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Ok so I just now this second got mine and put it together. My unmasked head does move a bit but it is not just falling off in fact if I pull from the back it doesn’t even come off. The pegs looseish but no way it’s like Bs bobble head. I’ll go over it more later. I may post a video in a minute if I can but it’s not going anywhere.

I would love to see a video bro showing both masked/unmasked and how secure your statue is please.
The masked head is a little more wobbly but it takes a lot of slaps to come close to falling out.

If the links not working let me know. It worked for me but not sure why it’s not showing the preview.
I have to say this thing is fraking hefty. I was picking up the body and I’m like yeesh what’s this thing made of lead.

I’m no Predator pro so I didn’t consider making a review of any sort but I did want to show the head. I’m happy it’s not everyone so Burt see about getting it replaced if you can.
Lmao so my masked head is not that secure. Unmasked is solid. They randomly forgot magnets haha

It’s ok but not the best so I’m gonna ask if they can do something for the masked head just in case. I mean unless I’m moving my huge shelf I see no issue but it’s just not right. We are all gonna be head smashing fools.
The little piece that goes on the shoulder armor if you display the unmasked head.

Unfortunately the only 2 arrows were for the necklace and body strap.

That little shoulder piece is in a tiny bag in a tiny hole so maybe look again in case. I didn’t even find it my daughter did so I wouldn’t even know it was missing.
I can see a lot of heads will be rolling very soon ������

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While the masked head is loose you can feel the back part of the plug hitting the back of the hole and that’s keeping it in. A good few slaps it will fall but I mean who’s slapping their statues lmao but clearly there’s no magnet in there. There no pull like how the hands go on. It is so dumb the hands get pulled into place but the head is like clunk.
From SS- "...Upon inspecting a few of our on hand pieces for comparison, we've found that the portrait should display without issue once properly inserted into the neck. Please know that a little give and wiggle room on this portrait will be normal as we cannot make the key and socket for these pieces super tight for risk of them not fitting together. This is intentional and the magnet used should be strong enough to hold the portrait to the body, once fitted into the neck..."

They then said that I could return mine and get another one.

My response- "I know you’re just saying what’s been told to you to say, but that’s a load of BS. If that’s true, then you are telling me that you guys fully intended to design and sell a $1,250 statue in which the head falls off because it was not ideal to create a better fit.
After this hack, lame response (read: excuse), I do not want another statue back. I mean, seriously. Lol You guys have to be ****ing with me. Is Ashton Kutcher being BCCed on this email?
I buy A LOT of items from you, and this is no way to treat a customer. I want a FULL refund, including my $40 in Sideshow bucks back upon the return of this statue."

In a voice mail they went on to say that it was also intentional to make it not fit properly for ease of swapping portraits and so that the owner doesn't scuff or mark up their statue...:slap

I don't want it anymore. They can stick it where the sun shines (I hope he has his bio-mask on).

Just stand back for a second and realize you are being asked to use modeling clay to hold your new $1,250 statue together, and tell me if you think that's even remotely acceptable.

And yet people STILL buy from these clowns . . . :slap

Just stand back for a second and realize you are being asked to use modeling clay to hold your new $1,250 statue together, and tell me if you think that's even remotely acceptable.

Yeah dude , don’t buy any of their crap, like ever. I stopped years ago.

They almost suckered me back in on the Iron Giant statue, but I knew their track record and even though the piece did turn out good, countless others pieces they burned many people on and just don’t deserve out cash.

Send it back and buy the Dog Maquette!

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Clearly it’s not normal because if it was my statue that the unmasked stays in is actually a bad one lmao

What’s even dumber is both my heads fit solid in the exact head display holder. Why is that perfect with zero wobble I mean won’t we scuff them.

What they told Burtial is a huge lie, like something that should hurt their business. I’d post that in every forum including all the ones not even about the Predator. Say it’s true which it’s not but let’s say it is. That is embarrassing to have out there in the industry.

Does SS really want any other company to read that as the truth. Wow! I guess when you have no answer just let an idiot who works there come up with a fast one. The owners should be very embarrassed.