MCU - Phase Four

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Seemed to be positive responses in youtube comments on the clips I watched anyway. I tried watching Supergirl initially and found it far too cheesy and never really gave any of the others a shot on the basis of that.

Yeah I enjoyed season 1 of Arrow when it had a darker, edgier vibe, but then I lost interest when everyone he ever knew became crime fighters. IMO it got rather ridiculous. The Flash was even worse in that respect. I understand they're comic book properties, but it's pretty lame when everyone turns out to be "special".
Yeah I enjoyed season 1 of Arrow when it had a darker, edgier vibe, but then I lost interest when everyone he ever knew became crime fighters. IMO it got rather ridiculous. The Flash was even worse in that respect. I understand they're comic book properties, but it's pretty lame when everyone turns out to be "special".

Yeah that does sound naff. When even the computer nerd characters turn into Navy Seal Martial Arts experts. I think Marvel's Agents of Shield started to go the same way last time I watched it.
Arrow was legitimately good for its first three seasons or so. It wasn't Sopranos or anything, but it was an enjoyable show to catch every week. It was riding the Nolan train of "gritty realism", but it pulled it off. After the fourth season with... magic... dark I gave up. Flash I dropped even faster, and that was during the height of my "must consooooom all the superhero media" phase. AoS started off weak, bot really good Post-TWS, and then started fizzling out with the Inhuman stuff. The only worthwhile thing was Kyle MacLachlan. After that it bounced back, and the AI HYDRA Arc was great, but I dropped it after that too. Looking back, I wouldn't say that they were hours well spent, but S1,2,3 of Arrow were not a total waste.

As for the recent stuff, I caught a clip of Supergirl on those ads. I seriously don't understand how those "actors" have any dignity left at this point. How can they muster up the courage to get up everyday, dress up in pajamas, pretend to fight CGI toy robots while throwing "badass quips" around, and then, after all is said and done have any self-respect left. Sure, even the Capeflicks are ridiculous, but at least they make bank. Playing in Procedurals is more dignified than tv cape****.


...You know what, maybe they're better actors than I give them credit for. Who maintains character when this constitutes filming?
It does look absolutely ridiculous seen like that. No less so than Power Rangers which I used to mercilessly slag off even when I was an early teen.
I liked Power Rangers, though only for the cool suits and toys. But yeah, if capeflicks weren't already ridiculous, the BTS stuff make them even worse. Really, their only redeeming value is maybe getting the costumes right (which is a stretch) and giving us some cool collectibles. Everything else, from their own value to how they've affected the source material, is trash.
I think that was the day Martin Scorsese visited the set, lol.


"You see the people in that set? Do you see the people in that set?...I want you to see those people, because those are supposed to be actors. But they're not making a movie. They're not making a movie. You know what they're making there? Huh? I mean, you wouldn't know what they're making there - I'm just saying, "But you know what they're making there?" Huh? A Theme Park Ride. How do ya like that? And I'm gonna, I'm gonna kill them. There's nothing else. I'm gonna kill them. What do you think of that? Hmm? I said 'What do you think of that?' Don't answer. You don't have to answer everything. I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill them with a .44 Magnum pistol. I have a .44 Magnum pistol. I'm gonna kill them with that gun. Did you ever see what a .44 Magnum pistol can do to a person's face? I mean it'll ****ing destroy it. Just blow them right apart. That's what it can do to a face. Now, did you ever see what it can do to a person's genitals? That you should see. You should see what a .44 Magnum's gonna do to a person's genitals you should see. I know, I know you must think that I'm, you know... You must think I'm pretty sick or something, you know, you must think I'm pretty sick. Right? You must think I'm pretty sick? Hmm? Right? I'll betcha, I'll betcha you really think I'm sick right? You think I'm sick? You think I'm sick? You don't have to answer. I'm paying for the Pass. You don't have to answer. N-"

-Martin Scorsese, 2019 Colorized
Arrow was legitimately good for its first three seasons or so. It wasn't Sopranos or anything, but it was an enjoyable show to catch every week. It was riding the Nolan train of "gritty realism", but it pulled it off. After the fourth season with... magic... dark I gave up. Flash I dropped even faster, and that was during the height of my "must consooooom all the superhero media" phase. AoS started off weak, bot really good Post-TWS, and then started fizzling out with the Inhuman stuff. The only worthwhile thing was Kyle MacLachlan. After that it bounced back, and the AI HYDRA Arc was great, but I dropped it after that too. Looking back, I wouldn't say that they were hours well spent, but S1,2,3 of Arrow were not a total waste.

As for the recent stuff, I caught a clip of Supergirl on those ads. I seriously don't understand how those "actors" have any dignity left at this point. How can they muster up the courage to get up everyday, dress up in pajamas, pretend to fight CGI toy robots while throwing "badass quips" around, and then, after all is said and done have any self-respect left. Sure, even the Capeflicks are ridiculous, but at least they make bank. Playing in Procedurals is more dignified than tv cape****.

Well, a lot of those actors probably would be waiting tables if not for those shows, so I think relatively speaking they're just fine getting well paid to run around in PJs. :lol
Arrow was legitimately good for its first three seasons or so. It wasn't Sopranos or anything, but it was an enjoyable show to catch every week. It was riding the Nolan train of "gritty realism", but it pulled it off. After the fourth season with... magic... dark I gave up. Flash I dropped even faster, and that was during the height of my "must consooooom all the superhero media" phase. AoS started off weak, bot really good Post-TWS, and then started fizzling out with the Inhuman stuff. The only worthwhile thing was Kyle MacLachlan. After that it bounced back, and the AI HYDRA Arc was great, but I dropped it after that too. Looking back, I wouldn't say that they were hours well spent, but S1,2,3 of Arrow were not a total waste.

As for the recent stuff, I caught a clip of Supergirl on those ads. I seriously don't understand how those "actors" have any dignity left at this point. How can they muster up the courage to get up everyday, dress up in pajamas, pretend to fight CGI toy robots while throwing "badass quips" around, and then, after all is said and done have any self-respect left. Sure, even the Capeflicks are ridiculous, but at least they make bank. Playing in Procedurals is more dignified than tv cape****.


...You know what, maybe they're better actors than I give them credit for. Who maintains character when this constitutes filming?

Wow...looks really really cheesy and stupid. Yeah they must be laughing their a***** off after filming is done!
Well, a lot of those actors probably would be waiting tables if not for those shows, so I think relatively speaking they're just fine getting well paid to run around in PJs. :lol
Melissa Benoist could have success as another kind of actress...


Wow...looks really really cheesy and stupid. Yeah they must be laughing their a***** off after filming is done!
I can see no-namers doing this. But I wonder how someone like Jude Law or Kurt Russell and the like feel after all is said and done.
I can see no-namers doing this. But I wonder how someone like Jude Law or Kurt Russell and the like feel after all is said and done.

They're likely fine with it as well. They've been doing green screen work for years. While the extent of it in these films is probably unprecedented, from their perspective it still probably seems a natural progression in the industry. Plus it's what makes the big money these days, so they either adapt to the trend or get left behind.
Spoiler Spoiler:

I was just messing with you its all good there are plenty of characters that I don?t know or even care to know because they are all boring clones of primary characters.

Anyways latest rumor is that Cavill is the new Wolverine!

Yeah I know lol

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If that rumour was to be true...

I'm not sure it'd be the wisest career move for Cavill. I know Chris Evans did it (playing 2 Superheroes) but it remains to be seen how things will work out for him now that he's finished with Cap - Knives Out excepted. Affleck also did it...his career has been up and down.

Also for a character that's supposed to have fallen from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down - well, jeez, Cavill's even more handsome than Jackman was (No ho mo) so some fans would be displeased.
I was just messing with you its all good there are plenty of characters that I don?t know or even care to know because they are all boring clones of primary characters.

Anyways latest rumor is that Cavill is the new Wolverine!

Yeah I know lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I actually think that could work - he has surprising range. His comedic timing was impressive in Man from U.N.C.L.E., although Guy Ritchie's script may have had a lot to do with that. On the plus side, they won't have to digitally erase any of his facial hair for the role.