1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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Majority... wut.

I don't hate it. But haters tend to make their voice the loudest. It has positive reviews (rottentomatoes, imdb) overall.
It's a good film. It just had to follow TDK.

I don't think that was it's problem in fact I think that the casual fan would say that it had to follow Heath Ledger rather than TDK movie itself as oppose to Batman fans in general. I could ask some people that really are really not into Batman but have viewed all three of Nolan's movies and I'm pretty sure their reply, 'as to why TDKR wasn't as good as the TDK' would be because TDK had the Joker/Heath Ledger.

I enjoyed the TDKR and I feel as though it was a story told in a film that was to short. It always seemed as thought Nolan went into this with the 'I'm done with it' attitude.

Like I say I enjoyed the movie and there is a lot of problems that have been discussed to death about it but it was the weakest part of the Nolan Trilogy.
I'm buying this set because I missed out on the DX13. This set would be actually cheaper than what people are asking for the DX13 now.
Imo TDKR simply is different compared to BB and TDK, but so is BB compared to TDK. All 3 movie show a development. Also hold the opinon that TDKR isn't the best movie of the line but I still enjoy watching it. Imo it wouldn't have been possible to top TDK anyhow. All movies rated in a sum as the trilogy for my taste make the best trilogy I know yet.
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TDK > Star Wars (IV V & VI of course) > Toy Story > Jurassic Park > Back To The Future > POTC > LOTR > Indiana Jones

Only listed trilogies I like, so even the last one is one I like and ignoring 4th movies and just rating the trilogies in a sum, knowing that some single movies of them weren't that overwhelming. :lol
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OT Star Wars
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Lord of the Rings
The Godfather (1-2 are too good, #3 can't knock it off this list)
Indiana Jones (i don't count crystal skull)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (swedish)
Honestly I feel that people are just stuck up on the lack of recognition Burton's Batman films got, and hate that the new Batman films are getting so much love. Burton's films are great (Returns is way too weird for me at times but the first is superb) but they have their issues which I feel people gloss over too easily. There are some people here who don't like the Nolan trilogy and do admit the Burton films have flaws so they get points. I guess it's also due to the realistic approach, and maybe not being too faithful to the comic books, which I find really questionable honestly.

I personally feel TDK Trilogy is great, and deserves a lot more love. I think people are just too used to the movie universes shown in X-Men and mainstream Marvel films, since I've noticed a lot of people point this out as a flaw in the TDK movies. But the films do have some problems honestly; the camera angles in Begins are bad, Two Face had far too little screen time and presence, and Rises had little Batman and at times sort of dragged on, also Miranda. There's other issues too, but that's off the top of my head. Bale's voice still deserves to be mocked though! :lol
Honestly I feel that people are just stuck up on the lack of recognition Burton's Batman films got, and hate that the new Batman films are getting so much love. Burton's films are great (Returns is way too weird for me at times but the first is superb) but they have their issues which I feel people gloss over too easily. There are some people here who don't like the Nolan trilogy and do admit the Burton films have flaws so they get points. I guess it's also due to the realistic approach, and maybe not being too faithful to the comic books, which I find really questionable honestly.

I personally feel TDK Trilogy is great, and deserves a lot more love. I think people are just too used to the movie universes shown in X-Men and mainstream Marvel films, since I've noticed a lot of people point this out as a flaw in the TDK movies. But the films do have some problems honestly; the camera angles in Begins are bad, Two Face had far too little screen time and presence, and Rises had little Batman and at times sort of dragged on, also Miranda. There's other issues too, but that's off the top of my head. Bale's voice still deserves to be mocked though! :lol

ill respectfully disagree. TDK Trilogy is universally loved worldwide, far more people love it, than dislike it. we are talking close to 90/10%. A few freaks boardies or people on other internet boards just tend to keep posting over and over they dont like it are in the vast minority, especially with TDKRises. That movie was a HUGE SUCCESS critically and financially. There is a little bit of misconception on Freaks about this mainly because same people who dislike it, as i said, keep posting their dislike about it. Its also known in the mainstream that TDK Trilogy is probably considered the best Trilogy only behind Star Wars. I mean Star Wars is bigger than anything probably thats ever been made in the history of cinema. So to be #2 behind Star Wars is a HUGE deal!!

the first 2 Burton films were universally loved at the time. 89 & Returns got a lot of critical acclaim at the time and were financial successes, but Forever got mixed reviews but it did well at the box office. Then slowly the rest just got worse. its also 25 years ago, how many people on here werent even born then to know that those 2 films were really big at the time.
lack of recognition Burton's Batman films got

IMO, he's one of the most overrated directors in Hollywood with a very spotty track record. The first Batman movie he did was decent, in a very 50's comic book way. The second is passable, but really not even half as good as the first. It set the mould the others followed which was to include way too many villain characters. The follow-on movies, which he didn't direct, are all terrible.

I think people are just too used to the movie universes shown in X-Men and mainstream Marvel films

Crazy people, because the three first X-Men movies really sucked - as superhero movies and just as a movies on their own. I mean, Daredevil was better than all of them and that wasn't stellar by any means. The main issues start out with poor scripts and stories, but then you also have bad character selection, bad casting, some instances of cheese-ball acting and some inconsistent pacing. However, I thought First Class was pretty good and I haven't yet seen the latest one. The Marvel Studios movies are all much better than the Fox and Sony flicks (those are all atrocious), but none of them hold a candle to Nolan's Batman nor the new Man of Steel. Not even in the same league.

If I had to pick my favorite Marvel-related movie, it would probably be Blade.
(...) A few freaks boardies or people on other internet boards just tend to keep posting over and over they dont like it are in the vast minority, (...)

Have to agree with that!

I don't even know why it's called the "Dark Knight Trilogy" when clearly Batman Begins looks like the odd, red headed step child that was left out.

That kid ain't got "Dark" or "Knight" in it's name. No prologue. No IMAX. No montage flash forward, multi-character ending. No "Knight" armor or steed (the Batpod). It does have tracks named after Bats and Katie Holmes though!

Batman Begins was Nolan's first major visual effects movie. I think IMAX in TDK was a result of the development in the way he makes movies. Pretty sure he would have used it in BB as well if it had been recorded at the same time as TDK. I like TDK over BB but that's just because of the overall more Gotham based storyline and the entire style of the movie. BB is great to introduce the story. Not sure how the name choice developed though, maybe "The Dark Knight Begins" or something would have made more sense, but it's nothing I care much about.
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