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Latinoreview, the originator of this rumor, has a pretty good track record with this stuff. We'll see though.

The biggest reason I could see this happening is because of Green Lantern and Avengers. They know how good their team movie could be, but at the same time how bad they can fail. A team of Nolan and Bale would certainly put some of their nerves to rest. I'm sure they would be paying a lot of money to have Nolan.

LR was recently wrong about the Planet Hulk movie. :lol

Hopefully not with this one.

I hope Alfred has a cameo and Batman yells "Where's da trigger!"
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I always got the vibe that Bale feels the same way Harrison Ford does about Han Solo. Glad he played him, wanted him to die, and sick of the role and all the fanboys. But then again, Ford is playing Han again so apparently Hell has frozen over lately :dunno
I don't think so. Bale seemed like he wanted to keep going (as long as Nolan was around) and really liked the character. He even said he talked with Nolan about an idea he had for a fourth film, but Nolan said that he was finished.
Not going to buy that just yet, yeah, grain of salt . . . . but that'd be really cool.

Take away the TDKR stuff with the 8 years, the leg, the hermit crap, put him in a position where Wayne is Batman fighting crime and I'd be into it.

I look at it this way: at this point, anything's game. TDKR nicely wrapped up what Nolan wanted to do with that universe (in my opinion, anyways). Now that the TDK trilogy is done, it kind of represents the end of an era, and I feel like one of the things that could happen in that new era is the Justice League.

It could also redeem Nolan's Batman for some people, in that the reason for him coming back is simply that he couldn't stay away (it seems like a big complaint people had with him was the duration of his time as Batman, and his lack of commitment; maybe, after Bane, it reignited his passion, and he decided that, as long as Gotham needed Batman, it would be him). I think that, if Blake was Batman, it would be somewhat like Grayson's role in the Reborn stuff; once Bruce was back, he'd bow out gracefully and take on a new role if Bruce wanted to be Batman again.

I think it seems like Christopher Nolan is even more open to a certain "suspension of disbelief" in his films, now. It seems like TDKR was a little less rigid in its "rules of reality" than, say, Begins or TDK. I'm actually kind of hoping this is true.
I just hope JUSTICE LEAGUE is not grounded in the "real world" like the Nolan flicks. It needs some superhero suspension of disbelief stuff.
Henry Cavill's Superman saved Bale/Batman from the nuclear explosion instead of the autopilot fix.

Annnnnnnnnd, GO!
Bad *** Digest:

All the while that Warner Bros slowly, publicly failed to get their Justice League movie off the ground, everybody wondered when they would take the obvious route. When they would back up that truck full of money to Christopher Nolan's door and beg him to godfather the whole thing, to get the goddamned mess out of their hands.

That time is now. According to Latino Review, Warner Bros is actively courting Nolan to oversee the Justice League movie as a hands-on producer. They want him to bring Christian Bale back for another go-round in the costume, and they may have David Goyer involved in the scripting process (likely with Jonah Nolan, we assume).

If this story is true, and I believe it is, expect Nolan to take the gig. He'd be dumb not to; his 'personal' films are still wildly expensive blockbusters, and becoming the godfather of the DC movieverse is the best way to insure Warner Bros keeps spending big money on those films. Also, his personal payday will likely be ****ing insane. Same with Christian Bale. What seems to have happened is that Warner Bros just decided the money theyr'e going to make will dwarf the money they're spending.

The rumor further says that Zack Snyder might direct the film, which indicates that Warner Bros is really bullish on The Man Of Steel - something I've definitely heard multiple times now. I don't know if that means the movie is actually good, but Warner Bros thinks it's super commercial.

In some ways this is analogous to how Marvel got their superhero universe together, except in a behind-the-scenes way. Instead of creating the collection of heroes of film, Warner Bros is cultivating a group of filmmakers whose names have big recognition. Why bother making a Flash movie when your really big stars are Nolan and Bale?

As for the movie itself... I can't say this is the way I wanted it to go. Justice League doesn't need the Nolan touch. We don't need a fully realistic Aquaman. That said, I'm almost looking forward to the tortured explanation for why the team is named the Justice League. You know there's going to be a whole ****ing exchange about it.

By the way, what bad news for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, huh? He had a real payday coming his way.
Well i'm taking this news with industrial strength salt.

If true it will be very interesting seeing how it fits into continuity with the ending of TDKR.

Would obviously love to have more films involving Batman and Nolans/Goyer/Bale
Well i'm taking this news with industrial strength salt.

If true it will be very interesting seeing how it fits into continuity with the ending of TDKR.

Would obviously love to have more films involving Batman and Nolans/Goyer/Bale

The continuity should simply begin with Superman saving Batman from the nuke he was trying to get rid of with the Bat. Followed by Superman asking him to reconsider "retirement" and joining the JL. IMO if well written it would work, considering it would explain how Batman did escape without being killed.
Thought it was beat over our heads in the movie that autopilot was used to fly the bomb out. :dunno

And has Nolan said that no other superheroes exist in his Batmans world?
Thought it was beat over our heads in the movie that autopilot was used to fly the bomb out. :dunno

And has Nolan said that no other superheroes exist in his Batmans world?

Yeah I know, but it would work so well if the news is true with Nolan and Bale possible being involved in JL. Autopilot is cool and all, but what's even cooler is Superman flying in and smashing through the door of the cockpit pulling Batman out and flying away . . . :dunno
Well, I thought about it... I like the idea personally. I'd love to see it.

Bale is great as batman, I wish we had gotten more than just the 3 films. TDKR did wrap things up neatly but at the same time the people that need to know Bruce or Batman is alive and continue supporting him should he return, do.

Alfred saw him at the cafe, Luis found out the auto pilot being repaired by Bruce so he wouldn't be too surprised if Bruce revealed himself seeking new equipment.

The only thing that would be somewhat difficult to explain would be Bruce's physical condition. But there would be ways to address that too especially considering that a Justice League movie requires less grounded ideas. It would help the character transition into that realm of the more super.
I'm open to a Batman played by Bale in a JUSTICE LEAGUE film co-produced by Nolan. But it can't be the same Batman in TDK/TDKR. That would be an unmitigated cluster**** on several levels.
The continuity should simply begin with Superman saving Batman from the nuke he was trying to get rid of with the Bat. Followed by Superman asking him to reconsider "retirement" and joining the JL. IMO if well written it would work, considering it would explain how Batman did escape without being killed.

The autopilot thing was explained more than enough.

For me the ideal scenario would be one where Blake/Robin is the new Batman for Gotham.

But Bruce is convinced by Superman to join the JLA - and he basically becomes a fulltime JLA Batman, dealing with far more serious threats.
For me the ideal scenario would be one where Blake/Robin is the new Batman for Gotham.

The ideal scenario would be a Bruce Wayne Batman who is a badass, distrustful of the other members of the League with super powers, and constantly out-smarting everyone. NOT the emo wuss of TDK/TDKR who relies on Morgan Freeman to do anything and will quit at the drop of a hat. And not the JGL wannabe.

If Batman is going to work in a JUSTICE LEAGUE film, he needs to be BATMAN, damn it.