Hot Toys - MMS163 - Predators: 1/6th scale Noland Collectible Figure

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Great Pictures....still on the fence about this guy. I agree with your “He's a human with makeshift Predator gear. What's not to love here!
“ comment.

What are your view about the eyes. Do you feel that they are looking a little too up? When you say “Lacking in the paint app” do you mean overall or on his face?


Oh his face is excellent I think. The looking up gives him a certain crazy look, which of course he was.
I think it's the armour and stuff. There seemed to be more paint detail in the photos. Not enough to say they cheaped out but has some less subtle details.
For me, this was a figure that looked incredible when i first saw it so it had me sold. I've had it in hand for a couple of weeks and i'm already done with it and ready to trade or sell it.
For me, this was a figure that looked incredible when i first saw it so it had me sold. I've had it in hand for a couple of weeks and i'm already done with it and ready to trade or sell it.

I was afraid that the 'Wow" factor would not last with this figure.

So maybe I should take this off my "maybe" list and just wait for the DX T-800.
I was afraid that the 'Wow" factor would not last with this figure.

So maybe I should take this off my "maybe" list and just wait for the DX T-800.

Your call but I don't think you could go wrong waiting on the T 800. Noland does come with a lot but unless your a big fan of the character's 5 minutes of film time or Fatburn in general it's not a must have IMO. The T800 on the other hand is definately a must, for me anyway.


This figure did not need a seperated head and neck. Rather too obvious there for my liking. But otherwise an excellent looking figure, thats a lot of gear. Had to cancel mine and reduce my Predator 3 representation to just Berserker, Royce and Classic.
I have to admit Fishburne acting of Noland (dialogue and body movement) was great. For such a small period in the movie he did have a lot to say (more dialogue than probally the rest of the crew).

I do wish he had survived "dug in deep" and escaped from Tracker. Maybe showed up in the end and killed or possibly the human villan in a sequel.

An interesting perspective would be for Nolan to understand the Predators so well that a human became a "thorn on the side" to the Predators. Noland is so crazy that he just starts _____***g with the Predators!!!
I got him about a week ago,and I was watching the movie again cause I like to recreate a scene.what I didn't see was the armor pieces.he wears the chestplate and shoulder 0plate but I didn't see any other pieces that the figure came with,or the there an extra scene maybe in the directors cut where he is wearing this stuf?
I watched Predators last night and noticed the "Jaw Axe" for the first time. He is holding it before Tracker kills him.
I think some of the stuff Noland comes with is Expanded Universe (ie Spear / armor) Hope I am wrong and it is in deleted scenes.
Hey guys,
I had a question about the skin tone on this guy. On ebay the body looks very light, almost caucasian looking. Is it just the pics? How light is this figure, wanted to use the body for customs.
Hey guys,
I had a question about the skin tone on this guy. On ebay the body looks very light, almost caucasian looking. Is it just the pics? How light is this figure, wanted to use the body for customs.

I think it has the correct skin tones and I don't see anything wrong, so nothing to worry about.
Hey guys,
I had a question about the skin tone on this guy. On ebay the body looks very light, almost caucasian looking. Is it just the pics? How light is this figure, wanted to use the body for customs.

Yea, I think it's just the lighting, the color looks good in hand.
Ive got just the HS and body of Noland as like everyones saying its such a minute character. I really fancy putting him in a suit like in the s****y remake of AoP13, does anyone know what suits will fit this body?
He's a crappy character from an average movie, who had about 12 minutes of screentime.:dunno

IMO - He's a was interesting well acted but underused character from a below average movie, who unfortunately had only about 12 minutes of screen time.

Just curious did RR mention anywhere that due to Fishburnes schedule they only had a day or less to work with him in this movie?

There must be a reason for using him only brieifly.