Legolas Image Thread

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Wor-Gar said:
1. The green "tunic" is a little difficult to work with as it is doesn't really respond to water treatment. The material texture is nice but, as someone had asked, it is indeed a bit stiff and hard to shape so that it drapes around his thighs. It wants to "fan out". However, once his quiver and cloak are on, it will be much less noticeable.

here's what I did with my Aragorn as I hated the fanning out effect. Wet the item, tie some elastic bands around the bottom around the legs, or some ribbon or something, and let it dry

because it was held tight around the legs and body as it was drying, it pretty much keeps the curve it has, much better at least

I was all proud of myself when I figured that out, lol, as trying to get it to not look like a butchers apron was really starting to annoy me.

Thanks for all the tips and info dude. It'll come in handy since my Legolas comes TODAY!!! I'm way stoked for this, and not only that, my class was canceled today, so I don't have to worry about being gone when it arrives. Aragorn's pretty pumped to have a new friend. :aragorn :legolas
hunky_artist said:
here's what I did with my Aragorn as I hated the fanning out effect. Wet the item, tie some elastic bands around the bottom around the legs, or some ribbon or something, and let it dry.

I did try folding the material and pressing items against it to hold position over night. But the material has a memory it seems and goes back to its original shape. I'll have to try again with your method. But I think it has more to do with the cut of the tunic and the way it hangs in addition to the thicker material -- its just a little tricky.

Captain Aldeggon said:
Aragorn's pretty pumped to have a new friend. :aragorn :legolas

That sounds so wrong. :lol
Not too bad, chin aside, the elven cloak looks like it needs some real work. The hoods on these figures are either way too big (like most of the Jedi line) or too small, as Legolas appears to have.

Glad you like it WG.
LOTRFan said:
Not too bad, chin aside, the elven cloak looks like it needs some real work. The hoods on these figures are either way too big (like most of the Jedi line) or too small, as Legolas appears to have.

Glad you like it WG.

Well, in Legolas' case, I don't think anyone will pose him with his hood up... just draped behind him like he was most of the time. So there should be no problem with hood size this time.
Seems like the morning after, the "figure" looks just as good as the night before, usually means a more lasting relationship.:lol

Seriously, he must look more "Elvish" in daylight...
pjam said:
Seems like the morning after, the "figure" looks just as good as the night before, usually means a more lasting relationship.:lol

Seriously, he must look more "Elvish" in daylight...

He does. More pale, appropriately. The hair has nice detail. Possibly could stand a "dark wash" to add highlights...most customizers here will certainly do at least that. The light eyes are riveting. And the ears really have a nice detail to them. And the lips are subtle. Like I said, most everyone should be really happy with this sculpt.
I've found something...I did not expect. The knives don't fit into the sheaths; rather, there are two handles with short stubs which you can put in or out. Interesting move. I'm not sure how much I like it, but DUDE these knives are LONG! I like them and they are lovely to behold, but having the dummy knives instead of actual removable knives is kind of odd to me.......

More as I move along!
Patience my friend! I'm coming to it.

The arrows are LONG! Mercy, these things re like spears! And the bow is absolutely lovely. The string has some give, which let's you pose it a little without damaging the bow or the tautness of the cord. Very nice.

And now to remove the elf himself........ (is the tension killing you all as much as it is me?)
Alright, he has ben set free. Here's the deal:

Legolas is strikingly beautiful. One look and you know it's Orlando Bloom. The issue with the jaw is that, while beautifully sculpted, it doesn't do well when looked at from certain angles--straight on, looking at his left side at an angle, and looking down on him. Even then, it's still remarkably accurate, and I really can't complain about anything in the sculpt (of couse you all know how bad I am at complaining anyway lol). The paint job is superb; the hair is just right and he is actually not nearly as pale as some other figures--the skin is just right. The only thing I noticed is that the eyes are not as blue as Orlando's contact's are, and they went with a blue/grey/brown combo, which isn't bad but not quite as striking as Legolas' eyes were. The eyebrows are some of the best SSC has done. Not only that, he's tall! He's a bit taller than Aragorn and captures nicely how tall and lean he is by comparison.

The costume is just heavenly. It's a wonderful fabric and a nice feel, though not quite as slim-fitted as the movie, it's still a great tayloring job. The elven cloak is just perfect though. I do, however, intend to replace the oddly-glued brooch with the one from the Aragorn and Brego set from Toy Biz. It's about the same size and much more detailed, and will look much better.

All in all he is just a wonderful figure, and I doubt many will regret owning him. He's worthy of a central place in any collection.
Phew! Relief. You like him too. So I'm not insane.

Here's a picture in daylight of my semi-futzed Legolas (not really all that different than straight out of the box):


And the sculpt:


Again, the sculpt photographs odd -- or maybe it looks this way. :) I tried Maulfan's trick in the above CU.

I say semi-futzed because I'm not happy with what I did last night. I need to tackle him again. The tunic is a little oversized but too thick to fold in the back, so it has this blousy appearance. Perhaps a more severe water treatment will do the trick. I'm also looking for a good position for the legs so they won't appear so skinny.
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Here's some more:

The colors on the costume are one of the highlights of the figure. He has the most verdant greens I've seen in a figure, and the fabric is as lush as one could hope for. The boots are nice but a bit plastic-looking, nothing too fancy nor too terrible. The vambrances, while fantastically detailed, really restrict his hand movements, and it takes a great deal of futzing to get them to a point where they look good without preventing any poseability. Another thing to watch out for is the laces for his belt and quiver. I've dealt a lot with this kind of material, and it's very weak and doesn't tend to last long. Treat it lightly and with great care.

The best part, though, is the quiver. It's just amazing, in every way. Easy to put on, and great once it is, this thing is a work of art. It ranks up there with Han Solo's holster in terms of detail and craftsmanship. It's just amazing. Again though, the fake knife thing kind of gets on my nerves, but for heaven's sake don't cancel him just for that! It's actually a good idea; it preserves the quality of the actual knives--it's just that I'm a big fan of removable blades and swords, and this seems a little wierd, especially after Aragorn's scabbard so masterfully done.

After putting him on the shelf, he's actually just about the same size as Aragorn. I don't recommend putting him next to Luke or Obi-Wan though; Legolas' head is in the smaller, more accurate scale, making some figures look a tad wonky next to him. He matches perfectly next to Aragorn though. In fact, these seem to be figures that must be displayed exclusively with others of their own kind (I'm getting West Side Story songs in my head now....). If you are hesitant about Legolas, I say GO FOR IT!!! He really will be a great addition to any collection, and if you haven't ordered him yet, or haven't even gotten into the 12" line, I really recommend you (re)consider. I absolutely love him.
Thanks for the fantastic review, Captain Aldeggon!!

My Lego is in route still, with a scheduled delivery due early next week. I really can't wait to receive him, now that I've read your review and seen the others' pics.

:legolas :legolas :legolas