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Kookie said:
Do you actually think as a business they can afford to have hundreds of Spiderman PF figures sitting in a warehouse. Also...with all the speculation going on nobody can say for sure whether all this was planned from the start or was a result of the original Spiderman not selling through like they thought. Spiderman certainly lends itself to multiple costume changes.

I'm actually hoping for a Black Symbiote costume choice as well.

You are implying that they used the overstock that they had (from the regular editions) to make these 150 variants. I brought up the same point before but there is no way to prove or disprove that. We don't even know the amount of total regular editions which is part of the reason why I thought the same thing.

Even overlooking all that, I think this whole stunt proves two things:

1. The Spidey PF was a poor offering that very few people picked up. There was a low quantity alert bar on the exclusive for a while and then it went away. Meaning that a lot of people love Spidey but when push came to shove they figured they could do without it and cancelled it. For a character like Spidey that's unacceptable.

2. The Symbiote version will probably be a whole new piece. The fact that the Negative Zone was released instead (a very obscure variant) tells us that they are holding on to that big release. Both Exclusive and regular of a symbiote would sell very well on it's own. They'll hold on to that one until the movie comes out.
Pitchin...As a matter of fact I do value the amount of my collection. I really don't like the idea of spending $300 on a statue to have it be worth $150 a year later. With that mentality why don't you just buy everything off ebay.

I personally don't like losing money on my investments and whether you agree or not those items you collect are investments. I hope your not a financial adviser.

And before some come out of the wood work and proclaim they collect only for the "love" and money shouldn't be the driving factor, I am simply stating money spent was hard earned and should be rewarded by products retaining or growing in value.
Solid...I'm not implying Sideshow did anything in regards to Spiderman. None of us know whether the new Spiderman was planned from the start or not. I can say for a fact that Sideshow is a smart company and would not let hundreds of Spiderman just sit in a warehouse if they weren't selling. Whether those steps were the re-costuming or future price cuts nobody knows for sure.

I also checked for a regular version as well which wasn't listed. So who knows if a regular version of 500-1000 was planned but Sideshow cancelled the regular orders and told the factory to make the changes before they shipped. I can see them ordering 150 limited versions in Classic and Negative and cancelling the rest of the regulars.

Either way...I love my Classic version and even though I missed the Negative I would have loved to received that as well. Like I said I'll wait for the Black Symbiote.
Kookie said:
Pitchin...As a matter of fact I do value the amount of my collection. I really don't like the idea of spending $300 on a statue to have it be worth $150 a year later. With that mentality why don't you just buy everything off ebay.

I personally don't like losing money on my investments and whether you agree or not those items you collect are investments. I hope your not a financial adviser.

And before some come out of the wood work and proclaim they collect only for the "love" and money shouldn't be the driving factor, I am simply stating money spent was hard earned and should be rewarded by products retaining or growing in value.

that's 2 different things..of course I don't want my stuff to deprecate in value but there's buying something that you like & as a bonus it increases in vale & buying because it'll increase in value

I think nash said it best........only the people that bought the original should of been given the chance of these variants
pitchin said:
I think nash said it best........only the people that bought the original should of been given the chance of these variants

:lol :lol :lol

That doesn't make much sense and I think Nash probably said it in the heat of his disappointment. Sideshow would create bad press because fans that want the variants and hear about them can't get them. What if the people that bought the regular exclusive can't afford the variants right now?

How do we meassure how much of a Spidey fan we are? by the purchase of a poorly executed Spidey PF with bright powder blue colors that don't look right? I read Spidey comics and others since 1991. Am I more worthy to own these pieces than those who don't? :rolleyes:
SolidLiquidFox said:
:lol :lol :lol

That doesn't make much sense and I think Nash probably said it in the heat of his disappointment. Sideshow would create bad press because fans that want the variants and hear about them can't get them. What if the people that bought the regular exclusive can't afford the variants right now?

How do we meassure how much of a Spidey fan we are? by the purchase of a poorly executed Spidey PF with bright powder blue colors that don't look right? I read Spidey comics and others since 1991. Am I more worthy to own these pieces than those who don't? :rolleyes:

ok but maybe they get first refusal & whatever is left over is opened up to the general public
pitchin said:
I think nash said it best........only the people that bought the original should of been given the chance of these variants

hey im innocent! :lol I dont remember saying that.
I agree with Solid. How can you possible suggest certain people are entitled over another. Your acting like Sideshow should be punished for making the original Spiderman and offer the Classic version as an "I'm sorry" token gesture.

Pitchin your graspin for straws on your last point. Your really sounding bitter especially for someone who ordered it then cancelled it :cool:
Kookie said:
I agree with Solid. How can you possible suggest certain people are entitled over another. Your acting like Sideshow should be punished for making the original Spiderman and offer the Classic version as an "I'm sorry" token gesture.

Pitchin your graspin for straws on your last point. Your really sounding bitter especially for someone who ordered it then cancelled it :cool:

you can think what you like mate but just because my opinion differs from yours there's no need to question my motives. This is a forum where different opinions can be aired.
pitchin said:
you can think what you like mate but just because my opinion differs from yours there's no need to question my motives.
Funny you should say that, because that's exactly what you have been doing this whole thread. Like I said, whether you like it or not, you sound very bitter. Bitter at Sideshow (why, I have absolutely NO idea), and bitter at other collectors who might judge things differently than you do.
RoboDad said:
Funny you should say that, because that's exactly what you have been doing this whole thread. Like I said, whether you like it or not, you sound very bitter. Bitter at Sideshow (why, I have absolutely NO idea), and bitter at other collectors who might judge things differently than you do.

OK .doc.......what's your Phd in? :lol :rotfl
So I cancel my classic spidey & I'm bitter, yet shai cancels his negative spidey & no questions are asked :confused:

all this just because my opinion differs from yours :rolleyes:
There's a difference Pitchin...Shai hasn't been complaining about Spiderman variants in every thread like you have.
We're not disagreeing with you because you cancelled your Classic Spiderman, we're disagreeing because you appeared upset Spiderman variants were created and seem to be blaming Sideshow.

Also...your comment on people being suckers because they liked the black & red was kinda uncalled for.