People born between 1975-1985

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1979 here

I can totally relate to everything in that article along with what we are all sharing here.
Ive often thought about this topic and Id say that all of us of that generation were definitely lucky to have been able to experience these technological advancements step by step through the years.
We were also able to enjoy some of the best movies and cartoons to have ever been made :)

I also often think that maybe our memories of "things being better back then" are because back then we were younger and didn't fully understand the ways of the world, if you will. The responsibilities, pressures, relationships, ect that can be hard to deal with when you become an adult and fully cognitive of your surroundings.
Being a kid we are so care free and the only thing we needed to worry about was homework and school and whether or not your best friend could come over to hang out.

I dunno, maybe Im taking this too far...heh
i was born in 1973..
never had a atari...had cable and color t.v (the family). for that ..can't remember when i got one.went from beta to vhs.going to the movie theater was cool. still remember drive thru..
also it was safe to walk the streets with friends...
if the new generation didn't have cell phones they would be devastated with not knowing what to do..
walking instead of driving..
spoiled brats of america..bribery does not work .it just makes lazy people...
so my advise. take away the computer and cell and i-pod.

move to the country and live for childhood and youth..
it goes by too fast and you will regret when you should of spent moire time with family...
i love seeing my parents... i will miss them someday terribly...
i was born in 1973..
never had a atari...had cable and color t.v (the family). for that ..can't remember when i got one.went from beta to vhs.going to the movie theater was cool. still remember drive thru..
also it was safe to walk the streets with friends...
if the new generation didn't have cell phones they would be devastated with not knowing what to do..
walking instead of driving..
spoiled brats of america..bribery does not work .it just makes lazy people...
so my advise. take away the computer and cell and i-pod.

move to the country and live for childhood and youth..
it goes by too fast and you will regret when you should of spent moire time with family...
i love seeing my parents... i will miss them someday terribly...

Crap, Turtle... that made me sad. :ohbfrank:
I was born on the year when they first introduced the original Mac yet I still consider myself a child of the 90's...

I guess my school must have been too far behind as I never got to play Oregon Trail. I typically just nod my head and pretend I can share in that seemingly awesome memory :monkey2

I did think Kings Quest II was the greatest game of all time though :lol
I think it's all quite fascinating that when we ('77 here) reached professional age - a lot took careers in industry that revived said decade and made things there were originally for kids - collectable. As much as we love our 80's childhood... we now enjoy it because of the 90's when things became nostalgic and collectable.

It's a shame Hollywood sucks so bad now. I think technology has killed imagination. Just look at what came out of our youths via the silverscreen....

Star Wars O.T.
On and on...

True Icons that in all honesty, some are not as good as the memories we cherish about them all because of the imagination we invested in these worlds.

Kid's are too busy gaming or texting now to take advantage of their imaginations IMO.

I hope we can offer imaginings that will encourage the next generation to tell them selves it's OK to be a kid at heart like we were encouraged to do in the late 70's and 80's.