How prepared are you for the next pandemic?

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Super Freak
Apr 18, 2013
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In terms of resources and mentally. or next pandemic will not exist.
From what I saw last time, I have enough guns and toilet paper.

Mentally it's not much different for me.

Professionally it could be trying, and could determine everything else....

do you have enough ammos. gun not gonna shoot itself.
I have what I have, get more when I need or want it. I'm not overly concerned with stockpiling ammunition in fear of the apocalypse that may never happen, and if it does no amount of bullets will stop it. Nothing wrong with prepping, but I have others things that need my focus and time / money that doesn't include collectables... lol.

It's "work" that has me concerned more than anything else. The decisions employees need to make and how this effect the company. Not just the company I work for, but all of our vendors and customers who are going through the same thing. Manufacturing, so I do not work from home.
I was pretty well prepared for the last pandemic since I saw it coming and was clued in to what was going on in China before most of western world and did my best to prep my relatives (luckily thanks to my warnings most of them were prepared). Also, lockdowns didn't affect me mentally beyond boredom so I think I should handle the next one fine. Unless it is airborne rabies or something as ridiculously deadly and transmissible in which case I live too close to other people to avoid anything...

I also took time to learn some recipes for tacos, burgers etc using only dry goods so should be ok even in case of power outage where I lose all fridge/freezer food (seriously, keep a good stock of dry and tinned food just in case).

As for likelyhood of there being another pandemic.... well..... the world is at least now more aware of the risk so not as complacent, but at the same time a lot of dangerous research involving deadly pathogens continues and there have been more leaks from "places of research" over the decades than you might realise. In addition to all that the tech and knowledge for modifying and even creating new pathogens, even the ability to create something while leaving no trace of it being un-natural in origin, is getting cheaper and easier than ever. Basically we are at a point that anyone with some basic lab equipment and some know-how can cook up batches of all sorts. And there are cases of less than legal labs (like that one in Califonia that had samples with labels marked with all sorts of nasty pathogen names) so who knows where the next leak, let alone natural spillover, might occur.

So considering all that (and the fact we are in the early days of programmable bio-weapons) I expect the next pandemic sooner rather than later. 1 year? 10 years? 30 years? Not sure, but definitely nowhere near as far out as 50-100. If I were a betting man, within 15 years.

I am especially pessimistic due to personal experience. Having been very careful to avoid covid (not because of the acute symptoms, those were not the primary threat, it is the cardio-vascular damage that is concerning) I and my family did end up getting it earlier this summer when we rushed to northern China to see a relative who is dying of cancer (we thought he had only a couple months but is actually still alive though for how long we can't be sure). We all caught it roughly the same time beginning with my toddler, then my wifes step brother fell ill, followed by me, my wife, father in law etc.
My toddler was hospitalised, as was my wifes stepbrother. I was so ill I thought I might die (and really should have been in hospital but we were all getting ill by that point and the hospitals were full anyway), my wife (who usually doesn't ever get very ill) was very heavily ill too. Father in law brushed with death also.

The hospitals were jam packed (like sardines in a tin) but the doctors refused to test for covid and diagnosed bacterial infection for almost everyone including my toddler or, in the case of the wifes stepbrother (a young fit military man), severe dehydration was the diagnosis. All the children were given the same antibiotic drip. The doctors refused to test for Covid.

I did not trust the doctors diagnosis so we used a bunch of covid tests we brought with us from UK and all of us tested positive (double and even triple checked. The same tests were the ones we had been using before China and always tested negative since we never had Covid). Funnily enough the chinese covid tests we had at the apartment in China all came up negative. Either they were shoddy tests or were meant to give negative results.

We were all VERY ill for 1-2 weeks and mildly ill for another 1-2 weeks with some "long covid" symptoms lingering. We knew we might catch Covid if we went to China as the contemporary strain of Omicron was supposed to be burning through the population at the time but we took the risk as the symptoms were supposed to be very mild (as seen around the world) so we were expecting very mild cold-like illness. Instead we were at possibly the sickest we had ever felt, in my case maybe only one time in my life had I felt sicker.

There was nothing in the news to indicate what was going on until very recently western news outlets picked up that a mystery pneumonia was spreading throughout China, with some including that it had begun in Northern China during the summer (where and when we were present) before going nationwide in the autumn/winter. However, according to the news it is mostly a bacterial infection and other common infections and nothing to see here.... but our on the ground experience of authorities seemingly covering up an outbreak of some potentially new (or perhaps the original more deadly) strain of Covid was backed up by some news reports indicating that doctors there are being instructed not to diagnose Covid and to keep it out of reports.

All that is to say that right as we speak, there is some nasty strain of Covid in China that is being covered up. Given that viruses tend to get more mild rather than stronger suggests it originated from a less than natural source. My wifes cousin has seen at least 3 children she knew personally die from it (luckily although her kids were ill for about a month and they spent weeks in hospital they survived) so it is not something to dismiss. I can say from personal experiance that I was incredibly sick. We did return to China a couple months ago and were still immune so none of us caught it again but on the ground I can say there was a lot of sickness of the "mystery pneumonia" kind going around there. When we got home was roughly when the western media finally starting to talk about it.

So, is the rest of the world about to experience another pandemic already? I am not as pessimistic in this case since the world is already on its toes regarding Covid specifically, the virus strain in question has had half a year to evolve into something at least somewhat milder, there are cultural factors that should reduce the spread in the west such as not sharing a central dish at meal times that everyone pulls food from with their chopsticks, living in smaller households separated from extended family rather than 3 generations living together, a general respect for personal space and the big one: better overall hygiene. Other factors such as paid sick leave (or at least being able to take time off for sickness without being fired) also contribute. I think these plus many more factors are why the west (and other developed countries, especially those with less dense populations) was less impacted by the Covid pandemic than China (despite the obviously false data that China was doing great, but that is another topic for another day). Basically we shouldn't get hit as hard but whatever the new strain is you should still be cautious because it will hit you hard, and kids especially get it bad, so take care.

So, after that long meandering post, do I think we are about to face another pandemic? We will. Yes, absolutely, dangerous practices and secretive nations guarantee it will happen eventually. Will it be now? I don't it will be for at least a few years. Am I prepared? I like to think so. Are people in general prepared? I think in general people have short memories and they focus their attention on other things, so no I don't think people in general are. Are governments prepared? Well, they are certainly aware at least of the threat. But we saw how poorly most handled things and how little they learnt so I would say they are not prepared.
I was pretty well prepared for the last pandemic since I saw it coming and was clued in to what was going on in China before most of western world and did my best to prep my relatives (luckily thanks to my warnings most of them were prepared). Also, lockdowns didn't affect me mentally beyond boredom so I think I should handle the next one fine. Unless it is airborne rabies or something as ridiculously deadly and transmissible in which case I live too close to other people to avoid anything...

I also took time to learn some recipes for tacos, burgers etc using only dry goods so should be ok even in case of power outage where I lose all fridge/freezer food (seriously, keep a good stock of dry and tinned food just in case).

As for likelyhood of there being another pandemic.... well..... the world is at least now more aware of the risk so not as complacent, but at the same time a lot of dangerous research involving deadly pathogens continues and there have been more leaks from "places of research" over the decades than you might realise. In addition to all that the tech and knowledge for modifying and even creating new pathogens, even the ability to create something while leaving no trace of it being un-natural in origin, is getting cheaper and easier than ever. Basically we are at a point that anyone with some basic lab equipment and some know-how can cook up batches of all sorts. And there are cases of less than legal labs (like that one in Califonia that had samples with labels marked with all sorts of nasty pathogen names) so who knows where the next leak, let alone natural spillover, might occur.

So considering all that (and the fact we are in the early days of programmable bio-weapons) I expect the next pandemic sooner rather than later. 1 year? 10 years? 30 years? Not sure, but definitely nowhere near as far out as 50-100. If I were a betting man, within 15 years.

I am especially pessimistic due to personal experience. Having been very careful to avoid covid (not because of the acute symptoms, those were not the primary threat, it is the cardio-vascular damage that is concerning) I and my family did end up getting it earlier this summer when we rushed to northern China to see a relative who is dying of cancer (we thought he had only a couple months but is actually still alive though for how long we can't be sure). We all caught it roughly the same time beginning with my toddler, then my wifes step brother fell ill, followed by me, my wife, father in law etc.
My toddler was hospitalised, as was my wifes stepbrother. I was so ill I thought I might die (and really should have been in hospital but we were all getting ill by that point and the hospitals were full anyway), my wife (who usually doesn't ever get very ill) was very heavily ill too. Father in law brushed with death also.

The hospitals were jam packed (like sardines in a tin) but the doctors refused to test for covid and diagnosed bacterial infection for almost everyone including my toddler or, in the case of the wifes stepbrother (a young fit military man), severe dehydration was the diagnosis. All the children were given the same antibiotic drip. The doctors refused to test for Covid.

I did not trust the doctors diagnosis so we used a bunch of covid tests we brought with us from UK and all of us tested positive (double and even triple checked. The same tests were the ones we had been using before China and always tested negative since we never had Covid). Funnily enough the chinese covid tests we had at the apartment in China all came up negative. Either they were shoddy tests or were meant to give negative results.

We were all VERY ill for 1-2 weeks and mildly ill for another 1-2 weeks with some "long covid" symptoms lingering. We knew we might catch Covid if we went to China as the contemporary strain of Omicron was supposed to be burning through the population at the time but we took the risk as the symptoms were supposed to be very mild (as seen around the world) so we were expecting very mild cold-like illness. Instead we were at possibly the sickest we had ever felt, in my case maybe only one time in my life had I felt sicker.

There was nothing in the news to indicate what was going on until very recently western news outlets picked up that a mystery pneumonia was spreading throughout China, with some including that it had begun in Northern China during the summer (where and when we were present) before going nationwide in the autumn/winter. However, according to the news it is mostly a bacterial infection and other common infections and nothing to see here.... but our on the ground experience of authorities seemingly covering up an outbreak of some potentially new (or perhaps the original more deadly) strain of Covid was backed up by some news reports indicating that doctors there are being instructed not to diagnose Covid and to keep it out of reports.

All that is to say that right as we speak, there is some nasty strain of Covid in China that is being covered up. Given that viruses tend to get more mild rather than stronger suggests it originated from a less than natural source. My wifes cousin has seen at least 3 children she knew personally die from it (luckily although her kids were ill for about a month and they spent weeks in hospital they survived) so it is not something to dismiss. I can say from personal experiance that I was incredibly sick. We did return to China a couple months ago and were still immune so none of us caught it again but on the ground I can say there was a lot of sickness of the "mystery pneumonia" kind going around there. When we got home was roughly when the western media finally starting to talk about it.

So, is the rest of the world about to experience another pandemic already? I am not as pessimistic in this case since the world is already on its toes regarding Covid specifically, the virus strain in question has had half a year to evolve into something at least somewhat milder, there are cultural factors that should reduce the spread in the west such as not sharing a central dish at meal times that everyone pulls food from with their chopsticks, living in smaller households separated from extended family rather than 3 generations living together, a general respect for personal space and the big one: better overall hygiene. Other factors such as paid sick leave (or at least being able to take time off for sickness without being fired) also contribute. I think these plus many more factors are why the west (and other developed countries, especially those with less dense populations) was less impacted by the Covid pandemic than China (despite the obviously false data that China was doing great, but that is another topic for another day). Basically we shouldn't get hit as hard but whatever the new strain is you should still be cautious because it will hit you hard, and kids especially get it bad, so take care.

So, after that long meandering post, do I think we are about to face another pandemic? We will. Yes, absolutely, dangerous practices and secretive nations guarantee it will happen eventually. Will it be now? I don't it will be for at least a few years. Am I prepared? I like to think so. Are people in general prepared? I think in general people have short memories and they focus their attention on other things, so no I don't think people in general are. Are governments prepared? Well, they are certainly aware at least of the threat. But we saw how poorly most handled things and how little they learnt so I would say they are not prepared.
will you accept a new vaccine for a new pandemic?
I am not sure what I can say and how "free speech" works here but I think the pandemic was a scam. It was a way for governments to get more control.

The data shows it was a scam...but the conspiracy guy in me thinks one day they will realease a real pandemic.

Forcing a vaccine with near zero effectiveness is what I call a scam.
The Covid-19 pandemic never ended for me. Going on my 5th year now...
Same. I’ve been taking care of my parents who are both ill since 2020; my dad with a rare spinal disorder and my mom with kidney disease. So I’m ready for whatever is up ahead, I guess.
Same. I’ve been taking care of my parents who are both ill since 2020; my dad with a rare spinal disorder and my mom with kidney disease. So I’m ready for whatever is up ahead, I guess.
both happened circa 2020? boosted? not saying it has anything to do with vaccines just curious.
will you accept a new vaccine for a new pandemic?
I was skeptical of the covid vaccines specifically due the science behind them and the insistance on targeting the spike protein specifically which itself is cytotoxic. More recent research confirmed that they can cause various side effects and even the big D though that was ignored for a very long time despite warnings right from the outset.

It is funny since I was the guy saying vaccines good before covid, I had many arguments with my conspiracy minded brother etc. Traditional vaccines are great but the new MRNA ones are something I will continue to be skipping. People tend to assume that all vaccines are the same and they could not be more wrong. It is apples to oranges.

As for Covid being a scam, that is just nonsense. I would agree that governments used the opportunity to grab control (as they do with every crisis, remember the Patriot Act) but the virus was genuine and it was very deadly in the early days (as someone with family and friends in China I saw more of that than mainstream media in the west was showing) In fact, something as mild as a common seasonal flu that can co-infect at the same time as flu is a very bad situation in and of itself. Every flu season will hit harder thanks to that. But most concerning is the cardio vascular damage the spike protein causes, hence the rise is cardio vascular related deaths. Covid (and the vaccines that produce spike protein) kill slowly via blood clotting that leads to heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolism etc and can also cause conditions such as myocarditis not to mention autoimmune responses thanks to reprogrammed cells mass producing the spike protein. One ase study was that of an elderly fellow whose death was caused by brain damage that was the result of the vaccine produced spike proteins being produced in said brain.

The initial infection is not so bad in general with most covid strains but those secondary factors are very concerning. The vaccines and Covid together producing the cytotoxic spike protein is likely why excess mortality has been seen consistently accross the world these past couple years with little sign of reduction. I think by now we all know people who have died from such conditions suddenly.

All that to say say yes, I am staying away from Covid vaccines specifically and am cautious of all future MRNA based vaccines, but will happily take traditional vaccines as they are well tested and researched with long histories. So basically right wing conspiracy folk will call me a lefty sheeple loser and left wing lunatics will call me a right wing conspiracy nutcase. Can't win if you don't sit neatly on one side.
both happened circa 2020? boosted? not saying it has anything to do with vaccines just curious.
I can tell you of one individual I know of who died after the shot and was determined to likely be result of it. Also another fellow was hospitalised in UK with Covid and almost died. That second fellow was actually in hospital in UK same time I and my family were ill with Covid in China and while I cannot confirm this (take it with grain of salt) he was told that the strain of covid he tested positive for was the extict original strain.... in 2023... so plenty material for conspiracy theories with that alone.

So yes, based on both the personal anecdotes and available scientific research I can confidently say I am doing my best to avoid the virus and the shot both!
I was skeptical of the covid vaccines specifically due the science behind them and the insistance on targeting the spike protein specifically which itself is cytotoxic. More recent research confirmed that they can cause various side effects and even the big D though that was ignored for a very long time despite warnings right from the outset.

It is funny since I was the guy saying vaccines good before covid, I had many arguments with my conspiracy minded brother etc. Traditional vaccines are great but the new MRNA ones are something I will continue to be skipping. People tend to assume that all vaccines are the same and they could not be more wrong. It is apples to oranges.

As for Covid being a scam, that is just nonsense. I would agree that governments used the opportunity to grab control (as they do with every crisis, remember the Patriot Act) but the virus was genuine and it was very deadly in the early days (as someone with family and friends in China I saw more of that than mainstream media in the west was showing) In fact, something as mild as a common seasonal flu that can co-infect at the same time as flu is a very bad situation in and of itself. Every flu season will hit harder thanks to that. But most concerning is the cardio vascular damage the spike protein causes, hence the rise is cardio vascular related deaths. Covid (and the vaccines that produce spike protein) kill slowly via blood clotting that leads to heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolism etc and can also cause conditions such as myocarditis not to mention autoimmune responses thanks to reprogrammed cells mass producing the spike protein. One ase study was that of an elderly fellow whose death was caused by brain damage that was the result of the vaccine produced spike proteins being produced in said brain.

The initial infection is not so bad in general with most covid strains but those secondary factors are very concerning. The vaccines and Covid together producing the cytotoxic spike protein is likely why excess mortality has been seen consistently accross the world these past couple years with little sign of reduction. I think by now we all know people who have died from such conditions suddenly.

All that to say say yes, I am staying away from Covid vaccines specifically and am cautious of all future MRNA based vaccines, but will happily take traditional vaccines as they are well tested and researched with long histories. So basically right wing conspiracy folk will call me a lefty sheeple loser and left wing lunatics will call me a right wing conspiracy nutcase. Can't win if you don't sit neatly on one side.
initially i was skeptical only on mrna vaccines but as the antivax scene blew up more were revealed regarding the old vaccines how heavy metals are added to help trigger immune response and how some virus vector virus that were deemed harmless to humans actually arent etc.

i will still take my boosters due to mandates though.
Lmao. No.

My dad has had his spinal disease for 20 years now. My mom has had kidney disease since 2018.
have you tried those chinese traditional stuffs. like those vacuum cups or herbs and stuffs. spinal disease seems to have not much solution in modern medicine which is odd they can make new vaccines so fast.
I am not sure what I can say and how "free speech" works here but I think the pandemic was a scam. It was a way for governments to get more control.

The data shows it was a scam...but the conspiracy guy in me thinks one day they will realease a real pandemic.

Forcing a vaccine with near zero effectiveness is what I call a scam.
A scam, eh?

I last got a booster in Dec 2021. Just got covid over Thanksgiving 2023 and I hadn't had any illness in probably 5 or 6 years.

I could tell this was a different virus than any previous I've ever had. Everybody at Thanksgiving who was in close contact With the spreader and wasn't boosted recently got it.

Back to the question of the forum, I'm as ready as anybody else who's not a fear monger. Humanity has survived worse.
initially i was skeptical only on mrna vaccines but as the antivax scene blew up more were revealed regarding the old vaccines how heavy metals are added to help trigger immune response and how some virus vector virus that were deemed harmless to humans actually arent etc.

i will still take my boosters due to mandates though.
The metals in vaccines thing was silly as IIRC old vaccines used to contain Thimerosal an ethyl Mercury compaound that is safe as a preservative though it is seldom found in modern vaccines and many use Aluminium salts but again it is fairly safe and we consume small amounts of it in food daily.

On the other hand, the vaccines that use things like Aluminium salts as adjuvants do so since they are using "dead" viral/bacterial parts rather than live attenuated viruses/bacteria. Live vaccines are associated with a reduction in all cause mortality while "dead" vaccines are associated with an increase in all cause mortality potentially due to the development of allergies as a result of the immune system not correctly recorgnising the intended target when triggered to react by the adjuvants. So even among traditional vaccines live attenuated ones may well be better despite being less pleasant to get.
I am not sure what I can say and how "free speech" works here but I think the pandemic was a scam. It was a way for governments to get more control.

The data shows it was a scam...but the conspiracy guy in me thinks one day they will realease a real pandemic.

Forcing a vaccine with near zero effectiveness is what I call a scam.
Totally agree with you
My sister owns a ranch. When coronavirus hit she was all about Ivermectin. She sent me a bottle with syringes and needles to extract the liquid from the bottle. I put 1ml into a small drink of orange juice and drink it. 24 hour wait then another ml and nothing again for a month. I haven’t been sick in over 5 years now. No kidding. It’s available in stores that cater to farms and ranches. Ivermectin made for cows and pigs is the exact same formula as ivermectin for humans. Literally no difference at all. I could tell some stories about being directly exposed to the virus and haven’t ever gotten ill from it. My whole family’s been taking it ever since every month. It’s not conspiracy theory, it actually works. There’s my .02 cents worth. If anyone has questions I’m happy to answer. 👍🏼