Hot Toys - MMS215 - Iron Man 3 - IGOR (MARK XXXVIII) - Official Specs & Pics

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So if you go by his math at $350, so they make $50-$75-$100 in profit because SSC gets a cut too, and its a pretty nice cut im sure. And if retailers can sell it for $469, that means they bought it for much less because retailers need to make profits as well.

So is $50-100 profit off a figure all that greedy? For all the work they put into it? My answer would = NO! Not when eBay and other sellers make $300-$500+ in some cases off some of the figures. To me thats Greed!!!

but whatever...he will believe what he wants...Im done. I promise:lol

yeah but they are NOT selling it for $350 are they?
I ordered because I knew I would, but for crying out loud it's quite a bit over priced and doesn't even have an EX. HT is making so much bank on this line it's not even funny. But it will look cool in the setup no doubt.

Instead of SS's message saying "Congratulations" when you complete your order it should read "Thanks Sucka!".

LOL I fear the day figures like IGOR start off at $1000+ and the regular 1/6 figures retail at $500+
So factoring Hot Toys recent price inflation's...What would figures like Hulk, IGOR, and Monger cost if they came out a year or two from now?

Scared to even think of it.

Coming from a manufacturing background 20 plus years ago, I can tell you that our costs on our highly detailed luxury goods did vary, however those costs were very very small.For example... if luxury product A had a cost to produce of $100 the cost of the " bigger better" product B was maybe $216.
But the retail selling price of B was always something like $350.
Meaning yes... Hot Toys probably looks at the market and the larger size of this release and adjusted the retail price accordingly.
Does Igor cost them way more to produce...not likely...can they ask a premium....yes...will they get that premium?
You betchya :rolleyes2

100%. They're riding the hot wave and cashing in on the Iron Man craze. There's no way I see this costing more than Monger to produce; especially with that fantastic Obadiah sculpt included in that set.
In theory, when the clean slate was activiated, the IGOR should have blown up and the entire crane structure should have collapsed...but it didn't...:cuckoo:

The dock crane that Igor was supporting collapsed before Tony issued the Clean Slate command.

Disappointed that there's no accessories with this. Though the spine and 'hunch' actuators are nice. Going to wait in this for a while before I make a call either way. Besides, I still haven't but my money down on Red Snapper!
Just because of perception, and the way people think, I'm surprised they didn't price this at $495. They would have sold a lot more of them.

Well see if other sellers have it for less or not.

... that's RRP, so I agree, I would be very surprised if it is not discounted by retailers.. like IronMonger (.. and people hated the price of that, when it was announced too)

I still think they would have sold a lot more of them if they'd come in just under $500, maybe $475 or $489.

I remember trying to sell a bunch of items on Ebay for $40 and $10 shipping, couldn't sell a single one. Then I dropped it to $39 and $9 and they disappeared.

People are weird.

:exactly: :hi5:

He owns a business, and he outsources to China. That's what he says anyway.

Hmmm.. taking Megacolor's statements at face value he has a business that outsources manufacturing to China.. however, it doesn't make high-end collectible, movie license toys.. because if it did, he would have told us.
So in fact it is extremely unlikely he actually knows any accurate production costings whatsoever.. so he's making a guess, because of his completely different product... but appears to be stating it as fact.. even though its a guess.. an unsubstantiated guesstimate.. did I mention, I think he appears to be guessing?

..and Neca make products at a price break Megacolor's business model recognises.. soooo, he doesn't actually have to buy Hot Toys.. at those prices.... how very dare they!
No way this is worth more than the Dark Knight Batmobile...
Hot Toys is telling you that IGOR is worth as much as HULK and Mark 7 EX combined Retail prices. lol jk

Hot Toys is saying that the cost of producing IGOR trumps MONGER and the TUMBLER. :eek:
Hot Toys is telling you that IGOR is worth as much as HULK and Mark 7 EX combined Retail prices. lol jk

Hot Toys is saying that the cost of producing IGOR trumps MONGER and the TUMBLER. :eek:

HT is telling us with less details, articulation, AND less pieces, it will STILL get sold out at whatever prices they put...

Then again, I figured they produced too many IM3 Tony Starks :)
So I think all that is left for me is Gemini and Midas at this point. Unless they produce a Pepper. I'm not crazy about Shotgun which is probably a reason to buy because many of the pieces I pass on end up going up. Also I'd still love to see a Pepper done in a concept Rescue armor even if it wasn't in the flick.

Somebody has to make this in 1:6
Holy ----! I didn't realize they were asking $500 for this guy? That is more than Iron Monger- who was a main villian with signifigant screen time! What did Igor do in the final battle other than hold up a wall for like three seconds?

No interest in being an iron man completist at this point. I PO'd the Mark 42, Silver Centurian, and Heartbreaker because I think they have great shelf presence. But this guy? He's not even red and gold!
Hot Toys is telling you that IGOR is worth as much as HULK and Mark 7 EX combined Retail prices. lol jk

Hot Toys is saying that the cost of producing IGOR trumps MONGER and the TUMBLER. :eek:

HT isn't telling us anything. They are producing a product and making it available for us to purchase if we choose to.

Everyone here is speculating, creating all these scenarios about cost and profit. What Hulk's, Monger or anything elses price was retail and what it cost to make him probably has nothing to do with what Igor cost to make or is retailing for.
Spend 500$ or save a little more and get Batmobile hmm I can't decide!!

I'll take Igor.. more shelf space, means.. MOAR robot type, figures!.. srly, I don't have the space for the vehicles.. unless I sell the 1:1 Dalek and the Ledbetter Colossus Chaos Bunny to make room.. so, not happening.
Suddenly PI's 1/4 Mark 42 becomes much more affordable when you compare it to HT's Igor...
Suddenly PI's 1/4 Mark 42 becomes much more affordable when you compare it to HT's Igor...

I would just like to see a PI 1/4 figure released to retail.. Their PR department may be very active.. I got a PI press release recently, showing four different Hammer 'drone' armors from IM2.. but I'm starting to wonder if most of PI's 1/4 IM figures will ever get past prototype stage.. the company is starting to look 'all mouth, no trousers' (1/12 doesn't count).