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Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

not much more to add...except maybe I wish you won the lottery and opened up your own company! I would love to be able to own your stuff in a smaller scale - 1/3 would be perfect!
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Ha. Me too.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Are you working on an AT-AT driver and Tie pilot?
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Oh yes.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Looking foward to seeing those :) I take it your more into the OT? No clones?
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Besides, Maul, I don't have any interest in anything PT related.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

No grievous, because I'm not a fan of the PT.

But I do have the following in various stages of development.

ESB Stormtrooper
ROTJ Stormtrooper
Imperial Tie Pilot
ROTJ Royal Guard
ESB Boba Fett
At-At Pilot
X-Wing Pilot

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Check out this gif I made awhile ago.
It was made while he was still in the process of being finished, so for finished pics, see earlier posts.


Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

:rotfl I saw that on therpf when you first did it. It does NOT disappoint. extremely funny GINO. :D

btw, good to have you here with us on the Dark Side of collecting ;) too bad we didn't steer you here a year ago.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I appreciate that.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I have always been and admirerer of your keen eye for accuracy and resources.

I have witnessed the evolution of your ever growing accuracy for the definitive Vader display(s), Stormtroopers etc. I have learned so much from your work and highly respect your knowledge and the protective nature of your craft.

Though some pretty heated debates on the Vader subject have sprouted from time to time on various boards, people can say a lot but it comes down to what you show. you my friend have shown the proof is indeed in the pudding. :chew

...I can only dream of having a Yoda that perfect.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Hi Gino,

love the lifesize collection, i have a small lifesize collection too, in the process of makeing a darth maul.

i was wondering if you know what the best 1:1 yoda there is to buy? i seen the gentle giant but carnt decide
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Fantastic works of art! I'm very impressed, I so would like to own your creations! Congrats Gino
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

:idea It's a person like Gino that toy company's should hire for true to life accuracy of their Star Wars figures. Some what like SS problem with DV helmet size.

Much kudos to your collection Gino! They're wonderful!
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Thanks so much for the kind words guys.

I had a chance to update the yoda, emperor, and darth maul areas of the proparchive so stop by and check them out when you get a chance.

I still have to update their propstories though.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Welcome, Gino. Your work is breath taking! I especially love the Yoda.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I've seen your work over at the RPF. Thanks for sharing it here. Truly awesome collection. Let's get those pics updated!!!