Ironman Mark VII Legendary Scale???

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Thanks! I ordered it from Xylem Design Pedastal Source. I chose an ebonized walnut cylinder cut to my preferred size, and it matches my black/brown Besta's well. They have options for lighting and acrylic covers that were tempting but the price was getting high.

That looks awesome. My wife allowed me to take over the loft for my comic room but my 1 year old would pull that over in a heart beat lol.

I just really hope to god i get a great statue for the 4th statue they sent me.

Update for those of you who care: It has been 40 days since i received my first defective, 20 since i received my second defective statue and i am still waiting on my newly ordered statue to be shipped from sideshow even though they received the returned statue on Monday 10/21/14.
Hey guys here is my 1st Legendary Scale Figure !! I am a huge IRON MAN Fan and I gotta have this guy, No issues so far and I'm super happy !! ^^

Congrats Bigboy, where you gonna place him? I like how you have Bat n Sup next to the tv :hi5: Are those the boxes? No need buy display pedestal then.
Alright, finally have some time to post pics of this thing. I did a video review also, but I accidentlaly deleted it from my phone. Gatta make another one now.

Anyway, as I said earlier, this piece has failed on so many levels I find myself wondering if anyone actually shows up for work at SS?

Let's start with the colour, now that I have this statue in hand and infront of me....I can say with certainty...the colour is off. Way off. Just for good measure I had some second and third opinions given to me by some friends who also agree the ball has once again been dropped. I don't care what anyone says, the statue is burgundy. And from some angles almost looks like a reddish-brown. How SS managed to screw up the easiest job on the "to-do" list blows my mind.

There are paint chips all over the front torso, scuff marks and scratches on his ass. There is even a 4" section near his crotch which is completely flat and dull while the rest of the suit has a high gloss polish. And I think I've figured out why. It appears his right leg has broken off before, glued back together and then repainted to hide the joining sections. It appears they sanded down the surrounding area near the break, painted it, but didn't bother to spray any clear over it.

Every body section of this statue I pulled out of the box had something rattling in it, including the base. That sort of thing in an electronic device usually means defect, in a statue it means cheaply made....and it shows.

The magnets used in the attachment parts are horrible. They hardly hold. Infact, the section that sits on his back fell off during filming my review all by itself. Really wish I didn't delete the video, because as soon as I said the magnets were horrible, it fell off. It was perfect timing.

Another major issue, the light in his right eye doesn't work, at least not very well. It looks like the LED in the head fell out or has shifted. Leaving most of the eye dimly lit.

The base....OMG that disaster of a base. Horrible, just horrible. I've never seen paint application so poorly applied to a flat surface. I CAN NOT believe a human being looked at this work at the factory and said "That's good, pack it up and ship it". What's even harder to believe is that when these arrived at SS's warehouse they opened one, placed it next to their proto and said "Perfect"....."it's just like our proto, ship it!" :doh

I can not even begin to tell you what a colasal rip off this statue is. This in no way is worth $2000, it's not even worth $600 in my opinion. The fact that some of you who have recived this piece convinced yourselves that this is "acceptable" need a slap. It's clear to everyone who's seen mine in person that it should be sent back and a refund requested. Who in their sane mind would pay EXTRA to have this repainted AT THIS PRICE POINT and do SS's job for them? Who?

Folks need to wake up, anyone that ordered this piece should be outraged at this half baked attempt. This is outright robbery of your money. 2k and you get a sticker for an arc reactor. Meanwhile hottoys can pull it off in a 1:6 plastic toy for $300......WITH correct paint colour....bonus!

I would like to know the thoughts of Legacy on this piece being that their name (synonymous with quality and craftsmanship) is attached to many statues released by SS lacking both of those things. I mean...has anyone at Legacy actually opened one of these things up to see first hand what SS is actually delivering to customers? If I were Legacy, I'd seriously be rethinking that contract when it comes up for renewal.

There is no excuse for this sort of workmanship other than pure arrogance and greed. I will be sending this back for a refund and will no longer support SS and the future path they have made plainly clear they're taking. My time and money are better spent with other companies in this industry who still remember what the term "collectible" means and still value their customers dollar.










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He's luckky he lives in the States, he could refund it for full pirce.
Thanks for sharing Ahteris.
I checked with seller, said we need to charge the iron man for sometime in order to have helmet LED light up.
Not sure why got such design.
I talked to SS yesterday about my replacement. They said that they do not have any Mark VII statues with out a warped base like the one i had before and that they will not be offering any type of compensation for this defect.

I wish there were other companies in the US that sell half scale statues. I might just need to look to find a art shop to costume make me some.
You're sending it back right?

I'm not sure yet i want to see pictures of it before they ship it to me. I'm waiting to see if this guy is allowed to take a picture and send it to me. such a crap shoot. Give it a few months and this statue will be one sale, extra rewards, and free shipping just like the star ways half scale.
they have a section for normal size statues but it says coming soon.

EDIT no im wrong its under LMS
I am not familiar with this company, but $4k for a life size statue is cheap.

Their dinosaur stuff looks awesome.
I agree the dino's look great, as does the Mk 42 which I believe someone here owns.

The one I posted looks poor though. :lol
So is it pointless for someone to order brand new now? Will we receive a piece that has already been returned due to defects?