Official Hot Toys Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow DX06 Spec + Pics

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They posted a photo of the raw sculpts for the chalices saying Angelica was coming, but who knows if they'll follow through or when at this point. Prime time for putting her out is passing, the movie's come out already, Jack's hitting the U.S., I don't see her selling well without either of those 2 building hype.


HT was quickt to show that off and add the Pearl in bottle to Jack just after Enterbay unveiled their full Jack figure showing those items already included with theirs.

Yup, plus HT has so much more on their plate then they can handle right now. They need to get pics of other licenses and such up before announcing more. I feel sorry for all the MGS fans they have been waiting patiently!
Well, just with Pirates alone, they've hinted at Angelica and Cannibal Jack, with rough sculpts of chalices for Angelica and just a throne for Cannibal Jack. For some reason, they don't get that it creates negative hype when they show off something far ahead of ever offering it, let alone shipping it.
They posted a photo of the raw sculpts for the chalices saying Angelica was coming, but who knows if they'll follow through or when at this point. Prime time for putting her out is passing, the movie's come out already, Jack's hitting the U.S., I don't see her selling well without either of those 2 building hype.

I'm hoping that the positive buzz and resulting sales surrounding the DX Jack will show HT that there's enough of a demand to justify an MMS release of Angelica as a companion piece. For me, the interplay bewteen Jack and Angelica was one of the highlights of an otherwise 'ho-hum' movie, and if Disney's intent is to start another trilogy (hopefully with better direction from here on out), then it's pretty obvious Angelica will play a prominent part in the other movies as well...
I would hope Jack's success would show them the value of releasing Barbossa.

I'm with you that Jack and Angelic worked well, I thought, but it's all verbal, figures of the two wouldn't capture that, but Jack fighting Barbossa would look great and that relationship is the one constant throughout the series.
Well, just with Pirates alone, they've hinted at Angelica and Cannibal Jack, with rough sculpts of chalices for Angelica and just a throne for Cannibal Jack. For some reason, they don't get that it creates negative hype when they show off something far ahead of ever offering it, let alone shipping it.

Yeah, I never understood that either. Why announce the DX Joker 2.0 a good 8-12 months before we even see pics? :dunno They need to create buzz with the announcement, and then show pics right before everyone loses interest.

They need to hire some more people on the production line or something because it takes way too long to come out with figures. Jack was due back in july or close to wasn't he? Here we are 6 months later and we finally get him shipped.
Just got him tonight. Spent about 20 minutes futzing and put him on second shelf under Arnold. My wife came into my home office and said that guy needs to be on the top shelf. So that is where he will be. I can't find anything I don't like about this HT's figure. I wish they put this much attention to detail in all of their releases. I can only hope Luke and Jack Joker can top this, but I almost can't see it happen. Here is an iphone pic to show my pose. Thanks for those that shared this pose or variations prior. I just purchased an T2i for my Christmas to myself and it should be here Saturday, so hopefully the quality pics will step it up a bit.

I would hope Jack's success would show them the value of releasing Barbossa.

I'm with you that Jack and Angelic worked well, I thought, but it's all verbal, figures of the two wouldn't capture that, but Jack fighting Barbossa would look great and that relationship is the one constant throughout the series.


My hope is for a Pirates saga Barbossa, if it has to be a DX to get that so be it.

Give him both outfits and a peg leg option, give him the chest of Cortez and the medallion accessories along with Jack the monkey and that'd be a great figure, plus the chest environment piece can go with Jack so it has versatile value.