Medicom Indy and Dr. Jones - the polite thread

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Just thought I'd drop my 2 cents about this Medicom figure.. Ever since Medicom and Sideshow announced their respective figures, I've been dead set on purchasing the Medicom version, although I never had a chance to pre-order it. The Sideshow version just seemed to "hasbro'ish", and the head appeared too big for it's body. I've got a very modest collection of 1/6th figures, (Spidey, Luke, Superman, etc), so to say I'm a fan of Medicom's product would be fair. So when I had the chance to look at these in person at SDCC, I was ready to put the final nail in the coffin. With all due respect to Sideshow, I've never been a fan of any of the 1/6th figures they've produced so far. Until now. In person, the Sideshow Indy is absolutely GORGEOUS! The head is by no means too big for the body, and the sculpt is pretty accurate to Ford's features. From the preliminary pictures of the Sideshow, the face seemed a bit too bland, with not enough character too it, but the prototype definitely captures the essence of the character. To say I was impressed is an understatement, more like blown away. So when I finally made my way over to the Medicom Indy, the same way I was impressed by the Sideshow, I was equally disappointed with the Medicom. Not to say that the Medicom version is awful, by any means, it just didn't capture the character the way Sideshow did. First of all, the head on this prototype DID seem too big for the body, while the sculpt for the figure is just about the same as all of Medicom's other endeavors. Not hyper-realistic, but a "stylized" version of the character. The first thing that came out of my mind was "bobble-head" doll. Suffice it to say, after the con, I went back to the hotel and promptly pre-ordered the Sideshow version without hesitation....
Welcome to the fold... :lol

But I feel the same way, when Medicom is on; they are great. But this is one character where the final product (for me) falls short. And at roughly 1/2 the price for a figure I like better; Sideshow is a no-brainer :rock
Looking at the Medicom piece in person its not even close to Ford. It looks more like me than it does Ford where as the Sideshow piece is Ford. Jones Sr though is pretty damn good! The sculpt looks exactly like Connery and is worth getting.




Looking at the Medicom piece in person its not even close to Ford. It looks more like me than it does Ford where as the Sideshow piece is Ford. Jones Sr though is pretty damn good! The sculpt looks exactly like Connery and is worth getting.





Ouch! Looks pretty ^^^^ty.
The jawline kills it on that sculpt. They did the same thing to the Han Solo.
I think the pictures by The Josh really brings home the point from my earlier post- the Indy head is much too "stylized" for my taste. Although to defend the Medicom just a bit, the figure does look a bit better than what was translated in those photos. Much in the same way that I was turned off by the initial Sideshow pics, I think for whatever reason that photographing these figs tends to "flatten" the 3 dimensionality of the faces. If that makes any sense. The promotional pics for the Medi came out mcuh better than the actusl product..
Man, am I seeing the same figure? hah!:) besides the jaw being to short on the Indy, that's a killer Harrison Ford. Of course, the neck can throw the eye off, but I really dig it.

Henry Sr....not too impressed. ha! Though from afar, both of these give the right feeling.

Man, am I seeing the same figure? hah!:) besides the jaw being to short on the Indy, that's a killer Harrison Ford. Of course, the neck can throw the eye off, but I really dig it.

Henry Sr....not too impressed. ha! Though from afar, both of these give the right feeling.


Yeah, I agree. Its way better then your sculpt!111

I kid I kid....but I agree the Medi isnt as god awful as people are saying....but I would rather fork down 90 for yours, the a 100 for that.

I just wish all Indys could be like the PF....ah well, as soon as I get my Hasbro one in order, I should be fine.
I think the Sr. looks way more "toyish" than Indy. The paint on the beard doesn't help. I like the Indy a lot better than the old images. Clearly not realistic, but still Ford.
I loves the Trev, but the pics of SSC's 1/6 Indy make his whole face look swollen. All things considered, though, I'll be going with Sideshow. Almost every imperfection I've worried about when looking at high res pics on the net has turned out to be almost imperceptible in-hand. I'm relieved that people who were at SDCC are saying he looks great.
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As a long-time Medicom hater I have to admit these are looking better & better to me....

Especially if SS is going to slowly trickle out second-rate characters like Belloq while Medicom handles the license properly.

As a long-time Medicom hater I have to admit these are looking better & better to me....

Especially if SS is going to slowly trickle out second-rate characters like Belloq while Medicom handles the license properly.


I didn't know the main antagonist of the film was considered second-rate? :rolleyes::angelsmil