New Superman movie coming from JJ Abrams

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You know, when your only defense is a typo, especially after you've called someone a serial killer over the critique of a comic book, then maybe you really should stop posting for a while and reflect a bit.

Calm down, no one called you a serial killer.
I simply said that your page long rant sounded as deranged as the rant that they wrote in a movie to characterize a serial killer.
I don?t think you actually kill people.
You?re way too sensitive. No wonder that Black Panther writer guy hurt your feelings so badly with his article about the first responders in 9/11.
Stop being so delicate and fragile. It?s a tough world out there.
Calm down, no one called you a serial killer.
I simply said that your page long rant sounded as deranged as the rant that they wrote in a movie to characterize a serial killer.
I don?t think you actually kill people.
You?re way too sensitive. No wonder that Black Panther writer guy hurt your feelings so badly with his article about the first responders in 9/11.
Stop being so delicate and fragile. It?s a tough world out there.
Going into "it was just a joke bruh" mode. Jesus... I'll give you one last reply because I remember being 15. But I'll tell you this; before you post, or do anything in general, think. Think about it well and good. Not everything's a dolly forum out there, and not every discussion is about cape****. The right word can open doors, but the wrong one can just as easily close them.

Going into "it was just a joke bruh" mode. Jesus... I'll give you one last reply because I remember being 15. But I'll tell you this; before you post, or do anything in general, think. Think about it well and good. Not everything's a dolly forum out there, and not every discussion is about cape****. The right word can open doors, but the wrong one can just as easily close them.


I didn?t say it was only a joke, your reading comprehension is abysmal which explains your frustration. I said it was exactly what it was, a comparison between your unhinged rant and a fictitious rant in a movie.
If that nonsensical veiled threat was your best attempt at delivering a lecture in social etiquette then I have no doubt that you easily remember being 15 because it was probably only a year ago.
I didn?t say it was only a joke, your reading comprehension is abysmal which explains your frustration.
...You literally replied with ridiculing a typo, as if that's an argument. You then went on the classic mode of "s'alright maaaaan, jus' take it easy". You did attempt to frame the whole thing as a joke, and are now just going through the motions. It's honestly quite sad to see it.
I said it was exactly what it was, a comparison between your unhinged rant and a fictitious rant in a movie.
Why are you lying? Haven't you embarassed yourself enough? What rant? It's one paragraph and two pictures. Haven't you graduated to Big Boy Books by now? One post you talk about how great of a writer Coates is, and the next you can't even offer a counterargument on a critique of his arcs. All I did was namedrop his treatment of Zeke, the Fenris Twins and give a basic overview of the first few arcs, then finished off with posting a pic from the latest issue. Nothing I said was exaggerated, it's all from the actual pages. Even the Luke Cage bit, it's from Hudlin's run, when T'Challa visits the US and gets in a team-up with Falcon, Cage and Blade. What the Hell is your problem with all that?
It?s like the notebooks that the serial killer in Seven wrote.
I think that post will turn up as evidence in a court case one day soon.
The first part is a comparison. The second is speculation, an accusation based on a demented hypothesis. You literally wrote "I think that post will turn up as evidence in a court case one day soon." right there. The comparison is above. The next sentence is a wholly different matter. It's you painting me as a future serial killer over a comic book critique. That is exactly what it is. It's not me taking anything more serious than I should, it's you seeing a single paragraph and overreacting, while not having any actual arguments. If you're not smart enough, don't try to be witty.

If that nonsensical veiled threat was your best attempt at delivering a lecture in social etiquette then I have no doubt that you easily remember being 15 because it was probably only a year ago.
It's not a threat, it's advice you desperately need. But since you're obviously determined to keep going, I'm done.

I only responded to clear that last thing up. I tried to help you, not bloody threaten you over the internet on a dolly forum. You really thought I was trying to do that with a goddamn Lynch movie? Jesus Christ man, grow up. Accept when you've ****ed up and move on. But whatever. Answer if you want and have nothing better to do, I'm done.
Calm down, no one called you a serial killer.
I simply said that your page long rant sounded as deranged as the rant that they wrote in a movie to characterize a serial killer.
I don?t think you actually kill people.
You?re way too sensitive. No wonder that Black Panther writer guy hurt your feelings so badly with his article about the first responders in 9/11.
Stop being so delicate and fragile. It?s a tough world out there.
Pot meet kettle. Seems like you're getting a little upset that people are speaking out against the cancel culture and SJW crap that so many are pushing right now. I never heard of this director but I can guarantee you that I won't see this because what I was made aware of in this thread. Shame it doesn't bother you.
Pot meet kettle. Seems like you're getting a little upset that people are speaking out against the cancel culture and SJW crap that so many are pushing right now. I never heard of this director but I can guarantee you that I won't see this because what I was made aware of in this thread. Shame it doesn't bother you.

Oh boy, now that you?re not seeing it they should probably cancel the whole thing. No point even moving ahead really.
Nah! What?s for me to be upset about?
If I?m looking at the scoreboard, they just fired that MMA fighter from Star Wars for spouting conspiracy theories, WB is spending hundreds of millions on black Superman, Captain Marvel 2 is coming out next year, Kathleen Kennedy is still running Lucasfilm...looks like cancel culture SJW crap is doing just fine regardless of who may be speaking against it :)
I'm not interested in a Superman movie that doesn't have Clark Kent as Superman. All these multiverse variations are ridiculous imo.

Kal-El is the last son of Krypton and it should stay that way. Bringing in some other Kryptonian from another universe and somehow intertwining that character into the Clark Kent universe really cheapens the Superman character.

I'm not a comic book reader, so I don't really care to much on whether this is a comicbook story or not.

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WB is stating that their new Superman movie will be a period piece and since it has a black writer writing a story for a black superman that it only makes sense to also have a black director which is who they are now in the process of searching for.

I dare WB to put out a statement saying that since they have a white writer writing the next Cyborg movie that it only makes sense to cast a white Cyborg and it only makes sense to have it be directed by a white director lol
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Well a period piece with black alien lead can mean only one thing: invas-- I mean, an allegory to racism in America. Should be interesting because I have never seen that before.
Its about time some other ethnicity wore that embarrassing costume. Maybe it will be more apparent how silly it really is. Unless they made Supes gay in which case I'd buy that he would glam up like that. Perhaps that is an acceptable solution?
Can already see where this is headed - Michael B. Jordan will star, will get A+ reviews or you will lose your job or website and any haters are deemed racist for any kind of criticism of the film. They seen them Black Panther dollars and realize that they don't have any good, distinguishable black characters that will drive it home like Black Panther.
***** you WB and your ****** identity politics. No matter...karma will be a *****. Woke Hollywood will burn. Luckily people are getting tired of their BS. Ta-Nehisi Coates is a racist piece of crap anyway and apparently the best person to write Superman. Also they want this to be with Kal El it looks like.

Oh and they announce this at Henry Cavil's birthday.
Instead of a heart attack or tornado Pa Kent will type out a tweet supporting Gina Carano and get cancelled. His finger will hover over the send button while Michael B. Jordan says, "dad?????" Pa Kent waves him off and then *click*

Can already see where this is headed - Michael B. Jordan will star, will get A+ reviews or you will lose your job or website and any haters are deemed racist for any kind of criticism of the film. They seen them Black Panther dollars and realize that they don't have any good, distinguishable black characters that will drive it home like Black Panther.

I know right, so hard to be white in America. Something needs to be done about it at some point before it only gets worse.
The suffering.
There is no sadness, pain, misery, or sorrow greater than being accused of racism by a stranger on the Internet just because you don?t like a movie.
No one, I mean NO ONE, in the past or the present ever had it so bad.
The only thing that comes close is the pain, humiliation, and sorrow of having to watch them make movies where the ethnicities of beloved characters are changed.
The sorrow.