Hot Toys Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern?

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Both! :lol

Realistically DCD has killed off their 13" line and they've already made their GL announcements so really nothing is holding HT back.
Both! :lol

Realistically DCD has killed off their 13" line and they've already made their GL announcements so really nothing is holding HT back.

Yeah. For someone like GL, if they were gonna make him, capitalizing on the film's promotionals would be their best bet, to strike while the iron's hot, even if it's just to do a Reeve-style announcement and show only the chest, or the lantern, ring, etc..
So do you have some theories on how they'd do it? I don't think anyone here is a certified toy engineer - but it's fun to speculate.

No, the fun part is thinking about the true toy engineers who visit the forum and read the :lecture:panic::gah: that people post all the time.

We know you're out there, sitting there, in your throne casting your gaze down upon the lowly mortals kvetching and bellyaching about caterpillar eyebrows.
No, the fun part is thinking about the true toy engineers who visit the forum and read the :lecture:panic::gah: that people post all the time.

We know you're out there, sitting there, in your throne casting your gaze down upon the lowly mortals kvetching and bellyaching about caterpillar eyebrows.

Would Google translate even translate it accurately? Because if they read English as good as they type it, they won't understand much anyway. :huh

That said, their English is a damn sight better than my Cantonese. :monkey1 :lol
Hey if they make one and it looks good I'll get it. Knowing HT I would expect something by Comic-Con.
You'd be wrong. Iron Man figures although astonishing are hard plastic constructs (pun intended) there is no true type within them, the pieces are molded with the electronics within. If they were so complex would we have gotten so many Marks in such a short period of time?

With a Green Lantern film figure you'd have to copy that second skin technology which means either create that thin rubber to go over a TrueType like the Batman figures or create a whole new painted body that would essentially be constructed like the Wolverine model. The issue is that the suits especially Hal's lights up. The chest, the arms, the gloves especially once the ring is in use. Which means you'd have to create the electronic components within a standard TrueType. There are lot of issues if you want to do it right. If they wanted to just create a figure it'd be no problem but to do it like they've done with the other license pieces in the past it'll take time.

I'd even go one further to say that HT is holding off to make sure that they can get it right once just in case the film isn't successful and they only get one shot. Remember an impressive figure can overcome any weak box office. Terminator: Salvation or Alien vs. Predator: Requiem weren't exactly box office smashes like Iron Man or TDK yet those figures had no problem selling. If they create a good figure it'll do the selling by itself regardless of film.

Agreed! TS figures are among the best HT has done! I think GL will be a hit- I see a thin rubber suit over a TT body with only ring light up feature and DISPLAY STAND with greenish lights to project onto the
Like I said before, I wouldn't mind seeing a green tinted translucent body filled with LED's,then covered with a molded rubber suit,with the veiny areas,as well as the circular area surrounding the symbol being translucent with a green tint,top it off with an LED in the neck post,and tinted green eyes, and I believe it wouldn't be too difficult. Question is, would HT be dedicated enough to develop an entirely new body system that is essentially, only applicable to a single figure? Of course, I suppose the same could be said about Iron Man.
Like I said before, I wouldn't mind seeing a green tinted translucent body filled with LED's,then covered with a molded rubber suit,with the veiny areas,as well as the circular area surrounding the symbol being translucent with a green tint,top it off with an LED in the neck post,and tinted green eyes, and I believe it wouldn't be too difficult. Question is, would HT be dedicated enough to develop an entirely new body system that is essentially, only applicable to a single figure? Of course, I suppose the same could be said about Iron Man.

Not really, but okay? :dunno :lol
I thought HT making the GL was going to be a no brainer.

Not if the movie turns out to be this summer's Speed Racer.

It does look like a CGI-fest (in the trailer). Hopefully the story is solid.

(If not . . . . Sucker Punch, anyone?)

I hope it rawks.
^ Yeah I hope it kicks ass, I just thought it would of been a given only because of it being the Green Lantern as a DC character, like HT making Wolverine no matter how good the film turns out but I guess Wolverine is a much better known character than GL.
Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Killowog, Abin Sur all sound like wins to me.

Hal, Sinestro and Abin Sur would all utilize the standard TrueType, Abin and Hal on the standard with Sinestro on the narrow most likely. So those are at least easier to lock in.

Killowog would require a whole new body just to keep in size with the film and while they could theoretically do what they did with Hellboy which is to just have the skeletal TT underneath and a skin over it, I don't see them making the effort until the film is a hit and the releases before it sell well.
Theres a very big GL fanbase. The figure would sold out even if the movie isnt that good.
Not if the movie turns out to be this summer's Speed Racer.

It does look like a CGI-fest (in the trailer). Hopefully the story is solid.

(If not . . . . Sucker Punch, anyone?)

I hope it rawks.

I dunno. The CGI fest looked good but it looks like it's only the first half before it gets withered down to humdrum human vs. human story for the second half. :monkey1
Theres a very big GL fanbase. The figure would sold out even if the movie isnt that good.

There is a new GL fanbase beginning to form at the Sinestro Corps War but really kicking into gear by Blackest Night. They still haven't shown that they'll buy high end GL items. The 1:4 Statue, 1:2 bust and recent Power Batteries have been selling far under retail...who knows if that will translate into HT but it has to be a point worth noting in terms of issuing product.

I dunno. The CGI fest looked good but it looks like it's only the first half before it gets withered down to humdrum human vs. human story for the second half. :monkey1

If you believe the synopsis, the human vs. human stuff is in act 2. The human vs. Huge ____ing Entity of Fear with 7200 Corps members is act 3.
Fingers crossed then because they have all the previews showing it backwards.

Agreed, cuz images like this got me scratching my head:


Does this shuggest Hal brought that weapon into existence through imagination and willpower?


Does it look like Reynolds is bored of staring at a greenscreen on an empty soundstage?
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