Hulkbuster Comiquette @ spooktacular?

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Devlin what was the name of those robots the guys sat into with guns on either arm in the Matrix. Also what about Ironmonger in Ironman movie. It's possible.

Tony would need more room to control the HB.:huh
Devlin what was the name of those robots the guys sat into with guns on either arm in the Matrix. Also what about Ironmonger in Ironman movie. It's possible.

i actually have no idea what they are called. i thought i did but when you asked i drew (no pun intended lol) a blank
i don't think he'd need more room. maybe back in the earlier days technology wise, but now he could control everything from a sitting position with voice command technology, joystick controls, and foot activated sensors.:naughty
The controls would just be shorter. Also Ironmonger is about the same size as the HB.
i know that if is was in a suit about to fight the hulk, I would not want any of my limbs in the suits limbs,.
He's attempting to muddy Drews name.

attempting? he's infamous, banning everyone who messed with his crew (or who his crew messed with).

about speaking to his face ... i haven't had the chance to, something about neglected retail stores and run down apartment buildings give me the creeps :naughty

"i'll be sure to let him know." - AWWW what's a matta, am i talking about your superior? don't worry, with hard work + dedication; someday you will be TOP MOD at SF, i will be sure to congratulate you when you do :banana

Back to hulk buster:

I s did not insult Pablo' work, i just thought Bowen's was better.

Sideshow's Hulkbuster is going to be talked about for years ... not in a good way. 1/6 or 1/4 scale? Hiding the EX feature ...we don't hide the Berserker's EX head do we?Overall it's cool looking about wayy to many problem areas, similar to Rambo, great in theory but product is So-So.
Oh, come now! I know they're comic characters but anyone with half a brain can spot a bad design when they see it!

That's just a fake plastic head Stark placed up there, heck, it's not even a full head, just half a head.

He's hidden inside controlling the HB, he just uses that fake head as a viewfinder thru the eyes hence why it's only half of his "fake" head showing.

He might be a drunk but he isn't a dumb drunk.

Why would he expose his head anyways, Hulk could poke him in the eyes.

Ummmm.....yeah :lol

Now you see how it all works.
I've no problem with people saying Bowens is better. Opinion is great it's what makes life interesting but you did say it looks cheap. That's an insult in my book. When you see the WIPs and close ups of the TS portrait you will change your mind.
attempting? he's infamous, banning everyone who messed with his crew (or who his crew messed with).

about speaking to his face ... i haven't had the chance to, something about neglected retail stores and run down apartment buildings give me the creeps :naughty

"i'll be sure to let him know." - AWWW what's a matta, am i talking about your superior? don't worry, with hard work + dedication; someday you will be TOP MOD at SF, i will be sure to congratulate you when you do :banana

Back to hulk buster:

I did not insult Pablo' work, i just thought Bowen's was better.

Sideshow's Hulkbuster is going to be talked about for years ... not in a good way. 1/6 or 1/4 scale? Hiding the EX feature ...we don't hide the Berserker's EX head do we?Overall it's cool looking about wayy to many problem areas, similar to Rambo, great in theory but product is So-So.

Fine thats your Opinion.But wait till ''so-so'' product skyrocket in value, maybe you will understand that a lot of people thought this statue was simply ''Awesome''.
i still think the hulkbuster is awesome . i got the ex. but i will look to pick up the reg b/c i will be displaying it helmet down.