Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Thing for me is I don't have the HT T4 figures anymore and I miss having those designs on display, especially Connor's look from the beginning. With T3, I just don't care for the designs much other than a BD T-850, I'd just get McFarlane figures if I wanted the more clean look.

Yeah I'd only want the T-850. Not really bothered with the TX.

Its actually a funny reversal of prior times when McFarlane were the only game in town for Terminator figures - they released the T3 figures which made me crave the ''real'' Terminator figures of T2 and T1. At that point there was only the Movie Maniacs 4 T2 T-800 where they weren't allowed use his likeness. I was desperate for a clean T2 T-800 and had to settle for the T3 one. Now of course clean T2s are everywhere and those McFarlane T3s remain the only ones from the film.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I have to say, as much as I prefer NECA's new super articulated figures, even their more statuesque figures beat out McFarlane's efforts, and not just T2. McFarlane had some nice sculpting and paintwork, but their pose choices were often horrible and with less articulation the the most limited NECA figure, you were stuck. They did an amazing Michael Myers headsculpt on an odd body pose, their Sream figure was awful. Sleepy Hollow was probably their best line.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I have to say, as much as I prefer NECA's new super articulated figures, even their more statuesque figures beat out McFarlane's efforts, and not just T2. McFarlane had some nice sculpting and paintwork, but their pose choices were often horrible and with less articulation the the most limited NECA figure, you were stuck. They did an amazing Michael Myers headsculpt on an odd body pose, their Sream figure was awful. Sleepy Hollow was probably their best line.

I haven't been fond of the chosen leg positions on NECAs T-1000s. Yeah it looks good for the distinctive T-1000 walk if the legs didn't warp in the package and he can stand on his own but probably most of them can't. And they don't provide stands to alleviate the problem.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

The McFarlane T2 figures were charming for the time. I love the "exploded" T-1000. But, yeah, they are too statuesque. The saddest feature of the line is the extra damaged T-800 face (due to not having Arnie's likeness). Even though I don't own any of the NECA figures, I much prefer them. I hope they do a Sarah Connor from T1 and T2.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Mcfarlane has some nice statue poses, like the T3 2 pack, the Loken TX and the T-800 with coffin.

This looks so epic(with the awesome bases).

The paintwork on the T3 line was relly clean and the eyes looks so naturalistic.

And the T3 Arnold have the better likeness than the neca T2 Arnold.

Its a shame that neca makes no more bases. Bases to T2, like McFarlane Bases to T3, would relly nice.

The Neca Cult Classics Endoskeleton base was killer !
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Sadly it appears to be the case. Neca said something to that effect on Twitter, and they have a full plate this year with other licenses.

I guess we may see a relaunch of some sort in a year or two, similar to the Aliens license this year. They may even jump back into things with the release of T5 (whenever that comes together).

I dont understood this !

Neca said that they planning a 18" T-800 Arnold.

What is with this ?

And they must make a new, revisted, chromed Endoskelton.

The Terminator line is not complete.

A eye operating T1 T-800 and a T2 exploding T-1000 missing.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

The paintwork on the T3 line was relly clean and the eyes looks so naturalistic.

Agreed. It was a peak for the scale that we sadly have not seen since.

And the T3 Arnold have the better likeness than the neca T2 Arnold.

I can't agree with this though. Their T2 sculpt isn't as perfect as I used to declare it, I haven't seen one repaint that actually makes it look better than the stock figure so I don't think the paint is the only problem with it. But I do still think its better overall than the McFarlane T3 heads. The sculpts were a bit soft on those.

Its a shame that neca makes no more bases. Bases to T2, like McFarlane Bases to T3, would relly nice.

The Neca Cult Classics Endoskeleton base was killer !


And they must make a new, revisted, chromed Endoskelton.

Thats never going to happen at this scale. Not even HT chromed their 1:6 figures at those pricepoints.

The Terminator line is not complete.

A eye operating T1 T-800 and a T2 exploding T-1000 missing.

Theres probably not enough recyclability (if thats a word) for NECA to make those. The exploded T-1000 would certainly need entirely new legs in a wide stance to support the upper weight.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

The T3 line stands as a good point of comparison for the figure industry in general. While I can say Neca's figures have improved vastly on an artistic level, production standards have plummeted. The sculpts and articulation are great, but the paint work less so. Lets not forget the QC issues either. Added bonuses have dipped too. I doubt we'd ever see a figure like MacFarlane's "T-850 with coffin", with the opening coffin with sculpted weaponry etc in today's market.

Would love to see Neca tackle T3 (and even that horrible Salvation) though. Coffin or no coffin, I'd kill for some T3 Arnold's that will sit in line with Neca's other figures. It seems like such an easy pool to tap for easy popularity, all the more desperate for a line running out of Arnolds to make. Have a soft spot for T3, I'd pick up every figure from that line. Not a fan of Salvation, but the T-600 was a cool design.

... It's hard not to look with envy at the Predator license and all the characters that reuse has allowed, while other licenses are far more limited in scope haha.

Even if Neca doesn't spread out beyond the first 2 films, I'd hope they squeeze out one or two more waves, enough to give us Sarah Connor in between the last couple of Terminator variants. 2029 Connor/Reese would be incredible too.

I dont understood this !

Neca said that they planning a 18" T-800 Arnold.

What is with this ?

This is probably still coming. Neca have been hyping their 18" schedule for the year, they clearly have their fingers in a lot of pies with this scale.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Would love to see Neca tackle T3 (and even that horrible Salvation) though. Coffin or no coffin, I'd kill for some T3 Arnold's that will sit in line with Neca's other figures.

For me, the Battle Across Time Arnold figure is already a very close representation of the T-850. I know the jacket is a little off, but it's really close enough. Gloves, jacket (with bullet holes), gray shirt...very T-850-ish. I know it's not 100% accurate, but it's pretty darn close.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I can't agree with this though. Their T2 sculpt isn't as perfect as I used to declare it, I haven't seen one repaint that actually makes it look better than the stock figure so I don't think the paint is the only problem with it. But I do still think its better overall than the McFarlane T3 heads. The sculpts were a bit soft on those.

The Neca Sculpt is a bit to square. And in some points to thin(Pescadero Ecape) ore to wide.
The Mcfarlane sculpt looks more naturalistic, lifelike, whatever you called.

McFarlane makes the Arnold spedcifics on his face better. For example the little long nose tip, the lips, the smaller lower jaw and the cheekbone.

Neca makes a lot better Sculpts( Clubber Lang, Army of Darkness Ash, Aliens Hudson). I hope they brings the schwarzenegger sculpt to this stage.

The sculpt are little old, they make this for Conan and Change it a little for the various licenses.

Thats never going to happen at this scale. Not even HT chromed their 1:6 figures at those pricepoints.

Are you sure ?

Hot Toys Ensoskeleton is a bad example, this was really old.

Ok, chromed is the false word.
Called chrome-silver looking paint.

The 2009er 7" Endos have a more silver looking paint than the nice Cult classics endo.

Im sure that a texture exists they looking more like the real endoskeleton metal finish.

The silver color on the neca 18" Endo looks really bad.

And a problem are the many inaccurate parts.

Theres probably not enough recyclability (if thats a word) for NECA to make those. The exploded T-1000 would certainly need entirely new legs in a wide stance to support the upper weight.

I would not say. They can use the same parts and revisted ist a bit.

Cut the upper body in the mid and sculpture the liquid metal parts .

The same for the legs(they only must fix the hip area).

Ok, its some work, but this version are relly popolar.

And when Mcfarlane make it, why not Neca ?

Both are companys and must make money.

@henzINNIT, I hope youre right.

Would be so aweasome(when neca make no Errors).

For this Version the can fixes some parts.

1. A better arnold sculpt.
Whatever you think about the quality of this sculpt, fpr 18" is not good enough.

2. The correct colour for the shotgun, this are dark grey/black and not silver.

3. Little more Detail on the belt buckles and the collar of the shirt and Jacket.

4. Removable sunglasses. In this size this is not a problem, I have a spiderman 2 7" figure you can removable the sunglases.

5. They must use the new transculent skin plastic/Texture. This looks on humans(Im not a fan to use this on the Predators) so realistic.
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Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

The recyclability of parts with the T-1000 has nothing to do with bulding it from what's already been done but actually being able to reuse molds in the factory and not make new ones. To do the exploded T-1000 with justice, you can't reuse any existing mold, it would mean all new parts head to toe and for a one off, NECA's unlikely to bite.

Look at McFarlane.


Aside from style of the bending and all and details, a NECA version would be pretty much the same and there's nothing about this you could use from an existing figure mold.

I imagine NECA wouldn't do this figuring the serious fans who would want such a look already have or can easily track down the McFarlane figure and don't need NECA for it.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I related the recyclability of the sculpting costs . Neca argue weith this for the Predator rescue team.

When I see this photo, Neca must only make new Hands, the torso and fixing the mouth on the T-1000 sculpt. Legs and arms they can use from the Steel mill version.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread


NECA can't recycle these legs for the blown up look, I don't see them supporting the the blown up half, you have to pose the legs to distribute the weight and balance the figure. NECA's T-1000 figures barely stand up as is.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

NECA can't recycle these legs for the blown up look, I don't see them supporting the the blown up half, you have to pose the legs to distribute the weight and balance the figure. NECA's T-1000 figures barely stand up as is.


Thats what I was getting at.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

The knee articulation on the T-1000 could allow for a newly sculpted lower leg, one that could bear the load of that exploded look. It's still a lot of work for a figure that already exists and couldn't be reused in anyway. I don't think Neca would bite.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

They could recycle a previously used pair of legs to create the split torso T-1000. That and a No-Feature Liquid Metal version would be the only two T-1000s left that I want.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

They could recycle a previously used pair of legs to create the split torso T-1000.

None of the previously made T-1000 legs will support an explode figure, period, unless you add articulation not previously there and in that case, you're no longer recycling the molds.

That and a No-Feature Liquid Metal version would be the only two T-1000s left that I want.

You mean the SDCC figure?

Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Not the exploded figure, the time when Sarah is pinned to the wall and T-1000 is about to stab her in the eye, T-800 splits him from the shoulder down.

Not exactly the SDCC, but T-1000 in mid-morph(no eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears, clothes... no features), just liquid metal blob in human form. Just got off work, I can't think of any official term right now.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I still think you'd need new legs for that. As Maulfan said the NECA T-1000 figures have a difficult enough time staying on their feet as it is. I've got most of mine leaning against the walls of my crappy shelves or against other more stable figures.