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Chicky edited her post:

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

Congrats, guys! (and gal!) :rock :rock :rock
I take a nap and this is what I get - missed this easy contest by Chicky:banghead:lol

So SixMil, still on a streak? I bet not anymore. I am sure you got in on that freebie by Chicky.
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:

Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!

You are absolutely awesome Chicky :rock
I missed the SSE Mummy PF too:banghead

Can someone please tell me what time it went up and how many were available?
Okay... Not to be a bad loser, but my second and last PM was dated at 8 past the hour. Mesa said his first PM wasn't sent until 10 past and then sent two more at 12 and 20 past, so I'm not sure why he got in and I didn't. (Nothing personal Mesa! Just using you as an example because you posted the times.)
congrats to all who won... such an awesome opportunity.. I will try and be quicker with my pudgy little fingers next time:rotfl
My dang state sucks even more now!
I woulda won If I just put DE!!! :(

I'm just playing of course :lol Congrats to the winners! :duff
Also please remember that I am getting PMs from people who are not posting but lurking. :)

PLease recheck the list as people were added.
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:

Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!

Thanks Chicky. :D You are the bestest Mistress of the Web ever!! :D:banana