1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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ill respectfully disagree. TDK Trilogy is universally loved worldwide, far more people love it, than dislike it. we are talking close to 90/10%. A few freaks boardies or people on other internet boards just tend to keep posting over and over they dont like it are in the vast minority, especially with TDKRises. That movie was a HUGE SUCCESS critically and financially. There is a little bit of misconception on Freaks about this mainly because same people who dislike it, as i said, keep posting their dislike about it. Its also known in the mainstream that TDK Trilogy is probably considered the best Trilogy only behind Star Wars. I mean Star Wars is bigger than anything probably thats ever been made in the history of cinema. So to be #2 behind Star Wars is a HUGE deal!!

the first 2 Burton films were universally loved at the time. 89 & Returns got a lot of critical acclaim at the time and were financial successes, but Forever got mixed reviews but it did well at the box office. Then slowly the rest just got worse. its also 25 years ago, how many people on here werent even born then to know that those 2 films were really big at the time.
I meant on here, and probably should be disliked for better reasons honestly, such as not being that comic accurate and not being the 'definitive Batman' that people should know. And I know 89 and Returns were acclaimed for their time, but that acclaim doesn't really hold up now, compared to say, the acclaim of Christopher Reeve's Superman movies which are still really beloved (not counting how mixed people are on MOS and how it could make them appreciate Reeve more, since I feel it is unfair) but I don't think that wholly applies to Burton's films; to an extent yes. I was born around the time of Returns but I saw it and 89 and thought they were good, I appreciate them more now that I'm older of course, same with Reeve's films.

@ Pixelpiper: I will highly agree, Burton has a weird track record. I think for the most part, the consensus on pre-Nolan Batman films is that the films sort of steadily declined, though with Returns I don't think it's as noticeable. And I also semi-agree on the X-Men films, I don't think the first two suck but X3, and Origins are bad. First Class was a nice take and DOPF is very good.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. I really dislike Rachel Dawes honestly, both with Katie Holmes and Maggie Glyenhall (she sounds so screechy). Rises...oy, I feel Nolan lost his vision at some point during the production. I know he had a lot of plans with Heath, which had to be re-written. I still think Nolan should have mentioned the Joker in Rises, he's the only villain not directly referenced in some way (we see Crane and hear Ra's). I mean, how will Gotham know what Harvey Dent to go crazy? It might have made a bigger impact to.

I do agree that Begins has a different tone, and TDK too.
It was called Batman Begins for marketing reasons--so that people would instantly recognize it as both a Batman movie (instead of having non-comic fans head-scratching "what's the Dark Knight?" or any other Batman name) and the "Begins"--so that it would be extra clear to the general public that this was a complete "hard" reboot---entirely separate any previous Batman they've seen...and it was necessary because at the end of BB, with the Joker card reveal, there were still people unfamiliar with how it works asking "oh, so this is a prequel to the Tim Burton one?" :slap

Nolan wanted to get away from having "Batman" in the title of every movie, and The Dark Knight really is the perfect title for that second film considering the theme, and the contrast they put between Batman and Harvey (the White Knight). I thought the title The Dark Knight Rises was a little too long when I first heard it, but I can't think of a better name for it that accurately sums up the film theme. "Batman Ends" would bookend the titles of the trilogy nicely, but it's not entirely accurate considering the plot. "Batman goes on and on, because a hero can be anyone, that was the point, even if it's not Bruce Wayne under the cowl because he's retired" just seems a tad too wordy for me. :lol

I think it's clear why it's called The Dark Knight trilogy, and I expect it would've been called that even if the third film didn't have "Dark Knight" in it's title. Just like its clear why it's called the Star Wars trilogy. They're well known primarily for a certain film in their series. It's actually more consistent than some...there's some movie trilogies/series that are named something completely different than the title of any one of the movies contained within.
ill respectfully disagree. TDK Trilogy is universally loved worldwide, far more people love it, than dislike it. we are talking close to 90/10%. A few freaks boardies or people on other internet boards just tend to keep posting over and over they dont like it are in the vast minority, especially with TDKRises. That movie was a HUGE SUCCESS critically and financially. There is a little bit of misconception on Freaks about this mainly because same people who dislike it, as i said, keep posting their dislike about it. Its also known in the mainstream that TDK Trilogy is probably considered the best Trilogy only behind Star Wars. I mean Star Wars is bigger than anything probably thats ever been made in the history of cinema. So to be #2 behind Star Wars is a HUGE deal!!

the first 2 Burton films were universally loved at the time. 89 & Returns got a lot of critical acclaim at the time and were financial successes, but Forever got mixed reviews but it did well at the box office. Then slowly the rest just got worse. its also 25 years ago, how many people on here werent even born then to know that those 2 films were really big at the time.

Completely agree with you . TDKR is getting pummeled by a number of folks here on Freaks...ok big deal. A few of the vocal minority hate it. Great, they are a few out of how many people who saw it and enjoyed it? So the few (or two dozen or five dozen) on here hating it represents the viewership of TDKR?
I could care less. I just expect to get attacked every time I post I really liked it and felt it was a great end to the trilogy.

People spend time writing these?

People spend time reading these?

It's good to have opinions about films but.....oh dear. People need to get over this and let it go.
I agree. It's over.

Majorities, minorities it doesn't matter. People either loved, hated or don't care about the thing. I'm sure the real majority are people who don't even care one way or another. I only posted that before it turned into "well, there's only a few of so and so who feel this way, so that means their opinion is invalid".

No one is saying your opinion (or anyone else who disliked TDKR) is invalid. Of course the vast majority of people don't care one way or the other, that statement is so self-evident that it doesn't even really say anything. Take ANY movie in the history of movies, and "the real majority are people who don't even care one way or the other".

But among the subset of people who have seen this specific movie and have a specific opinion about it on all polls with significantly large groups of people asked to say yay or nay (meh)...




most say yay.

on the SSF boards, it seems to me the detractors are definitely more vocal about their dislike, than the people who like it are vocally talking about it. Just look at the Bat thread and all the the comments by people who hate the movie; hate the vehicle design, hate the scale, hate the price, hate Hot Toys for making this instead of something else that they "promised", and who would never consider buying it anyway.

Yet, over and over, there they are, reminding everyone again and again why it sucks. Absolutely everyone has a right to their opinion, but to spend that much time on something you hate, man, that's a vocal hater.
No one is saying your opinion (or anyone else who disliked TDKR) is invalid. Of course the vast majority of people don't care one way or the other, that statement is so self-evident that it doesn't even really say anything. Take ANY movie in the history of movies, and "the real majority are people who don't even care one way or the other".

But among the subset of people who have seen this specific movie and have a specific opinion about it on all polls with significantly large groups of people asked to say yay or nay (meh)...




most say yay.

on the SSF boards, it seems to me the detractors are definitely more vocal about their dislike, than the people who like it are vocally talking about it. Just look at the Bat thread and all the the comments by people who hate the movie; hate the vehicle design, hate the scale, hate the price, hate Hot Toys for making this instead of something else that they "promised", and who would never consider buying it anyway.

Yet, over and over, there they are, reminding everyone again and again why it sucks. Absolutely everyone has a right to their opinion, but to spend that much time on something you hate, man, that's a vocal hater.

:goodpost: yah those "99 reasons why a movie sucked" blogs you will find thousands of them for every single movie. The larger polls like the ones you posted show a more true approval rating. just Google "the godfather sucks" and you get lots of hits of blogs and sites. Doesn't mean anything. Show me a large poll where like hundreds of thousands of people participated, ill give a little more credit to it. But individual blogs that are hating on something? No. I can probably find a zillion websites and blogs that LOVE TDK Trilogy that will far outweigh anything negative about it. But there just no need to do so. not worth it.

and Ive said this before its not like i go seeking out Titanic or Twilight blogs just to hate on those movies. It never crosses my mind to do so. I dont see any purpose in doing that. I rather talk about things I enjoy than things I dislike. But i guess others like talking about things they dislike. Must get kind of depressing after a while talking about things you dont like.
Didn't i warn you guys earlier that Difabio would get fired up if you bring up TDKR.
Difabio, this was in response to a post you made about BB being different to TDK/TDKR, but it seems to have disappeared, but I did have a response to it.

Begins to me is the best Batman film of the trilogy and it's pretty much for the reasons you stated. I'm thinking because it was Nolan's first big budget, comic book film he may have deferred more to Goyer, who was the comic book expert, for the overall tone, style and look of the movie and that's why it sort of stands out as a totally different animal then it's two sequels. Once Nolan had one under his belt, though, he injected more of his style into the next two films and tried to elevate the material to something more with more drama and an even more grounded and realistic world then what we saw in BB and when he did that I think he lost sight of the fact that this was still supposed to be a comic book film based on a comic book character and I think that is major flaw with both TDK and TDKR and even MOS to a certain extent.

Now, unfortunately, when we look at Goyer these days, Nolan has totally rubbed off on him and he's now trying to emulate what Nolan did with his Batman trilogy and do the same for Superman and the rest of the DCU. Granted, Nolan co-wrote MOS with Goyer so that's certainly part of the reason why his presence is still felt, but I think Goyer is right there with him in trying to ground these movies in reality and make them more art house while seemingly forgetting about the fantastical characters and worlds they're basing these movies on and the fun and excitement that should go along with that. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the TDK trilogy and MOS, but I don't think either of those have truly tapped the full potential that these characters have to offer. To me, Batman Begins came the closest and I think that should really be the template when they make these movies, but I feel like they'd rather go off TDK instead. Can't blame them considering what that movie was, but I think the overall tone and style of BB struck a much better balance of what these films should have.
I think when people keep complaining about improved re-releases and custom improvements and about discussions on such things, they don't understand what 1/6 collecting basically is about.

Basically it's about life-like miniatures, so it's of course also about perfection. It's a type of collectibles that is pretty new compared to what has been made long time before. I mean look at regular plastic collectibles and statues. They can be great in their own way but they can never be as movie accurate as a 1/6 collectible that is made from various materials of course.

Who doesn't understand that is better off not collecting these things and annoying people who like to talk about them.
Yin Yang? These collectibles aren't made for people who don't like them, so if you don't like them, stop blaming people who do.

EDIT: And when it's about additional releases for a movie line that are made or asked for instead of releases that could be made for other movies: Why don't you go into the threads of these other movies and post about your interest in these instead of posting here what you don't like to see and trying to convince others that what they like isn't great? It's pointless.
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TDK was the Batman movie I'd waited 20 years for. I'd always wanted "Silence of the Lambs in spandex" and felt let down by Burton cos he was a little too fairytale. Ledger's Joker was the first time I'd been genuinely scared in a movie theatre since Hopkins' Lecter.

But Nolan took things a little *too* far toward the real world, and ironically I now appreciate Burton's version more for its fantasy aspect (though I still rate Nolan's higher).

We'll see what we get with Battfleck, but for now my quintessential Batman, with a balance of realism and fantasy, is the Arkham videogame series!
IMO Batfleck will be cool because he is a great actor and because of Zack snyder. I ve seen a couple of bad Gerald butler movies but in 300 he was awesome, the same goes for the cast of watchmen, the actor can make a movie but a great director takes it a little further. A great director gets the best out of the actor.
Imo TDKR simply is different compared to BB and TDK, but so is BB compared to TDK. All 3 movie show a development. Also hold the opinon that TDKR isn't the best movie of the line but I still enjoy watching it. Imo it wouldn't have been possible to top TDK anyhow. All movies rated in a sum as the trilogy for my taste make the best trilogy I know yet.

Agreed :hi5:

ill respectfully disagree. TDK Trilogy is universally loved worldwide, far more people love it, than dislike it. we are talking close to 90/10%. A few freaks boardies or people on other internet boards just tend to keep posting over and over they dont like it are in the vast minority, especially with TDKRises. That movie was a HUGE SUCCESS critically and financially. There is a little bit of misconception on Freaks about this mainly because same people who dislike it, as i said, keep posting their dislike about it. Its also known in the mainstream that TDK Trilogy is probably considered the best Trilogy only behind Star Wars. I mean Star Wars is bigger than anything probably thats ever been made in the history of cinema. So to be #2 behind Star Wars is a HUGE deal!!

the first 2 Burton films were universally loved at the time. 89 & Returns got a lot of critical acclaim at the time and were financial successes, but Forever got mixed reviews but it did well at the box office. Then slowly the rest just got worse. its also 25 years ago, how many people on here werent even born then to know that those 2 films were really big at the time.

Couldn’t have said it better. TDKR is awesome, but its gets criticized like hell on here because it’s the easiest to attack. BB and TDK, in my opinion are the best superhero films made so far, they have minor problems like TDKR, but you have to nitpick the hell of those films to bring those problems to light.

IMO, he's one of the most overrated directors in Hollywood with a very spotty track record. The first Batman movie he did was decent, in a very 50's comic book way. The second is passable, but really not even half as good as the first. It set the mould the others followed which was to include way too many villain characters. The follow-on movies, which he didn't direct, are all terrible.

Crazy people, because the three first X-Men movies really sucked - as superhero movies and just as a movies on their own. I mean, Daredevil was better than all of them and that wasn't stellar by any means. The main issues start out with poor scripts and stories, but then you also have bad character selection, bad casting, some instances of cheese-ball acting and some inconsistent pacing. However, I thought First Class was pretty good and I haven't yet seen the latest one. The Marvel Studios movies are all much better than the Fox and Sony flicks (those are all atrocious), but none of them hold a candle to Nolan's Batman nor the new Man of Steel. Not even in the same league.

If I had to pick my favorite Marvel-related movie, it would probably be Blade.

Since everything you wrote here is your opinion, I won’t say you’re wrong but I can call you a crazy person for having this opinion. X2 is one of the best comic book movies of all time, and X1, along with Blade kickstarted the golden age of comic book movies.

It was called Batman Begins for marketing reasons--so that people would instantly recognize it as both a Batman movie (instead of having non-comic fans head-scratching "what's the Dark Knight?" or any other Batman name) and the "Begins"--so that it would be extra clear to the general public that this was a complete "hard" reboot---entirely separate any previous Batman they've seen...and it was necessary because at the end of BB, with the Joker card reveal, there were still people unfamiliar with how it works asking "oh, so this is a prequel to the Tim Burton one?" :slap

Nolan wanted to get away from having "Batman" in the title of every movie, and The Dark Knight really is the perfect title for that second film considering the theme, and the contrast they put between Batman and Harvey (the White Knight). I thought the title The Dark Knight Rises was a little too long when I first heard it, but I can't think of a better name for it that accurately sums up the film theme. "Batman Ends" would bookend the titles of the trilogy nicely, but it's not entirely accurate considering the plot. "Batman goes on and on, because a hero can be anyone, that was the point, even if it's not Bruce Wayne under the cowl because he's retired" just seems a tad too wordy for me. :lol

I think it's clear why it's called The Dark Knight trilogy, and I expect it would've been called that even if the third film didn't have "Dark Knight" in it's title. Just like its clear why it's called the Star Wars trilogy. They're well known primarily for a certain film in their series. It's actually more consistent than some...there's some movie trilogies/series that are named something completely different than the title of any one of the movies contained within.


No one is saying your opinion (or anyone else who disliked TDKR) is invalid. Of course the vast majority of people don't care one way or the other, that statement is so self-evident that it doesn't even really say anything. Take ANY movie in the history of movies, and "the real majority are people who don't even care one way or the other".

But among the subset of people who have seen this specific movie and have a specific opinion about it on all polls with significantly large groups of people asked to say yay or nay (meh)...




most say yay.

on the SSF boards, it seems to me the detractors are definitely more vocal about their dislike, than the people who like it are vocally talking about it. Just look at the Bat thread and all the the comments by people who hate the movie; hate the vehicle design, hate the scale, hate the price, hate Hot Toys for making this instead of something else that they "promised", and who would never consider buying it anyway.

Yet, over and over, there they are, reminding everyone again and again why it sucks. Absolutely everyone has a right to their opinion, but to spend that much time on something you hate, man, that's a vocal hater.

I think TDK trilogy appeals to more people, which is why they’re so loved, maybe the “hardcore” Batman crowd hate these movies, or like Burton’s films better because of the fantastical tone and atmosphere they had, but TDK trilogy are just really good films that can appeal from anyone to ages 15 to 80. Some people do try to will the TDKR into sucking with their opinion, as if its a universally shared opinion when in actuality it’’s the exact opposite.

IMO Batfleck will be cool because he is a great actor and because of Zack snyder. I ve seen a couple of bad Gerald butler movies but in 300 he was awesome, the same goes for the cast of watchmen, the actor can make a movie but a great director takes it a little further. A great director gets the best out of the actor.

Batfleck will be awesome.

Why do Burtontards, and Nolanites need to keep attacking each other? Both directors have only made great Batman films.

It’s Joel Schumacher that needs to be ripped to shreds, yet he seems to get away with everything :lol
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What kind of tard or lite am I if I love,

Dark Knight
Batman 1989
X-Men 2
Batman Begins

But hate TDKR? Does that make me some kind of weirdo? If I love 2/3 films in the series, in this case "the dark knight trilogy", does that mean I hate it (or others that feel the same way) just because we don't like one?

Same with X-Men. I love X2, DOFP, like X-Men and First class, feel meh about Wolverine and hate Last Stand and Origins. Does that mean my feelings towards the X-Men franchise are lukewarm at best? That doesn't seem right.
What kind of tard or lite am I if I love,

Dark Knight
Batman 1989
X-Men 2
Batman Begins

But hate TDKR? Does that make me some kind of weirdo? If I love 2/3 films in the series, in this case "the dark knight trilogy", does that mean I hate it (or others that feel the same way) just because we don't like one?

Same with X-Men. I love X2, DOFP, like X-Men and First class, feel meh about Wolverine and hate Last Stand and Origins. Does that mean my feelings towards the X-Men franchise are lukewarm at best? That doesn't seem right.

I wasn’t singling you out, you genuinely seem to hate the movie, I’m talking mostly about the guys in the statue section :lol

You seem to feel the same as everyone should on the X-Men films, is there a Singer fanboy nickname yet?

I’m probably one since I enjoyed all his superhero films so far, including Superman Returns.
What kind of tard or lite am I if I love,

Dark Knight
Batman 1989
X-Men 2
Batman Begins

But hate TDKR? Does that make me some kind of weirdo? If I love 2/3 films in the series, in this case "the dark knight trilogy", does that mean I hate it (or others that feel the same way) just because we don't like one?

Same with X-Men. I love X2, DOFP, like X-Men and First class, feel meh about Wolverine and hate Last Stand and Origins. Does that mean my feelings towards the X-Men franchise are lukewarm at best? That doesn't seem right.

True, last stand was so bad that got erased from the Xmen universe on DOFP. I did not liked that from the first movie they established that wolverine was the main x-men because he was a fan favorite even though gambit was an xmen first. I love the TDK triology, TDKR had its flaws but I do not hated. The Burton era and the shchumaker era was cool for me because I was a Kid and was like the batman of my time and tdk was serious and it came around that time that I could understand the Grittyness.
Nothing wrong with people disliking something others like. Every one has their own opinion and has the right to express how they feel about something so long as they're not antagonizing any one else or being disrespectful.

Anyways, for me, I would have never thought in my life that I would be in a Batman movie and Christopher Nolan gave me that opportunity with The Dark Knight Rises so of course, that film has a very special place in my heart. Little did I know, I would end up in Dawn of Justice and Gotham a few years later, but TDKR will still be my first. I love the trilogy, I did find TDKR to be the weakest since there were just many unnecessary elements and there was just too much happening when it could've been simpler, but nevertheless, I love all 3 films.

The X-Men (1-3) movies seem like they were made exclusively for an audience under 13 years old who probably had never read an X-Men comic in their lives, which is probably why I think they suck. I just don't like a single thing about any of them,including the casting which I find it very difficult to get beyond. Wait, Anna Paquin. Mmmmm… Anna Paquin. But that's still not enough.
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