Hot Toys Prince of Persia Prince Dastan figure specs

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I really don't get why people waste money on buying 2 of 1 figure:dunno..for reason like that ..why don't you choose the one you like best and if you want change it every so often, spend the money on an other figure, but i guess hot toys know there are people like you out there and thats why the gave him the extra set of clothing.

See the way I see it. If I get two of these figures I wit really be losing money. On the one hand I can display both in each outfit and sell off whatever I don't want. But then if I decide I don't want to I can either sell it off or use the spare for parts for one of my customs. Almost eery fours Hot Toys has come out with I've needed certain parts from. So theres an 80% chance I'd end up buying another down the line anyway since I know I'd definitely need the swords and body which would probably cost me the price of a figure anyway. So from my pov I'd need two anyway. But I guess you don't do many customs.
See the way I see it. If I get two of these figures I wit really be losing money. On the one hand I can display both in each outfit and sell off whatever I don't want. But then if I decide I don't want to I can either sell it off or use the spare for parts for one of my customs. Almost eery fours Hot Toys has come out with I've needed certain parts from. So theres an 80% chance I'd end up buying another down the line anyway since I know I'd definitely need the swords and body which would probably cost me the price of a figure anyway. So from my pov I'd need two anyway. But I guess you don't do many customs.

i agree with you there. If I had the money, i'd buy more than one of lots of figs. You never know where you might need a spare part for something else. That way you don't have to go hunt down a part when you really need/want it then have to pay an absurd amount of money for just that piece you need
What the hell have you been smoking?

It's just my opinion dude. To me, like I said already, the dutch sculpt looks the most like arnie. I mean the hot toys T2 sculpt brings the realism with the paint ops and textures, but to me, there's just something that doesn't do it 100% for me. It's not like I'm saying it's a bad sculpt, I just think it works better from certain angles. Just like the DX joker looks better if you hav the eyes rolled upward than looking down.
See the way I see it. If I get two of these figures I wit really be losing money. On the one hand I can display both in each outfit and sell off whatever I don't want. But then if I decide I don't want to I can either sell it off or use the spare for parts for one of my customs. Almost eery fours Hot Toys has come out with I've needed certain parts from. So theres an 80% chance I'd end up buying another down the line anyway since I know I'd definitely need the swords and body which would probably cost me the price of a figure anyway. So from my pov I'd need two anyway. But I guess you don't do many customs.

I get ya:wink1: ..but for a person 2 do this and who isn't into doing there own custom work 2 justify it, i think they have to much money to play with.
Yeah. I don't really buy two of each figure usually. The craziest I've gotten was getting 3DX Batman. And that really did wipe me out. Because of that I had to hold off on t800 and be ironman and mech tech Tony. I've never gotten that crazy before but I'm an uber Superman and Batman fan. I'm very picky in my collection because I don't really have that much money to hobby with which is why I limit myself to 2-3 themes in which one right now if defunct (Superman). So I get where you are coming from about buying 2 of each. If I'm going to pick up a fours outside of my theme I will always look at what pieces I can use for customs. With Dastans body being like wolverine / comedian that's what made me decide to get 2.
Well since were just naming off movies now I vote for a Raine from Ninja Assassins. Bad ass movie and bad ass weapons which means bad ass accessories.
This looks like another incredible figure IMO. Useless license though. More from classic films HT not blink&miss summer films.
This looks like another incredible figure IMO. Useless license though. More from classic films HT not blink&miss summer films.

:lecture QFT. Especially when they can't even pin down the likeness.
I'd love to see some HT figures of more classic movie stars too. Where's the likes of a Clint Eastwood figure or a Steve McQueen? Personally I'd love to see some Western figures, even characters from more recent Westerns. HT seems to have a fascination with Chrtistian Bale so let's see some 3:10 to Yuma figures. THEY. WOULD. ROCK. Who wouldn't want a Ben Wade and Charlie Prince?
I think its an OK likeness, but thats just my apathy for this particular license. If I was really into PoP sands of time, or whatever its called, I expect I too would be more critical of the likeness. Everything else about the figure looks simply mindblowing, no doubts about that.

Lets just see the amazing standards of HT applied to some existing, much loved film properties that won't disappear without a trace by next year!
I passed on the PF hoping this would look better and it does in every way except for it doesn't look that much like Jake. It looks good, but not like Jake. Too much fullness in the face and neck, mouth isn't right, hair is terrible and the eyes are spooky. It does look more like Leto. I think Leto could've actually played this part.

Though it's a great figure, unless they improve on the likeness, I probably won't get it. I collect movie figures and I prefer ones that look like the actor who portrayed them.

We'll just have to wait and see.

I collect movie figures and I prefer ones that look like the actor who portrayed them.

same here. I don't too much care for anything else. I wish Hot Toys would of had the LOTR liscence so we could have better 1/6 scale versions of those. Not saying sideshows are bad but it would be nice to see those brought to hot toys level. But back to the subject matter, the only reason I'm gettin this Prince Dastan is b/c I'm a big fan of the games and really liked the movie, so I can deal with the likeness
I finally watched the movie today and I enjoyed the film. I wouldn't mind a figure of Prince Dastan assuming the make a few adjustments. The hair needs beads, not be so "poofy". The sculpt is decent enough if the manage the hair better.
I wouldn't be to quick to say that Prince of Persia won't last. To date, it has made $293 million wolrdwide. It's still got a lot of life in it overseas. When all is said and done, it could end up being a big moneymaker for Disney despite a slow US box office.
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I collect movie figures and I prefer ones that look like the actor who portrayed them.

Yes. That be a deal breaker there for a figure such as this. I think if HT go the extra mile with the likeness as they frequently do, it could make the difference.

I wouldn't be to quick to say that Prince of Persia won't last. To date, it has made $293 million wolrdwide. It's still got a lot of life in it overseas. When all is sadi and done, it could end up being a big moneymaker for Disney despite a slow US box office.

I hope it will last. They've layed down the rules and characters and I reckon if they have another crack at it they could make something pretty special. Seems this first movie was trying to find its feet.
Yes. That be a deal breaker there for a figure such as this. I think if HT go the extra mile with the likeness as they frequently do, it could make the difference

HT is known for their detail but the figure is missing obvious items besides the sculpt (ie. beads in Dastan's hair). At least I haven't noticed any in the proto pics. Jack Sparrow has them therefore, HT can do it. For whatever reason they didn't with this figure. It makes me wonder if this license will be a toss away line from them.

HT secure the license and if the movie is a hit produce multiple figures and if it is a flop give us Dastan and move on. A shame if that is the case with a period piece the figures and accessories (clothes, weapons etc.) would be fantastic in 1:6 scale.
I'm not a big fan of how HT announces licenses and makes figures.

I think the world could do without Perseus and Dastan, as well as Astro Boy and the entire Spirit line, among others. I think HT should wait till a movie releases, see if there's fan demand - and then do the line. Just my two cents...