Action Figure Joaquin Phoenix "JOKER" Speculation Thread

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Well here's one view...


But with a slight adjustment, this is how it looks on my TV...

Joker-384 adj.jpg

I actually like the brighter suit because its so different from the usual movie Jokers... but the TE could be more "red" rather than "orange".
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Eh, going through some screenshots this is the brightest it ever looks in the movie, and it's still not as crazy bright as the TE appears to be.

I do agree though that there's probably more potential in creating an accurate suit with the TE than the Toy Center one (especially given that TC jacket clearly doesn't hang down nearly long enough). But it'll definitely need to be dulled down and slimmed down quite a bit.


Incidentally, this site has a lot of good Joaquin closeups for anyone needing reference material.


That site is pretty cool. This would be the expression I'd prefer for the second TE figure.
Hearing Q2 for the humorist. That?s too close for me. Gonna have to skip and maybe kit bash one in the future.
For those interested, The Humorist is available for pre order on one sixth outfitters and toys wonderland. I bit and went with Wonderland as they have a payment plan. it came out to 180 ( I think that includes shipping) and one sixth has it for 169 ( not sure if that includes shipping)
Really undecided on that one at the moment. The clown outfit would definitely pop on the shelf, and be a nice contrast with his full Joker look from the end of the movie... but just not sure I need it bad enough to pay another $180. And plus this isn't a movie where I really feel the need to have every possible version of the character.
I think I'd prefer to have the Subway Killer clown outfit rather than the opening clown outfit (The Humorist). That first kill -- the yellow and browns of that outfit -- really feel very different than his final guise.

I have 2x Nicholson (mime and reg)... I have 2x Ledger (bank robber and reg)... so maybe I need 2x Joaquin Jokers (yellow subway and cranberry finale).
I think I'd prefer to have the Subway Killer clown outfit rather than the opening clown outfit (The Humorist). That first kill -- the yellow and browns of that outfit -- really feel very different than his final guise.

I have 2x Nicholson (mime and reg)... I have 2x Ledger (bank robber and reg)... so maybe I need 2x Joaquin Jokers (yellow subway and cranberry finale).

Yeah, I think I’m going the x2 Joaquin Joker route too. For my second I’m going to try having a display of the final “you wouldn’t get it” scene, using the DX11’s table & chair.



And CREG’s smiling head looks exactly like this shot:



I really want a bathroom dance version though... maybe 3 then. :lol
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Agreed. All these sculpts need is just a bit of extra paint work and detail applied to them.

I'm feeling tempted by those Greg sculpts as well, but am waiting to see one fully painted up first.

Onesixthvisage on Instagram will be doing my set. I will post pictures once they are done!!
I'm just saying -- if you buy the M13 suit, you will be disappointed... and end up buying another suit.

I have a feeling 3rd party companies will be offering more Joker suits in 2020. Patience.

Exactly, that's what i'm waiting for. In the meantime i'll use the TC suit. If need be, i'll sell it. If I get the TE and customise it, and then another company comes with one much better, I don't think the resale value will be that high. There was a guy who posted some pictures of the TC suit in-hand on this thread, and it really didn't look that bad, I actually thought it looked much better than the TE and MT version. Really we're all just waiting for a Hot Toys one, what we have available at the moment will have to suffice for now...
I'm sure even HT wouldn't have gotten the suit completely right. Something loose and narrow like this is pretty different from their usual fitted suits, and who knows what color they would have gone with.
Looks like the clown version is only $150 shipped at TNS, which is kinda surprising. I figured they'd be priced the same.

Free shipping so I think its the reason why its priced very nicely there. I would have gone back to them, but they dont offer payment plans.