Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Alot fail to realize these are modern interpretations of the characters not carbon copies of the comics and the industry would never go anywhere without changes so those who whine about it go back to your silver and gold age comics the rest of us will enjoy all the new stuff.
Alot fail to realize these are modern interpretations of the characters not carbon copies of the comics and the industry would never go anywhere without changes so those who whine about it go back to your silver and gold age comics the rest of us will enjoy all the new stuff.

I think most people realize that in alot of movies, but I think you are kind of just too limited to realize the difference between needed upgrades and something designed to hit 12 year olds "wow" button and the LCD of adults (ie morons), but I'm sure this hit your wow button, because I am guessing you're 12 or the LCD. :wave
I think most people realize that in alot of movies, but I think you are kind of just too limited to realize the difference between needed upgrades and something designed to hit 12 year olds "wow" button and the LCD of adults (ie morons), but I'm sure this hit your wow button, because I am guessing you're 12 or the LCD. :wave

someone got a nerve pinched. :slap
I'm guessing I was right on the money. :dunno
I know you're new to the boards, so you thinking I'm against changes in characters is your ignorance more than blatant stupidity, but I don't mind upgrades or modernizations as necessary. It doesn't change the fact this was done in the Spiderman case for those of the ADD generation to look at a shiny new object.
well if you don't like it so much leave this topic and go elsewhere instead of flaming people and calling them 12 years olds/ morons.
I know you're new to the boards, so you thinking I'm against changes in characters is your ignorance more than blatant stupidity, but I don't mind upgrades or modernizations as necessary. It doesn't change the fact this was done in the Spiderman case for those of the ADD generation to look at a shiny new object.

So basically you've so far stated that if YOU think the change isn't required it's stupid, if someone disagrees, they're ignorant and if you're new to the boards then you're super ignorant!

Wow, don't like to be wrong, do we? :D
See, this is where I really get confused.

That's why I don't understand when people say they hate the suit..:dunno?

Alot fail to realize these are modern interpretations of the characters not carbon copies of the comics and the industry would never go anywhere without changes so those who whine about it go back to your silver and gold age comics the rest of us will enjoy all the new stuff.

well if you don't like it so much leave this topic and go elsewhere instead of flaming people and calling them 12 years olds/ morons.

Kind of like you calling people who don't think the changes were necessary whiners?

Your hypocrisy aside, I have a ton of figures (latest happening was Boba Fett from SSC) that I originally wasn't feeling, but my opinion changed upon peoples in hand pics. Now this may be a hard concept for you, but this is a discussion board for figures. Not a prayer group of how much we love them. I am entitled to my opinion as much as anyone, if you don't like it, maybe you should leave the boards, because I am not going anywhere.

Secondly, I was quoted for giving my opinion and I was defending my position on the new costume (ie I like the old version better). As you can see this has gone on for a couple pages, if you didn't want involved in the conversation, maybe you should have stayed out of it then, instead of adding your sanctimonious 2 cents. At any rate, I'll be in this thread until I decide yea or nay after many in hand shots, if you don't like that then you have the option to GTFO.
So basically you've so far stated that if YOU think the change isn't required it's stupid, if someone disagrees, they're ignorant and if you're new to the boards then you're super ignorant!

Wow, don't like to be wrong, do we? :D

Hes ignorant if he thinks I'm against change. Reading is fundamental galmando. And speaking of reading, if you re-read through this, I am simply defending my position of liking the old suit better. Again, if you actually read the thread, nowhere have I said I "hated" the new suit, I only said that the HT would have to look very good for me to justify it. So, I don't like to be wrong, because I prefer the old suit? Its my opinion.

For someone who recently started a post about their confliction on buying premium toys, I would think you'd understand my hesitance. :dunno
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C'mon now, give it a rest. Lets just agree to disagree shall we.

Some like the new suit, some don't, that's all good as long as it's posted in a constructive manner.
There's no need to starting insulting others just because their opion differs to yours ('yours' not directed at any one member, just a statement).
Play nice.

x :peace
C'mon now, give it a rest. Lets just agree to disagree shall we.

Some like the new suit, some don't, that's all good as long as it's posted in a constructive manner.
There's no need to starting insulting others just because their opion differs to yours ('yours' not directed at any one member, just a statement).
Play nice.

x :peace

Sorry for the trouble, it wasn't my intent to offend anyone by saying I preferred the old suit over the new, its just my feeling that this has to be pretty damn good representation for me to justify the purchase to myself. :dunno

As cool as that would be, sadly I resemble neither... :(

I jut wish they made the suit cloth like last 2 ...The black suit spidey is perfect and this one just seems like a rough plastic ..Eiither way amazing spiderman 2 is gonna be made and another spidey will get made so some of us might wait...Either way i'm a sucker for spidey and will most likely get them all except medicoms .....
What is it that you can't undertsand DGT, I prefer the actual Spiderman costume to the new one. If there was a really good depiction by a company I may put the money out, but if the HT isn't any better than the crappy medi one, its not worth it to me. I'm not a huge fan of the new movie, not enough to justify spending on a sub par suit at any rate. You call them minor changes, I call them un-needed changes. I've covered this before, theres usually a reason in movies for costume changes (subduing or making it poart of a team for example) but this was change just to be changed.

I don't know why that is so hard for you to understand. :dunno

Please do not lump me in with the people who have told you to leave the thread, that is not me. I prefer conversation and comparison of views. I got drawn into an argument (which, sadly I know I made worse) where I ended up suggesting that a person should leave the thread and I have regreted it ever I would not like someone saying that to me.

The reason this point leaves me somewhat confused then, is that there seems to be a lack of separation between the film, the new suit, and the companies that are making different versions of that new same suit.

My point was that, small differences aside, this is a clear and recognisable SPIDERMAN costume. With more similarities than disimilarities between this and the classic or Raimi desgin I am at a loss at what there is to dislike about it...but as you say, it's all personal.

If it's any consolation, I love the Raimi version of the suit too and yes, things are changed by studios just for the sake of change (and so that there is always more profit to be made from the 'new look' thing), you only need to look at the HT IRON MAN range.

I would like this version of ASM too but now will probably wait for the V2 when the sequel comes along.

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Click the pic! Buy now!

Hot Toys - The Amazing Spider-man 1/6 figure



Hot Toys – MMS179 – The Amazing Spider-Man: 1/6th scale Spider-Man Limited Edition Collectible Figurine Specification
~ MMS Series ~

The 1/6th scale Spider-Man Limited Edition Collectible Figurine specially features:

- Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man/ Peter Parker in the movie
- Two (2) heads, including head sculpt of Peter Parker and Spider-Man
- TrueType body with 30 points of articulation
- Approximately 30 cm tall
- Five (5) pairs of interchangeable palms with silvery cobweb pattern including:
- One (1) pair of relaxed palms
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of palms for cobweb shooting
- One (1) pair of palms for cobweb swinging
- One (1) pair of palms for climbing

Costume :
- One (1) red- and blue-color Spider-Man suit embossed with black cobweb pattern with dark blue spider icon on chest
- One (1) pair of red-color boots embossed with black cobweb pattern

- Four (4) long narrow strips of cobweb including:
- Two (2) for imitating the flying scene
- Two (2) of cobweb shooting
- Figurine stand with Spider-Man nameplate and the movie logo

- Head Sculpted by Im Jung Hyuk
- Head Painted by JC.Hong
- Head Art Directed by Kim Kyung Ah
- Costume Designed by Hai Lim

Release date: Q4, 2012









bump.....this message is to short and fat......
Please do not lumpe me in with the people who have told you to leave the thread, that is not me. I prefer conversation and comparison of views. I got drawn into an argument (which, sadly I know I made worse) where I ended up suggesting that a person should leave the thread and I have regreted it ever I would not like someone saying that to me.

The reason this point leaves me somewhat confused then, is that there seems to be a lack of separation between the film, the new suit, and the companies that are making different versions of that new same suit.

My point was that, small differences aside, this is a clear and recognisable SPIDERMAN costume. With more similarities than disimilarities between this and the classic or Raimi desgin I am at a loss at what there is to dislike about it...but as you say, it's all personal.

If it's any consolation, I love the Raimi version of the suit too and yes, things are changed by studios just for the sake of change (and so that there is always more profit to be made from the 'new look' thing), you only need to look at the HT IRON MAN range.

I would like this version of ASM too but now will probably wait for the V2 when the sequel comes along.


Yeah, thats the problem when you feel like your responding to too many people at once, it tends to cross which feelings go where. It got to the point where instead of defending my thoughts I felt more like I was being attacked for prefering the older suit.

Your Iron Man analogy is perfect in this example. I passed on V5 just because I personally didn't like it enough to buy, but I don't hate it, I would definitely display it if someone gave me one. I also prefer the round chestpiece over the triangle Mk 6), not because you can't tell its not IronMan, but because I like the round one better.

Basically if I buy multiple of any character, its going to have to be worth every penny. Hence why I'm not worried about the new Cap or Thor coming out.

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The issues i would like improved are the neck line ,waiste seems eye's silver get rid of racing stripe on pants and boots trimmed better a cloth mask for holding or wearing and a flight stand included with every spiderman for more dynamic web slinging pose's......and cherry on top a backpack and camera.....other then that i'll still end up buyin because i love spidey and can't help it this one will look good with all the other spideys set up........
The issues i would like improved are the neck line, waiste seams, eye's silver, get rid of racing stripe on pants and boots trimmed better,a cloth mask for holding or wearing and a flight stand included with every spiderman for more dynamic web slinging pose's......and cherry on top a backpack and camera.....other then that i'll still end up buyin because i love spidey and can't help it this one will look good with all the other spideys set up........

Eye's aren't supposed to be silver, they're supposed to be gold. Look at the Medicom figure, it has the eyes right.

Don't get what you mean by "racing stripes on pants" as I don't see anything on the figure's pants that aren't on the actual suit in the movie

What's wrong with the boots?

Whats wrong with the suit not being cloth?

The suit is cloth