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Sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to post this....

I was playing around with some spare parts and tried to make a Captain America BUCKY. I still need to change some things. Boots are Temp. Trying to find some Aldo Boots. I plan to paint the chin strap black and change the arm straps to black. Gloves and gauntlets might go back to the original ones, just painted black. Buckle has to go......

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looks like a good start to making a comic Ultimate Cap as well.

@guy66657: sorry for the late reply, but here're some pics...sorry for the bad quality though :slap



And just wanna share some some minor adjustments to my display - using the little dios that came with Supes and VI instead of the regular stand. Supes look much better imo!


I know it's the Marvel thread...but just itching to share haha..
which one is this one? the HP version ? looks a bit small in scale

No dear, this is not from HP but a custom HS. Initially, I have the same feeling of the head being under scale, but once plugged to CA, it just perfect. Also, if put it side-by-side to original HT head, it just in right scale of him removed the helmet.:wink1:
Thanks for all for the kind words, any idea which figure comes with this uniform?

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Looks fine for cap (caveman cap maybe) but that doesn't look anything like evans. You could have stuck a mark iv rdj head on and it would have been just as close as this one.

That said, it's a great sculpt, just not accurate
Agreed that this is not prefect resemblance sculpture of Evan, thus i am also awaiting to see what HT could deliver from the next C.A release. Afterall, custom works were sometime that really come to individual interest and I am just trying to share to you all as a collector of this hobby
Dont get me wrong, you did an amazing job on it. The detail and expression are great. I just see more or a caricature of Channing Tatum than a life-like Chris Evans. However, and I always state this about head sculpts, as long as it captures the characters image, it doesnt matter so much to me if it looks exactly like the actor.
In terms of Steve Rogers, I think the sculpt is doable. In terms Evans as Rogers not so much. I applaud the creativity as many want the Evans sculpt for the figure. :clap
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Sorry of being over reacts coz it has been a long time since I find something interested enough to get me tooks photos of it (even I have got my Noland recently too).....