Hot Toys Justice League Superman

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as others have stated I do like the nod to the 70's costume with the bright blue and red. But I don't see a reason to pick this up as I already have the BVS version. Not enough difference to warrant getting it IMHO.
Guys with Hot Toys schedule tactical Batman is coming into second quarter or 2018. does this means that superman will be released after that? or it doesn't matter.
Guys with Hot Toys schedule tactical Batman is coming into second quarter or 2018. does this means that superman will be released after that? or it doesn't matter.

It could depend on whether or not the suit is reused from BvS or if they do a new one. It also should have a new head sculpt, so that could possibly set it further back. Hard to say but it also depends on when he's officially announced. If he's one of the last figures to go up for PO then it would take longer.
Based on what we saw at SDCC you'd imagine the two Batman figures, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg would be up for pre-order before Superman as they looked the most complete. They obviously hadn't completed the new Supes sculpt(or sculpts...I can dream) at that time. In fact I think they literally just painted the BvS figures a lighter colour. Hopefully they refine the body a little bit and makes the abs more defined.

Flash will like be up last with Supes since he didn't have a complete sculpt or any accessories by the look of things.
Personally, I don't care for the lighter blue on the JL figure – my BvS figure will look better on display with the league IMO.
Interested to see the final sculpt though.
Thank you guys for replay.

I really hope they will give us at least more soft headsculpt and will balance the brightness of blue. Somehow it looks too bright and pops out from the team. I'm not sure it will be as bright in the movie as on the promotional pictures it looks way darker almost same as BvS one. I think comic con figure was just painted in hurry to show that it will be brighter than BvS one was. I don't think actual fabric is that bright.
P.S. I really want these posters hope they will release them.
Cap is the only reason I keep watching MCU stuff. if/ when he get's killed off (probably in Infinity War), that will be when I stop going to the MCU movies

he won't be the true captain america ever again on screen, they will do the MCU version of nomad and then he will die in this IW. People better have stocked up on chris Evans Cap figure/statues. Its also why i bought the Iron Studios version, he won't be cap again, the next time you see Cap on screen in all his glory it will be Bucky (Sebastian Stan) not Chris Evans the OG CAP.

Chris Evans even mentioned that his contract is up and he doesn't see himself signing on again for a handful of films.
Now I just wish they'd have killed Cap off in TFA.

They somewhat did.

I know...but I was. I've lost so much interest in the MCU. They're movies hardly entertain me anymore

Same here. I enjoy both universes, but I'm starting to get a little bored with the MCU. Cap is really the only reason I keep watching as well.