Paul Walker dead

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Tribute put out by Universal. I for one couldn't watch it with a dry eye, especially when the song kicked in.
Glad to see that this is official and not just a fan tribute video. Made me tear up as well.

I just watched the first Fast and Furious film yesterday for the first time and really liked him and his character. I wish I had known about him before his death. :(
That is one movie I have yet to see of his. I have been told for years I should watch it. I might have to pick it up this week and watch it.
10 Quotes From Paul Walker–

1. I'm a Christian now. The things that drove me crazy growing up was how everyone works at fault-finding with different religions. The people I don't understand are atheists. I go surfing and snow boarding and I'm always around nature. I look at everything and think, 'Who couldn't believe there's a God? Is all this a mistake?' It just blows me away.

2. You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae. - in Flaunt Magazine, July 2001.

3. Some people say that you should go to all the parties, to the nightclubs, the Viper Room, and make contacts, and I look at them and say, 'You don't want to have contacts with those people.' Look at what happened to River Phoenix (who died in 1993 of a drug overdose outside the Viper Room). If you get caught up in that, it ruins you. Hollywood is garbage.

4. Surfing soothes me, it's always been a kind of zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave.

5. I'm into being a dad, that's where my focus is most of the time. I'm an actor that's my job, but it's not my life. I have a lot of other interests too.

6. I'm a dreamer. I've got this whole thing where I think I'm supposed to be a musician. I live by the seat of my pants, but I'd like to think that I'm also pretty sensible.

7. I want to get married. I think about it a lot. But I also think about my cars, so maybe my priorities aren't exactly in line just yet.

8. Life's too short. And the biggest curse is falling in love with somebody.

9. I'm much more likely to give myself a kick in the butt than a pat on the back.

10. I like low maintenance, natural, outdoor, shy girls.
There were two prop planes flying over the Valencia, CA area yesterday (above the crash site), quoting the bible and wishing Paul Walker to RIP.
Tribute put out by Universal. I for one couldn't watch it with a dry eye, especially when the song kicked in.

This is a great tribute video, well done Universal. However, after seeing this video I just don't see how they can carry on the franchise, Fast and the Furious makes no sense without Paul Walker. I really think with him gone its an end of an era. :(
This is a great tribute video, well done Universal. However, after seeing this video I just don't see how they can carry on the franchise, Fast and the Furious makes no sense without Paul Walker. I really think with him gone its an end of an era. :(

As much as like Paul Walker, I think Tokyo Drift was possibly the best Fast and Furious. At least better than 1 and 2.
Since Paul Walker wasn't in Tokyo Drift, there is a franchise without him.
As much as like Paul Walker, I think Tokyo Drift was possibly the best Fast and Furious. At least better than 1 and 2.
Since Paul Walker wasn't in Tokyo Drift, there is a franchise without him.

I didn't think it was the best, but I really liked Tokyo Drift as well.
As much as like Paul Walker, I think Tokyo Drift was possibly the best Fast and Furious. At least better than 1 and 2.
Since Paul Walker wasn't in Tokyo Drift, there is a franchise without him.

Toyko drift is more aimed at hardcore racing fans, as there is very little plot. Whereas the rest of the Fast and Furious movies are not only about racing cars but have more of a story to them. My point is the other Fast and Furious films appeal to wider range of audience than Toyko Drift as the films are not only about racing but are good action films to. This would explain why the later films get higher ratings at IMDB than the previous films. Furthermore, most people would not know what drifting is or how it is performed when it comes to cars.
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I didn't think it was the best, but I really liked Tokyo Drift as well.

1 and 2 had very weak plots. Most of the movies are about the action more than any real story. I can't recall any particular movie that had a whole lot of character development of Paul Walker's character.
You could see his personality and attitude throughout the movies, so in that sense, overall, there was development, but these movies just lack plots in general.

Paul Walker's character had little depth. Vin Diesel's character had far more depth. I don't see this as Paul Walker's fault, though. It was the writing.
Tokyo Drift had a plot. There was a central character that was developed and you grew to care about in watching his personal struggle.
In the first Fast movie, Walker was just a cop doing his undercover job, and most of what he did seemed to be deception, apart from just bringing in the bad guys. Furthermore, his moral compass became confusing at the end, so you never really knew what he stood for to begin with, beyond a liking for driving fast cars.

In the rest of the films, he seemed largely a member of a bigger team just doing his part in the pursuit of bigger adrenaline rushs. I'm sorry, but that's not a very good plot, or a particularly impressive character. He was always very likable, though.

By contrast, Eight Below had much better character development and he showed more acting talent, and that movie had a real plot.
1 and 2 had very weak plots. Most of the movies are about the action more than any real story. I can't recall any particular movie that had a whole lot of character development of Paul Walker's character.
You could see his personality and attitude throughout the movies, so in that sense, overall, there was development, but these movies just lack plots in general.

Paul Walker's character had little depth. Vin Diesel's character had far more depth. I don't see this as Paul Walker's fault, though. It was the writing.
Tokyo Drift had a plot. There was a central character that was developed and you grew to care about in watching his personal struggle.
In the first Fast movie, Walker was just a cop doing his undercover job, and most of what he did seemed to be deception, apart from just bringing in the bad guys. Furthermore, his moral compass became confusing at the end, so you never really knew what he stood for to begin with, beyond a liking for driving fast cars.

In the rest of the films, he seemed largely a member of a bigger team just doing his part in the pursuit of bigger adrenaline rushs. I'm sorry, but that's not a very good plot, or a particularly impressive character. He was always very likable, though.

Never said it was a good plot just said it was a better plot than Toyko drift which had no plot at all and was aimed mainly at people who know more about racing maneuvers. Thus, the other Fast movies reached a broader audience. The bottom line is more people preferred the other Fast and Furious movies (well except number two) thus, this is why the studio has put the Fast 7 on hold indefinitely.

By contrast, Eight Below had much better character development and he showed more acting talent, and that movie had a real plot.

Yeah I would agree with that.
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1 and 2 had very weak plots. Most of the movies are about the action more than any real story. I can't recall any particular movie that had a whole lot of character development of Paul Walker's character.
You could see his personality and attitude throughout the movies, so in that sense, overall, there was development, but these movies just lack plots in general.

Paul Walker's character had little depth. Vin Diesel's character had far more depth. I don't see this as Paul Walker's fault, though. It was the writing.
Tokyo Drift had a plot. There was a central character that was developed and you grew to care about in watching his personal struggle.
In the first Fast movie, Walker was just a cop doing his undercover job, and most of what he did seemed to be deception, apart from just bringing in the bad guys. Furthermore, his moral compass became confusing at the end, so you never really knew what he stood for to begin with, beyond a liking for driving fast cars.

In the rest of the films, he seemed largely a member of a bigger team just doing his part in the pursuit of bigger adrenaline rushs. I'm sorry, but that's not a very good plot, or a particularly impressive character. He was always very likable, though.

By contrast, Eight Below had much better character development and he showed more acting talent, and that movie had a real plot.

I never saw Eight Below. I've heard a lot of good things though. I definitely need to check that out.
This was posted on my Facebook page. Why do people feel the need to do this ****?

Ween, while in poor taste that post does make a good point. How many street interviews have we all seen where high school and college students can't name the VP, Speaker, Secretary of state, Senate majority leader, why we celebrate Independence Day or who we defeated to win independence, but yet they can name every Kardashian and who's won American Idol 8 years running.

I'm a Walker fan and will really miss his work, but there is some sad truth there as well.
Ween, while in poor taste that post does make a good point. How many street interviews have we all seen where high school and college students can't name the VP, Speaker, Secretary of state, Senate majority leader, why we celebrate Independence Day or who we defeated to win independence, but yet they can name every Kardashian and who's won American Idol 8 years running.

I'm a Walker fan and will really miss his work, but there is some sad truth there as well.

I'm not saying it's not a true, but it's a smack in the face to Paul and his fans and it was done to stir up crap. Why compare their deaths like that? Both death's are sad.

As for those interviews, those are mostly done for a laugh and I'm sure they get a lot of right answers too that they don't show.
I'm not saying it's not a true, but it's a smack in the face to Paul and his fans and it was done to stir up crap. Why compare their deaths like that? Both death's are sad.

As for those interviews, those are mostly done for a laugh and I'm sure they get a lot of right answers too that they don't show.

You can't compare the two. Nelson died at 95 years of old age after a long life. Paul's death was a tragedy.
Seriously!? Why must we compare death? It's stupid and degrading. A loss of life is a loss of life no matter who it is. Sad no matter who.

I hate humanity some times. I'll say it again...the problem with some people is that they exist.
I agree with the post, to an extent. Walker was an actor; he was a human being, but then, so are the millions of other people who die every day. Am I saying that people shouldn't show their support? Absolutely not. However, I do think it says something about society when I can look at my Facebook newsfeed and see more "R.I.P Paul Walker" posts. I'm not saying that he wasn't a good guy who did good things, but, at the end of the day, it really goes to show just how much people value the idea of celebrity when it overshadows the death of a man who helped end one of the darkest times in South Africa's history.

Basically, I don't think the post is speaking out against Walker as a person, so much as it is against the idea of how we worship celebrity status.