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I think Brooklyn's issue is both figures should have been made into just one figure and separating them into 2 different figures is HT being greedy and the fans should protest with their wallets as we are not getting the same value as we did in the past. I don't put too much thought into why HT releases figures in whatever configurations they do I just buy what I like. I do know cobbled together, cheap variants pay for more unique sculpts(I doubt Ultron Prime and Hulkbuster will be reused) so accept them as what they are, "cash grabs" to continue business and make profit for the company and I'm OK with it because that's how for profit businesses' operate. "Value" seems to be going down but I think it'll level itself out when it's not working anymore as business practices are organic and change based on consumer desire and right now value doesn't seem to be such a concern for them.
I was a little disappointed with the release tbh. Like I stated before I wish the shield would have been included with the regular version or BP. In the end I didn't PO. It was my choice. I didn't feel it was enough to warrant my money.

I respect the fellow collector's who feel cheated and robbed, but at the end of the day it happened and nothing will change that. We just move on.
As a long time collector, not only of hot toys, but of a lot of different lines (some I gave up and even sold through the years), the thing that always annoyed me about convention/promo/exclusive pieces was when they were really new pieces or even important characters that ended up being hard to get.

When they release a variant, I'm glad I can skip it (and to tell you the truth, with hot toys, even when I wanted an exclusive, I was able to get it fairly easily, and I'm in a country where preorders are not always offered).

I understand the feeling that this figure is not enough to be a "full figure", as it ends up being basically the same as the regular with just the scratched shield, the special base and dirty costume. But in my point of view, it's not a "full figure", it's a variant of the regular figure.

I get it that if someone wants both the shield and the faceplates you have to buy both. I saw a lot of people complaining about it on Facebook and even saw a video on YouTube about it. I understand the frustration of some. But in the end, that's the game. I have gave up on collections in the past cause I didn't like something in the way it was being handled by the company (many variants of the same character, increase of pace in releases, even problems to keep scale) or even re-accessed the way I was approaching a collection.

In the end, it's supposed to be a fun activity, if it's not, something is wrong and might need to change.

Just my way of seeing it, btw, some people might disagree with my way of dealing with frustration on collecting.


In the end, this is just a fun activity/hobby for me. What I like I buy, what I don't like, I skip. Sure there's going to have to be some trade offs when they release variants of figures, but you just simply go with the one where the positives outweigh the negatives from your perspective.
I'm not saying it's the coolest thing in the world to do. I'd have prefer it all be in one figure as well. But that's just what I want. Based on my own collecting habits. But given I didn't pay millions of dollars for the rights, I kinda think they should be able to make whatever they want.

And he never considered that other people actually liked the figure better, and that it's not just a pure greed standpoint but a business choice. They have more loss of product now then they sold total when the first avengers cap came out. What I mean is the quality control/return/replacement/defective products total amount per year are now higher in total figures them the total figures they sold per year back then.

Business wise they can't afford to do those things often, if at all.

The more parts or items in a particular release the higher failure rate. Which means more potential for loss.

And when a figure like tonto, or Zod or jor-el ect bomb, how do you think they offset that? With these type of things. It's also how they cover advertising (last month there where 7 ads for 7 figures run in magazines, two full pages of ads...) and how they pay for all these shows everyone loves.

If you don't think about how the business works and why things are done and step away from your personal wants (and consider other people's collecting habits) then your just beating your head against the wall. And hot toys has no reason to change how it operates thus far. They are the gold standard, the company others want to be.
I'm not saying it's the coolest thing in the world to do. I'd have prefer it all be in one figure as well. But that's just what I want. Based on my own collecting habits. But given I didn't pay millions of dollars for the rights, I kinda think they should be able to make whatever they want.

And he never considered that other people actually liked the figure better, and that it's not just a pure greed standpoint but a business choice. They have more loss of product now then they sold total when the first avengers cap came out. What I mean is the quality control/return/replacement/defective products total amount per year are now higher in total figures them the total figures they sold per year back then.

Business wise they can't afford to do those things often, if at all.

The more parts or items in a particular release the higher failure rate. Which means more potential for loss.

And when a figure like tonto, or Zod or jor-el ect bomb, how do you think they offset that? With these type of things. It's also how they cover advertising (last month there where 7 ads for 7 figures run in magazines, two full pages of ads...) and how they pay for all these shows everyone loves.

If you don't think about how the business works and why things are done and step away from your personal wants (and consider other people's collecting habits) then your just beating your head against the wall. And hot toys has no reason to change how it operates thus far. They are the gold standard, the company others want to be.

HT is IMO the pinnacle of mass produced 1/6 figs right now and have properties I really enjoy(SW/Marvel/DC). If cobbled together "cash grabs" keep bringing me more figs I enjoy in the future I'm all for it.
HT could have totally made these 2 Caps into one figure, but they decided on a movie promo that would be relatively easy to produce because it's good advertising for when the movie is about to hit.

I certainly would have preferred them to have just made the one figure because I already have AoU Cap and the regular CW figure was not enough of a difference to me. However I pre odered the battling version, though I would have preferred more battle damage as it isn't a big difference to the original figure.

I admit I got completely sucked in. I already have 2 Cap's and now I'm getting another one because it's a "battling" version and has a scratched shield. I'm exactly the buyer that HT wants, someone who is a sucker for any variant haha
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

This is why I, along with others on FB, Chinese sixth scale communities and that YT vid are, in our specific ways, trying to stop from happening. This IS supposed to be a fun hobby, but due to some awful business (greedy business) decisions, it destroys what should be a simple and fun hobby. I don't consider my voice or stance on the matter as "the savior" of collectibles. IN THE END, EVERYONE IS RIGHT ON ONE THING: it IS your money and you can do what you want with it...but at what cost? Think about the implications. I'll come back to this later...

I chose this moment to respond to you as well as the following posts because within those posts is something we're at least beginning to find on common ground: "it isn't right" or "it sucks, but..." This isn't a gloating reply on my behalf, it's at least some form of proof that at least implies "there is something off" with this situation. Its not hard confirmation, however it is a relief to know not everyone feels "HT can do no wrong", which is something I've seen from time to time and it frustrates me to no end. I'm not saying HT is the only company doing these type of shady things, but we're not talking about other companies. If Apple or Nintendo are doing shady **** (and they have), you'll find me on gaming forums complaining about them.

Look...NO ONE knows what goes on behind closed doors, in spite of what may have been said from certain people. We don't know how much these licensing fees cost, and we don't know how much it takes to produce one figure. It's all guess work. I can't imagine licensing fees cost that much because A-license holders, in this case, are already stupid rich, and B-they'd want products of their IPs to be produced to promote the property. It makes no sense to prevent companies from making product based off their IPs with an astronomical fee. That's not to say it's cheap by any stretch of the imagination...but in the millions? Uh uh.

Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Motux...Your post that started off with "Not the coolest thing" made me for a second think you're not all bad.

But then the following paragraphs completely destroyed that. Especially one line: the losses they made from failed lines such as Tonto etc.

Are you aware of how ****ed up that sounds? Just because they ****ed up by not having the foresight to avoid 'the Lone Ranger' and eventually taking a loss...that means we the fans have to pay for artificially inflated dolls to...make up for THEIR **** up? How does that make any sense to anyone? That's like saying I have to give an ADDITIONAL 15% tip to MY bill because the table next to me skipped on paying theirs. Or the landlord increased your rent TWO-FOLD because your neighbor thought he ****ed up by choosing to live there and decided he's no longer gonna pay rent....And...that's acceptable to you? If it is, let me send you my receipts from my meals and pay me back for all the tips I've given. And you wonder why I, along with other members, don't respect you...it's because of comments like that.

Before ANYONE jumps down my throat...do me a favor, review what he said and then review once more what I said. Who makes more sense?

I'm willing to give them the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT and believe that is NOT what they're doing. It is the scummiest thing ANY company can do, let alone HT. artificially raising prices...I grit my teeth. Splitting a release into two...ill reluctantly choose what I consider the better of the two. Making us pay for their screw up? See ya later HT.

[cont in spoilers so i don't have a wall of text].

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Motux...Your post that started off with "Not the coolest thing" made me for a second think you're not all bad.

But then the following paragraphs completely destroyed that. Especially one line: the losses they made from failed lines such as Tonto etc.

Are you aware of how ****ed up that sounds? Just because they ****ed up by not having the foresight to avoid 'the Lone Ranger' and eventually taking a loss...that means we the fans have to pay for artificially inflated dolls to...make up for THEIR **** up? How does that make any sense to anyone? That's like saying I have to give an ADDITIONAL 15% tip to MY bill because the table next to me skipped on paying theirs. Or the landlord increased your rent TWO-FOLD because your neighbor thought he ****ed up by choosing to live there and decided he's no longer gonna pay rent....And...that's acceptable to you? If it is, let me send you my receipts from my meals and pay me back for all the tips I've given. And you wonder why I, along with other members, don't respect you...it's because of comments like that.

Before ANYONE jumps down my throat...do me a favor, review what he said and then review once more what I said. Who makes more sense?

I'm willing to give them the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT and believe that is NOT what they're doing. It is the scummiest thing ANY company can do, let alone HT. artificially raising prices...I grit my teeth. Splitting a release into two...ill reluctantly choose what I consider the better of the two. Making us pay for their screw up? See ya later HT.

[cont in spoilers so i don't have a wall of text].

Spoiler Spoiler:

IDK I think I prefer they split it into two releases. I was apprehensive about buying the regular release because it was too similar to my AoU Cap but the battling version made it a little different and that made me PO. My wanting a little something different shouldn't affect many buyers who prefer a clean figure, especially as their main Cap and battle damaging a figure might be a turn off. This version actually made me pull the trigger on a figure I might not have bought at all and gave customers a choice as accessories are easy to swap but BD on cloth uniforms is a little more difficult to pull off as opposed to an Iron man figure where parts can be swapped...and of course their is the "movie promo" status that collectors eat up but thats a different issue.
HT could have totally made these 2 Caps into one figure, but they decided on a movie promo that would be relatively easy to produce because it's good advertising for when the movie is about to hit.

I certainly would have preferred them to have just made the one figure because I already have AoU Cap and the regular CW figure was not enough of a difference to me. However I pre odered the battling version, though I would have preferred more battle damage as it isn't a big difference to the original figure.

I admit I got completely sucked in. I already have 2 Cap's and now I'm getting another one because it's a "battling" version and has a scratched shield. I'm exactly the buyer that HT wants, someone who is a sucker for any variant haha

It's awesome you admit to being a sucker. I am too! I'm psyched and peeved the upcoming batman figure doesn't have a BW sculpt. Surely they're gonna release another version down the line that'll come with it...but knowing HT history, it'll also have significant changes to it that will MAKE it a worthwhile purchase.

If HT wants to make movie promo editions of their figures, great! I'm all for that...but don't rehash parts. That's my main beef with this figure, aside from giving the the BD shield to it, is that the HS for a "battling" version is recycled from their winter solider release. That makes it the 3rd time for the HS to be recycled. like you and a few other members here (and a bunch on FB and Chinese forums) have pointed out...the movie promo's differences are just not enough to really differentiate it from the standard release. If they wanted to split this figure to get more money out of me, give him a bloodied face. It just needs that extra kick for me to justify its existence. Sadly that's not the case here.

What's done is done. No point for me to continue debating this. I just wanted to share my thoughts and hopefully my posts encouraged a few collectors to try critical thinking. We're not obligated to take whatever a company throws at us. We can choose, we can change things for the better. Some feel HT has power over them, but these people need to realize the opposite is just as true. Enjoy the figure. It's your (not directed at you, sidewinder, it's a general your) hard earned money after all.

But next time this happens(and there WILL be a next time)...pull yourselves away from the hype and think for a second. If that preorder button gets clicked, you're basically rewarding HT for treating us fans, the fans that made them into who they are today, as blind sheep. It's not right and we do deserve better.
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

IDK I think I prefer they split it into two releases. I was apprehensive about buying the regular release because it was too similar to my AoU Cap but the battling version made it a little different and that made me PO. My wanting a little something different shouldn't affect many buyers who prefer a clean figure, especially as their main Cap and battle damaging a figure might be a turn off. This version actually made me pull the trigger on a figure I might not have bought at all and gave customers a choice as accessories are easy to swap but BD on cloth uniforms is a little more difficult to pull off as opposed to an Iron man figure where parts can be swapped...and of course their is the "movie promo" status that collectors eat up but thats a different issue.

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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Spoiler Spoiler:

The "slight dirtiness" is exactly what I needed to differentiate the 2. I wouldn't use the interchangeable plates because Im a boring museum poser and a snarling mouth looks funny on a figure posed on a stand stiffly.IMO the bd suit, even without the stand and shields would make them different enough for a purchase, the base and bd shield are just a bonus.
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Motux...Your post that started off with "Not the coolest thing" made me for a second think you're not all bad.

But then the following paragraphs completely destroyed that. Especially one line: the losses they made from failed lines such as Tonto etc.

Are you aware of how ****ed up that sounds? Just because they ****ed up by not having the foresight to avoid 'the Lone Ranger' and eventually taking a loss...that means we the fans have to pay for artificially inflated dolls to...make up for THEIR **** up? How does that make any sense to anyone? That's like saying I have to give an ADDITIONAL 15% tip to MY bill because the table next to me skipped on paying theirs. Or the landlord increased your rent TWO-FOLD because your neighbor thought he ****ed up by choosing to live there and decided he's no longer gonna pay rent....And...that's acceptable to you? If it is, let me send you my receipts from my meals and pay me back for all the tips I've given. And you wonder why I, along with other members, don't respect you...it's because of comments like that.

Before ANYONE jumps down my throat...do me a favor, review what he said and then review once more what I said. Who makes more sense?

I'm willing to give them the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT and believe that is NOT what they're doing. It is the scummiest thing ANY company can do, let alone HT. artificially raising prices...I grit my teeth. Splitting a release into two...ill reluctantly choose what I consider the better of the two. Making us pay for their screw up? See ya later HT.

[cont in spoilers so i don't have a wall of text].

Spoiler Spoiler:

Sorry but it is clear you just don't understand business. Everyone pays for business mistakes and misses. From shoplifting to lost shipments and lots more.

And your whole itching about rent...again...shows you don't get it.

And yes, some people DO know what goes on behind closed doors. But let's put that aside. I posted a video from a documentary done on the Hong Kong toy market...they went in depth into costs and how things work. The owner of King arts was interviewed and he stated the cost to aquire just the marvel rights(not including individual film and not including any other overhead) was 3,000,000 usd for three years. He stated on record that an average loss per figure run is 2 out of 10 just at the factory. There's a lot more in that piece that backs up what I've said.

And it's not just the Lone Ranger that didn't do well. It was just a readily accepted example.

You just can't seem to get past the fact they these are business. Yes money is a factor. Selling a product that makes money IS the point.

and no ones going to listen to your points when every time you reply to someone you make it personal or you belittle. The "your better then that" and the "I thought you where not all bad" crap is pointless and just distracts from the point your trying to make. Just because Someone disagrees with your view point doesn't make them bad or stupid or a sheep or any of that other junk. And despot what you may think, the "community" doesn't seem to be on your side of the issue. I just looked at the comment sections on Facebook like you brought up. Sure, there's a fair amount of complaints. But no more then on any other release. People always find something wrong. And most of the time the people who don't, don't go posting about it. But there are 1.5k likes, which is three times what the flame trooper has. 1.5k on the SW also. And the complaints in that section? It's too different. Lol so Cap is to similar so it's a money grab, and SW is to different, so it's a money grab. Everyone hates it, but it sells out. It's not about the money, but the only issue is having to buy a second figure. Lol

This business practice has been done by hot toys in the past. It's done by pcs and Mattel and LEGO and hasbro and 3A and neca and Bowen and gentle giant. It's standard procedure.
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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Sorry but it is clear you just don't understand business. Everyone pays for business mistakes and misses. From shoplifting to lost shipments and lots more.

And your whole itching about rent...again...shows you don't get it.

And yes, some people DO know what goes on behind closed doors. But let's put that aside. I posted a video from a documentary done on the Hong Kong toy market...they went in depth into costs and how things work. The owner of King arts was interviewed and he stated the cost to aquire just the marvel rights(not including individual film and not including any other overhead) was 3,000,000 usd for three years. He stated on record that an average loss per figure run is 2 out of 10 just at the factory. There's a lot more in that piece that backs up what I've said.

And it's not just the Lone Ranger that didn't do well. It was just a readily accepted example.

You just can't seem to get past the fact they these are business. Yes money is a factor. Selling a product that makes money IS the point.

and no ones going to listen to your points when every time you reply to someone you make it personal or you belittle. The "your better then that" and the "I thought you where not all bad" crap is pointless and just distracts from the point your trying to make. Just because Someone disagrees with your view point doesn't make them bad or stupid or a sheep or any of that other junk. And despot what you may think, the "community" doesn't seem to be on your side of the issue.

This business practice has been done by hot toys in the past. It's done by pcs and Mattel and LEGO and hasbro and 3A and neca and Bowen and gentle giant. It's standard procedure.

Fair enough, I retract my statement about license fees. I'm man enough to admit it. But I still stand by my statement that we don't know what's written in the contracts.

they are a business. No ****? But that still doesn't excuse them from doing shady ****. No company should get a free pass from doing shady **** to recoup losses that they were responsible for. It's one thing to acknowledge them practicing this, but to use it as their defense is appalling.

And my Less than friendly comments aren't directed at anyone else. You know who they're directed at. I make NO secret about it. That gets me banned? So be it. And now you're making false claims that I implied anyone that disagrees with me as stupid or sheep? GTFO here with that. I've been NOTHING BUT RESPECTFUL TO EVERYONE...EVEN when I disagree with them.

BTW...community /= the same five or six members in this very thread. You wanna play that game? Involve FB and the Chinese forums. Let's see how the "community" isn't on my "side". As if I'm staring a movement, give me a break.

Edit-now with your edit. Trying to twist the fact that there are many people complaining about this? Oh, so...the fact the community on FB complain about everything means their complaints for this issue are less valid? Right...

The numbers you posted don't mean squat. The number of likes don't mean squat. The undeniable fact is that there are many people that are just as upset as there are excited about this figure. "Those that don't find something wrong don't always post"...so the opposite doesn't hold true?? What is This even??

And one final edit-my examples of tipping and rent are legit analogies. It's not Me that doesn't "get it"...it's you not being able to accept it because it's true. And your examples of Mattel and hasbro...

$7-$12 action figures compared to $250-$300 action figures. That practice of making buyers pay for losses is wrong...except between these two, one is messed up, the other, it's ****ed up.
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Just found these on Facebook. Looks good!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just to add a fez more things I thought:

- I get BrooklynWolf points, and agree with a lot of them.
- I do believe it's greed from Hot Toys, but at the same time, I don't see that as a problem. I think it's healthy for a company to be greedy as long as it doesn't lead them to shady practices (and by that, I mean cheating taxes, slave labor, etc).
- I think Hot Toys improved in a lot of factors over the years, but did lower some "bars" (like the accessories that everyone complains about). But I do believe that they have to make choices and they are probably done with the goal of selling more, which means targeting more people. If they see it doesn't work, they will change it. If it's working, they will keep going. It's naive to believe a company will keep the same practices as they grow (when they do, it means that they did had a sustainable business model from the start, which is rare).
- one of the reasons license fees are high is to prevent your brand of being used by any small company that doesn't know what to do. That way, you select the companies you work with and keep your brand associated with higher quality. That's why most companies start with smaller brands or even unlicensed products.
- I hate (really do) when people think that someone that is unhappy with something in his hobby, which is always a passion (if it wasn't, wouldn't be a hobby) shouldn't complain. I see that with all companies here, there are always the apologists that jump to defend their "perfect" company (and it's even funnier if you look at their posts on other companies products threads, how much the tone changes).
- I have no Captain America figure in my collection cause none really hooked me (I almost bought the Strike suit, which I like a lot, but the reviews on that figure made me give up). I'm not sure if I will get the Civil War one, but I won't get the promo, for sure (I dislike promo/exclusive pieces, so, I only get them when they blow my mind. I usually have no problems with convention pieces, as they are usually easy to get).
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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

Just to add a fez more things I thought:

- I get BrooklynWolf points, and agree with a lot of them.
- I do believe it's greed from Hot Toys, but at the same time, I don't see that as a problem. I think it's healthy for a company to be greedy as long as it doesn't lead them to shady practices (and by that, I mean cheating taxes, slave labor, etc).
- I think Hot Toys improved in a lot of factors over the years, but did lower some "bars" (like the accessories that everyone complains about). But I do believe that they have to make choices and they are probably done with the goal of selling more, which means targeting more people. If they see it doesn't work, they will change it. If it's working, they will keep going. It's naive to believe a company will keep the same practices as they grow (when they do, it means that they did had a sustainable business model from the start, which is rare).
- one of the reasons license fees are high is to prevent your brand of being used by any small company that doesn't know what to do. That way, you select the companies you work with and keep your brand associated with higher quality. That's why most companies start with smaller brands or even unlicensed products.
- I hate (really do) when people think that someone that is unhappy with something in his hobby, which is always a passion (if it wasn't, wouldn't be a hobby) shouldn't complain. I see that with all companies here, there are always the apologists that jump to defend their "perfect" company (and it's even funnier if you look at their posts on other companies products threads, how much the tone changes).
- I have no Captain America figure in my collection cause none really hooked me (I almost bought the Strike suit, which I like a lot, but the reviews on that figure made me give up). I'm not sure if I will get the Civil War one, but I won't get the promo, for sure (I dislike promo/exclusive pieces, so, I only get them when they blow my mind. I usually have no problems with convention pieces, as they are usually easy to get).

Spoiler Spoiler:
The the main selling point is the clawed shield and that's not the one they show in this photo?:dunno

This is the normal CW Cap release. The clawed shield only comes with the movie promo Battling Cap one.