Media Resident Evil 7

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Nobody in the demo will be in the main game apparently
Cept for the hill bully guy and that weird chick

I honestly would rather a story of the guys in the found video, investigating haunted houses than playing another virus game. This should not be RE and just a new IP.

Theres been a bunch of interviews that almost nothing in this demo will be in the final game. This is what they referred to as the "tonal demo". It's just the atmosphere and exploring aspect of the game. It doesnt show case any combat etc...which they'll showcase later
I honestly would rather a story of the guys in the found video, investigating haunted houses than playing another virus game. This should not be RE and just a new IP.

I don't know what to think of the series anymore... :lol seriously after Code Veronica the series changed. Storyline etc.

They keep messing with the main story line too much... They might as well reboot the series. Or make a separate series...

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What I hate is they can't seem to keep the all seeing evil organization straight. There's HCF that Wesker was working for in CV. Ada mentions the organization...S organization or whatever. Then out of nowhere theres tricell. Then the family in RE6....i know they explained the breakdown in a report or file or something..but...its too much...they need to consolidate.
Don't forget the retcons/inconsistencies like the damage done by the Raccoon City nuke and the reasons :lol

and the nonsensical structure of Raccoon City. How the balls did Rebecca, Billy and Enrico get from the train, to the training center, to the labs, to the cliffs overlooking the mansion?!
I'm thinking back...there seems to be a magic elevator problem a few other times isn't there? :lol
Isn't it strange how in the resident evil universe raccoon city hasn't gone public yet? The mass majority was tricked into thinking it was a nuclear meltdown. What's to hide ? I'm pretty sure monster sightings, zombies and other bows are known to the public especially after 6. The town was attacked by zombies and I'm sure the re universe knows full well what zombies are so why hide it. It won't be a big shock how raccoon city was lost.
Nah its public. Hence why Umbrella shut down. They mention it at the beginning of RE4. Plus the degeneration movie touches on it as well. Thats why you see those protestors. Also why the BSAA exists if I remember. The whole nuclear meltdown thing was from the movies

Dont bring up the magic elevator. It hurts my brain so much :lol

We just gotta take it as a gameplay mechanic to return to the first area quickly. I mean, you take the tram probably miles away from the training facility, and the elevator itself :lol

As for the lab, I don't care what they say over at projectumbrella, it's the RE2 lab.
We just gotta take it as a gameplay mechanic to return to the first area quickly. I mean, you take the tram probably miles away from the training facility, and the elevator itself :lol

As for the lab, I don't care what they say over at projectumbrella, it's the RE2 lab.
Hold up what? what did they say? That's clearly the RE2 lab and they said otherwise?!
Hold up what? what did they say? That's clearly the RE2 lab and they said otherwise?!

A good number of them think that Marcus and Birkin had two separate labs according to files. They're main argument is that there's monsters running around while it was supposed to be operational since Birkin was running the RE2 lab at the time. Hence, two different labs. But I mean look at all the evidence. You can visit the save room for RE2 next to the turn table and it's literally the same security room where you see Mr. X on the camera. I'm not saying it makes any sense at all and it was ham handed fan service with no consistency with the source material, but it's the same lab and industrial district.

But it doesn't make any sense that the Training Facility and the dam both self destruct but the lab wasn't shown when they say it's supposed to be a separate lab. If it was a separate lab, all would detonate. It's just one of many oversights in the series, and I think they stuck the RE2 lab in because they didn't have confidence in what they were making.

I mean let's face it. The dam section at the end of the game sucks, and doesn't even feel like a "final" area.
The final section in RE0 is probably the weakest, it lacks....anything really. It tries to shoe horn in some stuff with finding Billy, the Lurker thing and that one jump scare with the battery. But it's so forgettable. That library section actually would have serviced for a final area though, it had a really nice feel.

But on the lab, that's idiotic. Why would they have identical labs? In Code Veronica they explain why the final mansion is similar to the Spencer Mansion and even then any moron can tell it's not the Spencer Mansion. the destruction is the only thing...
Nah its public. Hence why Umbrella shut down. They mention it at the beginning of RE4. Plus the degeneration movie touches on it as well. Thats why you see those protestors. Also why the BSAA exists if I remember. The whole nuclear meltdown thing was from the movies

Well wait. The president in re6 was about to expose what really happened in raccoon and they killed him for it.
That's what I'm saying! Everything surrounding the nuke is inconsistent! :panic: Capcom can't make up their minds. At this rate, RE7 is gonna reveal that Raccoon City was not blown up!
Well wait. The president in re6 was about to expose what really happened in raccoon and they killed him for it.

That's what FSLAR is saying :lol

Also RE6 is stupid...and not canon...and stupid...also stupid...

That aside it's probably "the families" involvment that he was gonna expose. Or he fact the government was involved and had contracts with umbrella...i think that was it. The world knew umbrella was at fault, but not how deep in it the government was.. Who the **** knows...Capcom sure as hell does not.
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Im fine with Re 6 being canon i just hate having to play it. We see Leon progress in his career, we get a bit more backstory on Ada, our " main " protagonist has a break down and becomes an angry drunk. We have Wesker and Birkin offspring planting the seeds for future protagonists. And all though the overall plot of Simmons seems lame, atleast it was connected to Racoon city and intertwined Re 6 with the other games in a way more than it just featuring the same characters.

It just plays like trash when you play it on anything above normal.
I hope they retcon the **** out of jake. What a **** ****ing character. Generic would be to kind of a word for him.
Revelations fluffed me off. Pink frigging goo blobs? Awful enemies and stupid story. Then you have terragriga; you single handedly hold off 30+ hunters, the damn MA121's in REmake strike fear just with one alone. I dont remember them stopping and letting you shoot them. I walked round a corner and got decapitated for gods sake.

Everything post CV is messed up story-wise.
I only played RE1, and I loved it right until you start playing as Chris and it became a COD game.
Also Jessica is the WORST AI partner because she never shuts up, and I swear she is inadequate compared to Parker. Chris's sections did ruin things.

Terragriga was a pretty bad section, not gonna lie. Went on for too long and it felt shoe horned in.