How has Hot Toys not made any Matrix characters?

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The actor's likeness rights were included in their contracts in 2001 when Reloaded and Revolutions were filmed in Australia. I heard it's a different story now, that likeness rights are not available or something.
Parts 2 and 3 were not as good as the original (obviously) but they're still better than 80% of the crap out there. The highway sequence and Zion battle were completely awesome.
Part 1 was a rip off of Grant Morrison's comic 'The Invisibles'.
Warner Brothers helped kill any controversy over that since they own DC comics as well (which published The Invisibles)

But for part 2 and 3 they had to stand on their own two feet....and that didn't work out well for them at all.

They've stuck to officially adapting other works since...
Watch a Dr Who episode called The Deadly Assassin from 1976. The Doctor fights an assassin in a virtual realty world where the people put on these weird helmets connected to a machine. The device is literally called the Matrix. And in the show if you die in the Matrix you die in real life.
here's a tip. Watch 1,2 & 3 all back to back (and even throw in Flight of the Osirus at the right place). It makes them much better. The reality is the original is a standalone movie, 2 & 3 really need to be watched as part of a trilogy.

Ive done this once and it made the movies seem better than they actually were as standalone movies. When I saw Matrix II and III in theaters I wanted to shot myself because I thought they were both just average. Was expecting them to be as good as the first, which they were not even close to it. I will agree that all together as one big movie they do seem much better.
I dont know why people ask questions like this,Hot Toys isnt going anywhere. Theres only so much they can do at one time. Im sure we'll see something in the future. I loved the first one no matter what it was "copied" off of and the next two sucked. I dont think Id buy anything from this franchise but it would be kinda cool to see a Neo with that arsenal he had in his coat at the end of pt 1.
Hm. That would explain then why Parts 2 and 3 were such crap compared to the first one...
Thanks for the insight.

Part 1 was a rip off of Grant Morrison's comic 'The Invisibles'.
Warner Brothers helped kill any controversy over that since they own DC comics as well (which published The Invisibles)

But for part 2 and 3 they had to stand on their own two feet....and that didn't work out well for them at all.

They've stuck to officially adapting other works since...
I would def pick up some 1/6 figs from this line. I was obsessed with the films for a while and I agree that while the first one is a sic-fi classic and the other two simply couldn't surpass the hype on their own, as a whole, the Matrix is a gorgeous, thought-provoking amalgamation of all the things we geeks love. Yes, much of the Matrix derived from other pop-culture, philosophical and established sci-fi sources, but give me an example of an original IP in recent years that isn't derivative. Anyway, while I love my McF and HT sentinels, I'd like to see something more. Anyone own the Nebuchudnezzar that was packaged with the Blu-ray release?
The second and third instalments were considered a load of shight by a lot of people sure, but the groundbreaking status of the first film would warrant at least Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and Agent Smith one would think. I'd still pick up all of these if they came out. And Persephone, don't forget Persephone :drool

This is what I thought at first. I had only seen Reloaded and Revolutions once each and was convinced that they were just filled with plot holes and Morpheus saying "It is our destiny" in every way possible... then I watched them a couple more times each and made sure to pay attention to every single line that each character delivered. They never spoon-fed you the plot, so you have to be attentive. The explanation for a certain event may have been hinted at or mentioned in passing an hour and a half before, but you'd never know it if you weren't totally keyed in.

For me at least, everything in that trilogy finally has an explanation. Not a single line in those movies can be taken with a grain of salt (save for perhaps Morpheus' speeches, lol).
I dunno, I thoroughly enjoy the sequels. I just think the Burly Brawl in Reloaded went on too long and the Architect's dialogue was absolutely taking the p!$$. Apart from those things I don't know what the problem was or what people were expecting.
Over the last few days i have gotten back into the Matrix saga, it started with watching Bill & Ted LOL

Honestly when the orginal, and the sequels came out i was the biggest matrix fan, i had all the figures, the animatrix everything i love it all, but i havent scene them in a while and i finally watched Reloaded and Revolutions and they are so good!!! Of course the orginal cannot be topped, its a classic and so revolutionary :))) for the time but Reloaded and Revolutions have easily some of the best action sequences in film history, they made it massive and i like that. And its not just mindless action, its got alot of heart and story elements dealing with Life & Death, not a bunch of cgi shlubs blowing stuff up.

Why havent we scene any Human Figures from Hot Toys!? I mean they made a sentinal, they can do it. the whole saga made a #$%* load of money for warners so i dont even wanna hear the fan base isnt there. Has to do with likenesses or somthing!!

I want a Neo vs a bunch of smiths, could get pricey with Hot Toys current prices. They have Hugo Weaving right!?
I can say that those sequels were not too bad for back then, compared to many crap sequels that come out these days.

They are certainly more creative and better made then the two transformers sequels for example lol
I'm not sure at this point in time if I would have any interest in buying them. There is just so much more that I would rather have. Maybe if the price was right.

There are some cool possibilities with the line and the arsenal of weapons for a lobby Neo and Trinity would be endless.