[iminime] Trekking into theDark - Brash Captain|Vulcan First Officer NEW SCULPT PICS

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Im not sure you understand the cost of producing these.

I actually have a fair idea. I know a few others that have made figures, both privately and by a company.
At $400 there should not be a complaint. That cost should have been more than enough to produce them right. I was sad to have missed out on these but, I'd have been far sadder, had I spent that amount of my hard earned money on something where the likeness wasn't 100%, the accessories are solid molds, the uniform doesn't sit right, etc...
The argument of "we had to charge such a high price because we made them so limited" is self defeating. To justify that evrything is not as perfect as can be because the cost of production is too high, no matter how many you're making, is ridiculous.
As was said by others I applaud even making the effort to put Trek out there and into fans hands, it just seems it could have been done a bit better for what was charged. :monkey3
I don't know. I see Chris Pine in that sculpt perfectly fine. Even the Spock is not perfect. Hot Toys likeness' are not perfect either. Everyone seems to be saying that the head sculpt makes him look like he has a Frankenstein noggin, well 'breaking news' Chris Pine does have a huge noggin and high forhead. It is more noticeable in person. So I don't really see the issue here. The figures look perfectly fine to me.
Sculpt looks pretty accurate to me in all the photos for the eBay auction up right now that's just for the head.

That's why I'm curious what angle he apparently looks bad from.

I'm feeling more and more tempted to try to get my hands on a Kirk now.

But not in a pervy way. That sounded wrong... :rotfl
I'm still waiting for Spock, but Kirk and two additional heads have arrived, so I have enough to at least give some initial in-hand impressions.

While I ordered Spock immediately after the tweaks were finally done to the portrait, I'd held off on Kirk after seeing the promo shots, and had planned to wait until I got Spock in hand. However I went ahead and bit the bullet when it looked like they were going to sell out. And I'm glad I did. Overall I think these are a great representation of figures that you will not likely see produced at this level, at least by HT, EB or Sideshow. The Spock head sculpt is phenomenal, and I'd rate a solid 9/10. Kirk is pretty good as well. Better in hand than in any of the photos I've seen, even the promo shots. Still I would rate the likeness around a 7.75/10. It's certainly not one that you look at and see a miniature Chris Pine. It's more of a "ummm yeah... I see it". But it is a highly detailed sculpt and a good paint job, so with the uniform, it's Captain Kirk. I am sure there are some tweaks that could have been made to eek the likeness up a bit, which I would have welcomed, but Pine seems to be one of those wonky difficult likenesses to nail. Probably as tough as Shatner. One quick note about the paint job. While Iminime's paints are outstanding, I think the skin tones on these are too tan. I have zero plans of having them repainted, I would just wonder how others feel, or maybe it's just me.

The bodies (Kirk at least) are serviceable enough I suppose but they look too bulky and they are kind of stiff. I'm not sure which bodies are used, I'm sure it's somewhere up in the description, but I'm definitely going to be trying the TT-22 body swap. However one thing I think many folks aren't realizing is that there aren't many inexpensive slim/narrow body choices out there, at least that I know of. There would have been quite a bit of push back if these were $50 more to reflect the higher price for a TT body. Some if not most folks will probably be perfectly fine with them out of the box. The black undershirt might be adding to the illusion of bulk, but it is screen accurate. I'll bet if Iminime had gone with a dickey there would have been a contingent who would have called it cheap and not screen accurate, so I think they made the safer choice here. So the body swap it really just my own aftermarket decision.

Regarding the uniform, I'm not enough of an expert to go into the accuracy of the braids, etc. I had expected to be put off by the lack of the starfleet pattern but it's not terribly noticeable. Would I have preferred it, sure, but I would imagine it would necessitate a custom fabric that would have been a budget buster. I might pick up one or two of the playmates figure uniforms to use for the spare heads but the tailoring on those looks pretty cheap and the pattern is way out of scale.

Accessories. Personally I'm not a fan of the belt and don't plan to display them as such. 90% of the movie they are in their standard issues. I'll probably have Kirk holding a phaser and Spock holding a tricorder and everything else will go back in the box.

There have been times that I've talked myself out of something only to regret it later and have to go chase it down. I pretty sure that would have been the case with Kirk. So thus far the bottom line on the figures is that if you like the movie you'll probably really like the figures either out of the box or with a body swap. Unfortunately, I have my concerns about seeing more of the crew join the captain and first officer which is a real shame. I would absolutely love to have (in order) Uhura, Bones, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, Carol Marcus and Khan. Even if Iminime could do the crewmates as H+C and let us scramble around for bodies, that would be completely fine with me. Otherwise, hopefully someone will start commissioning the other uniforms and heads so the crew can continue to come together.
^ If anyone isn't loving the accessories and probably won't use them, AND if you'd consider selling them, shoot me a message. :)

I'm eager to hear whether there's even a possibility we'll see more reboot Trek figures from Iminime, or if it's a firm "no, not happening."

Hopefully Hot Toys will come out with a Gamora figure that could perhaps be modded into an Uhura.
Sculpt looks pretty accurate to me in all the photos for the eBay auction up right now that's just for the head.

That's why I'm curious what angle he apparently looks bad from.

I'm feeling more and more tempted to try to get my hands on a Kirk now.

But not in a pervy way. That sounded wrong... :rotfl

I understand how some are having some issues with the Kirk head, I do have some very small issues myself. My personal opinion is that they are over thinking it. The head looks completely like Chris Pine to me at any angle and to say it doesn't look like Kirk is a bit disingenuous. You should have no reservations on getting him. I'm sure you will be very happy. It is good to do your homework though...:)
^^^^Nexus a fair review! I'd agree with most points.

I am a fan of the movies and I am happy to have Kirk & Spock in my collection so I am biased. Both have good sculpts but neither in my opinion are OMG.....Spock being the better but I see Pine in the Kirk sculpt. While the paint apps my be tad dark, they are still really good. The bodies work for me but I am not overly picky if they look good. The same can be said about the uniform then again not an expert to weigh in on the matter.

The dislikes are the hands both in terms of paint and purpose. The "gun hands" don't hold the phasers or accessories very well. The boots limit the articulation and the most importantly being the unlikelihood we will see other cast members.

A solid pair IMO.
^^^^Nexus a fair review! I'd agree with most points.

I am a fan of the movies and I am happy to have Kirk & Spock in my collection so I am biased. Both have good sculpts but neither in my opinion are OMG.....Spock being the better but I see Pine in the Kirk sculpt. While the paint apps my be tad dark, they are still really good. The bodies work for me but I am not overly picky if they look good. The same can be said about the uniform then again not an expert to weigh in on the matter.

The dislikes are the hands both in terms of paint and purpose. The "gun hands" don't hold the phasers or accessories very well. The boots limit the articulation and the most importantly being the unlikelihood we will see other cast members.

A solid pair IMO.

This is my big issue with these. I do a lot of custom work so I have many different types of hands to swap with, but for everyone else it would be a little irritating.
Omar if you could pass anything on to Denny it would be to make sure the all the hands that are included in a set match the sculpt skin tone. Everything else is great in my opinion.
I'll chime in now...

I think these two are absolutely gorgeous. To be fair, on the pictures with the body swap, I haven't seen how they looked better. As said, Spock is a solid 9 and Kirk isn't far Behring. The only thing that really gives him a big noggin is that I think they went overboard with that lock of hair on the middle of his head. Put your finger on it and it becomes a 9.

Uniforms are beautiful too. As said my only real complaint are the hand color not matching the heads. An open extra communicator would have been welcome too!

So are they worth having? Definitely!

Are they worth the price? Of course not! But what is these days? At $200/250, they would have been perfect!

Now, at this price, it's definitely not something you can buy everyday, but I guess I'd cave if they produced Mc Coy and Uhura?
I'll chime in now...

I think these two are absolutely gorgeous. To be fair, on the pictures with the body swap, I haven't seen how they looked better. As said, Spock is a solid 9 and Kirk isn't far Behring. The only thing that really gives him a big noggin is that I think they went overboard with that lock of hair on the middle of his head. Put your finger on it and it becomes a 9.

Uniforms are beautiful too. As said my only real complaint are the hand color not matching the heads. An open extra communicator would have been welcome too!

So are they worth having? Definitely!

Are they worth the price? Of course not! But what is these days? At $200/250, they would have been perfect!

Now, at this price, it's definitely not something you can buy everyday, but I guess I'd cave if they produced Mc Coy and Uhura?

Agree with all points here. Well said!
If anybody needs a Spock I have put mine up in the forum.

In my opinion he's a great figure and if I had been able to get Kirk there is no way I'd be parting with him but I couldn't afford it then and still can't and truth be told while I did really like these movies I love Lord of the Rings more and with the amoutn of stuff Asmus is putting out I need to let a lot of stuff go just to keep up.

The only real knocks I have with Spock is the hands color not matching and the transition from the pants to the boots just looks odd to me. I think it's because the pants hug the figures legs and the boots are much wider than the calfs which leaves too much space between the boot and the pants. I can get the accessories to work with the hands even if the grips don't work perfectly so that one doesn't bother me.
Finally got around to taking a picture of Kirk and Spock together.

Since I just purchased the heads and uniforms I was able to find bodies that I thought worked best.
I used a Hot Toys TrueType regular TTM21 for Kirk and a TTL body for Spock.

The boots are custom, and the phasers communicator are from Playmates.
Other than the small rip in the back of Kirk's shirt (which occured when I put it on the body) I am very pleased.

Ugh. I still need to find boots for my Spock.

I'd also be interested in hearing from anyone who's selling a Kirk, btw.
Body Swap! I put long leg pegs on Spock to give him a bit of height on Kirk..


