thing that should only be included if really necessary. And it sounds like this is a case where that is not so.

Thanks for the heads up!
I just want to play devil's advocate here. Some scenes from the theatrical cut:
1. Little Michael feels up his sisters leg and ultimately stabs her a dozen times.
2. Big Michael beats the poo out of a topless Danielle Harris, leaving her on the floor bleeding and screaming for her life.
3. Little Michael beats a high-schooler to death with a big stick after hearing the kid beg for him to stop.

So, rape is not okay, but killing family members and showing a teenage boy getting beat to death is??

I am not saying you are wrong by any stretch...I just want your thoughts on this :cool:
I really have a hard time with rape scenes in film. There are a few instances where it is done in a way that is meaningful and powerful (Like Boys Don't Cry) but often it is exploitive and almost glorifying and sexualized. I'm sure I'll get boo-hooed for saying it, but I think its the sort of thing that should only be included if really necessary. And it sounds like this is a case where that is not so.

Thanks for the heads up!

I just want to play devil's advocate here. Some scenes from the theatrical cut:
1. Little Michael feels up his sisters leg and ultimately stabs her a dozen times.
2. Big Michael beats the poo out of a topless Danielle Harris, leaving her on the floor bleeding and screaming for her life.
3. Little Michael beats a high-schooler to death with a big stick after hearing the kid beg for him to stop.

So, rape is not okay, but killing family members and showing a teenage boy getting beat to death is??

I am not saying you are wrong by any stretch...I just want your thoughts on this :cool:

The protraly of rape is a bit different than violence... sure neither is pro-social but the line often gets blurred when rape is portrayed. Violence is usually straight forward and used for shock and even though one person is harming another (as strange as it sounds) the act is usually not as intimate or emotionally damaging. Especially in slasher flicks... they are over the top violent, so there really isn't much emotionality, now I admit I haven't seen the new version so I can't speak to the other scenes. Also a big problem with rape scenes in film is that they are often sexualized (sometimes the women in scenes even appear to enjoy it) where rape is not about sex... its about power and control. Like I said before, it can be portrayed realistically and in powerful manner, like in Boys Don't Cry (a very difficult scene) but usually in films this is not the case.

But to be clear on one thing, although these are my views, I still do not believe in censorship. I may not agree with parts of a film, but its still a person's right to choose what they make or see.
wow, i already have a screener with all the scenes that were cut out including topless sister, boyfriend bat beating and the patient rape scene. these weren't in the theatrical version? :confused:
I really have a hard time with rape scenes in film. There are a few instances where it is done in a way that is meaningful and powerful (Like Boys Don't Cry) but often it is exploitive and almost glorifying and sexualized. I'm sure I'll get boo-hooed for saying it, but I think its the sort of thing that should only be included if really necessary. And it sounds like this is a case where that is not so.

Thanks for the heads up!

I have to agree, the most difficult scene in a movie I have ever seen is Hillary Swank's rape scene in Boys Don't Cry. I am glad I watched it alone because it was both gripping and powerful.
I think the most shocking scenes I have ever witnessed are both in Robocop.

1 - The business man getting turned to swiss cheese in the board room
2 - The execution of Officer Alex Murphy

I heard about the rape scene in Halloween before it came out and was fully expecting it when I saw the film in theatres. I understand the concern but if given the chance I will check it out. I expected something tame but effective like Alex and his gang raping the author's wife in A Clockwork Orange, but if it is as graphic as described I still want to see it.
I want to give it a chance because I believe Rob Zombie is a genius and I want to see his vision.
I have to agree, the most difficult scene in a movie I have ever seen is Hillary Swank's rape scene in Boys Don't Cry. I am glad I watched it alone because it was both gripping and powerful.
I think the most shocking scenes I have ever witnessed are both in Robocop.

1 - The business man getting turned to swiss cheese in the board room
2 - The execution of Officer Alex Murphy

I heard about the rape scene in Halloween before it came out and was fully expecting it when I saw the film in theatres. I understand the concern but if given the chance I will check it out. I expected something tame but effective like Alex and his gang raping the author's wife in A Clockwork Orange, but if it is as graphic as described I still want to see it.
I want to give it a chance because I believe Rob Zombie is a genius and I want to see his vision.

probably the most disturbing scene i have witnessed lately was in hostel 2. the upside down virgin getting sliced by the sickle still makes me feel kind of queezy even after seeing the movie a few times. scary to think there are actually people in this world that are capable of practicing these type of rituals. i think the girl taking the blood bath was my ex-girlfriend! :google
I just want to play devil's advocate here. Some scenes from the theatrical cut:
1. Little Michael feels up his sisters leg and ultimately stabs her a dozen times.
2. Big Michael beats the poo out of a topless Danielle Harris, leaving her on the floor bleeding and screaming for her life.
3. Little Michael beats a high-schooler to death with a big stick after hearing the kid beg for him to stop.

So, rape is not okay, but killing family members and showing a teenage boy getting beat to death is??

I am not saying you are wrong by any stretch...I just want your thoughts on this :cool:

I totally understand the argument, but those other things are somewhat par for the course in modern horror/slasher films. Personal taste, I just find it disturbing to use not only a rape scene but a grotesque rape scene for nothing other than stirring **** up, it has no relevance to Michael's character or anything. Killing without mercy at least establishes Michael's brutality and has some relevance to his character. I never really read anything into Michael touching Judith's leg other than it was to make him seem creepier and more in a tranced, murderous state. And like I said, having bare breasted girls is basically a trademark of every film in the genre today, right or wrong.
I thought I saw a theatrical edition at Wal-Mart today. :confused:

Basically Unrated = workprint?

THanks for mentioning that, I just checked Wal-Mart's site and they do indeed have a theatrical cut, looks like I'll be running by Wal-Mart then. Odd that FYE and others don't offer this.

However, Unrated = Theatrical + Rape Scene

There are a few added insight moments during Loomis's early diagnosis of Michael which I think should have been in the theatrical cut, really lets you see the progression of Loomis losing hope that Michael can be treated, something you don't get a glimpse of in the original cut. Other than that, any other changes must be added cursing or subtle things because I didn't notice and other differences. When I get the Theatrical DVD I can better tell you.
So the rape scene has no connection or relevance to Michael in any way? They just show 2 guys break into a room to rape a girl? That's a bit *****'d up:emperor I could understand if it had a meaning to the story but if it's just a rape scene for the hell of it, that ain't cool.
Just wanted to share with my fellow freaks, it seems at the moment the only version of Rob Zombie's film that's out is the Uncut Director's Cut. Well, buyer beware, it has the trashy rape escape scene instead of the nice transfer scene from the theaters, you may wish to hold out for a theatrical edition or not buy this film at all, but when I saw the workprint, I felt this was the low point of the film, and I think it says a lot about what a **** up Zombie is to be so behind such a scene that he'd want it back in on the DVD, guy's trash.

Pretty sure I saw the regular Theatrical version in a 2-Disc Special Edition at Best Buy last night. It was even less expensive than the Uncut version.
I bought a bootlegged copy of the film about 2 months ago on DVD. It had the rape scene in it. I never saw the movie in the theaters so I thought it was part of the theatrical release:dunno

I don't see how it is relevant to the film, but at the same time it didn't really both me either. When I watch films of this nature I take all I see in it with a grain of salt. They are horror and in recent years the obvious goals of some film makers is more shock than quality film making. Its near impossible to shock anyone with murder or torture anymore, we have become HIGHLY desensitized to these acts of violence. However rape is still, and will likely forever, a very taboo topic. The less we (the audience) reacts to random acts of violence the more film makers are gonna work to try and "shock" us.

I do however finds rape more disturbing when used in a film when it is highly relevant to the story.Never seen Boys Don't Cry, but I have to say the most ****ed up scene I have EVER seen in a movie is in the Jodie Foster film The Accused. Its hard to watch, yet important to the film and therefore, IMO, holds more weight than something in a horror film added purely for shock value.
def dont watch the Hillside Strangler with C Thomas Howell & Nick Turturro then.
Probably the most disturbing movie Ive seen. With many all to real rape scenes
I have to say the most ****ed up scene I have EVER seen in a movie is in the Jodie Foster film The Accused.

That's not a rape scene... it's an ode to pinball machines. :monkey3

Just kidding. Yeah, that's rough stuff. In fact, there are 2 taboos for me when it comes to movies: Rape and/or child molestation. I simply can't stomach it and when that happens in something I'm watching I either turn away or turn it off. I can watch heads exploding, blood-spurting and creatures chomping on flesh all day long with no problem, but visceral violence toward women, children (or Ned Beatty) really turns me off. I can't handle it.
The most disturbing movie rape scene that I have seen is Gaspar Noé's Irréversible starring Monica Bellucci. It was one of the few films that I had to watch in multiple sittings. It is a great film but it is one that I really whole heartedly recommend.
