Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Here's how I see T-800 being done as a DX, the figure will be made to be a semi-BD, full BD figure, but, the Cyberdyne gear will also be packed with it and bada bing, you need a spare MMS117 to make Cyberdyne T-800, and you need a second DX to have both states of BD.

MMS117 = Biker and Cyberdyne T-800
DX = Semi-BD and Full BD

It's smarter selling on HT's part that way. They could work it so people buy 4 figures to make the 4 looks of T-800 where if you did 2 MMS figures and a DX or 3 MMS figures, people might peak at 3. I think there's more money doing 2 individual figure releases that between them, can be mixed to make other figures which means buying multiples.

It'll work, if they do indeed do it this way, it's my plan, I've already got 2 MMS117 and if there's only a DX left and it has all the other parts I listed, I'll get 2 of that to make the 4 T-800 looks I want.
MMS117 = Biker and Cyberdyne T-800
DX = Semi-BD and Full BD

Or maybe make one more T-800 figure, the Full Battle Damage version with Semi Battle damaged head and include the full battle damaged light up head with the upcoming T-1000!:rotfl
I'm thinking the rest of the T2 line will be either a DX or 2 MMS T-1000 figures and one more T-800 release, probably a hefty DX set, that's my prediction, and the longshot, but dream additon, Young John Connor, but that's the only figure beyond the Terminators I see coming, that and the new Endo if they really do that.
One things for sure I'll be very pi$$ed if any more of these figures are hard-to-get exclusives. I don't care for feeling as though I'm in an elite club of people who can lord it over others who couldn't get a particular figure while I got lucky. (if I get lucky) I.just.want.the figures.
No frigging PERS though, it would only work well for John Connor.
I think that would be stupid no?, making the T-1000 have PERS yet the T-800 didn't incorporate it?.

PERS for young John Connor i think would be best since he has nothing else really to pack in with him.
Well this line is brand new. Look at their Batman license, or Iron Man, or hell, Predator (even though most of them are just variations). They have a good amount of figures.

The T-800 is iconic, from a sci-fi/action genre as well as a fan favorite. We've seen what, 4 possible versions of the Joker? 3 Batman figures and a slew of unique Iron Man suits. I don't see this line at even half of it's life span yet.

The T-800 and T-1000 are easy too milk because they're simple clothes changes. Other than a few more altered or new headsculpts and accessories (some of which they already have) it wouldn't be difficult for them to pump out more versions of them ALONG with an Endo. That's easy money for them too. Simple to produce (with a few new sculpts here and there), huge demand, easy money.

They must be pretty confident about the line right now with that super obscure T-1000 in Sarah Connor disguise (who saw that coming? Not me). And if they're not they will be. Look how fast this MMS 117 T-800 sold out, preorder in some places no less.

I see many T-800s on the horizon. T-1000 BEGS for multiple figures. They love the endoskeleton. So who knows, if it's popular I could see them throwing us a bone and releasing a John Connor.
I think we will get a BD T-800 and maybe, and that's a big maybe, second more BDd t-800 from the steel factory. The DX version I think will be for the T1 Terminator. Two heads, one normal with PERS, the other with the damaged, light up eye. Two types of clothing and the weapons used.
Yeah, I like the idea of just having a regular MMS BD T-800 and a DX T1 terminator because I really don't think they will DX two Arnold's... and if only one is to be DX'd I'd prefer it to be T1. But then again, who's to say they will even revisit T1?
No frigging PERS though, it would only work well for John Connor.

Thats only on the assumption of them having it very wide-eyed as figures with PERS have been so far.

I see no reason why they can't make a PERS figure with appropriate squinty eyes.

T-800 and T-1000 are ideal candidates for PERS. I presume it'd have to be DX batman access as opposed to the hair removal on the DX joker.
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We don't even know if they have the license for Terminator 1, it's separate from Terminator 2.

They could produce a "1984 Flashback" type T1 T-800 but that's only speculation. A 1984 T-800 is just as sure a thing then, hmm, I don't know a Hot Toys Bill and Ted 1/6 figure line (hahaha, just realized as I typed this that that movie was owned by Orion too).

As far as DX goes, look how long it takes them to announce, let alone release each individual one AS WELL as produce the regular MMS line. People are hyping the crap out of MMS DX 04 and Hot Toys has even stated that they're not going to disappoint. It's going to be big, but will it be Terminator related? Everyone's money seems to be on a Reeves Superman figure that's been announced for awhile now. If that's "the big one" then that pretty much kills the chances of any DX Terminator. Unless they announce DX 05 RIGHT after whatever 04 is.

My money is on multiple versions of T-800 and T-1000 and Hot Toys pursuing T1 in the future (no pun intended). This has a solid start and it's ____ing Terminator 2 Judgement Day. Why wouldn't Hot Toys make insane amounts over a long period of time when it's this popular and hot?

Just one more DX T-800 and DX T-1000 when they could do a bunch of both of them as regulars and make more money? I don't think so. It's all speculation right now. It can go in anyway imaginable.
Anyone else get a little silver thing - what looks like a piece of an endo arm - packaged in with the instructions? I did. Wierd.