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Omg this figure is perfect, i wasn't going to get this but after seeing the pics I change my mind, On the lean issue come on this is the closes it gets man, you guys are not happy with anything just finding the flaws on it.
minivader said:
My only grip is the neck articulation. Many have posted that the neck moment is quite limited and I suspect its caused by the light up eyes feature.


I don't think the actual neck piece moves at all. I haven't seen any pics with it moved. The head looks like it slides over a ball joint (which also houses the led) so the head can only move side to side and maybe slightly up and down. But to me, the actual neck piece looks static and unmoveable. :confused:

Snake Sucker said:
On a side note, how do the hands attach?

Looks like the hands will slip over ball joints, not pegs, which is good since people will probably be swapping out the hands a lot.


I don't think the actual neck piece moves at all. I haven't seen any pics with it moved. The head looks like it slides over a ball joint (which also houses the led) so the head can only move side to side and maybe slightly up and down. But to me, the actual neck piece looks static and unmoveable. :confused:

It's the robot from lost in space! Shrunk by the voodoo dude in Beetlejuice. ¬_¬
I have no plans of getting myself an IM, seeing how the dark knight figs had really put a major dent on my wallet, plus pre-order on XL-shop, etc are fulled. But after seeing the pics posted here, I cant help but fall in love with the figure. Great articulation, wicked lighting works, solid paint job...I was desperate to get myself one. Thanks guys for the wonderful pics:banghead:lol

What luck that I happen to come accross this local hobby shop one day. The guy in-charge inform me that he has ordered the IM as well. Managed to book IM from him for $199. IM will arrive this coming friday. Can't wait for him to arrive! He have 5 more available. Any of you guys interested let me know.

I believe the leanness people are seeing is a optical illusion based on the fact they brought out the shoulder pads a bit ,most likely for pose ability. I in photoshop I took this image of mark 2 and brought in the pads to a more movie accurate position. I used the mark 2 because the red and yellow color palette is has a slimming effect, especially in the legs. you can compare this image to the iron man turnaround seen on the official iron man website for movie accuracy comparisons
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I don't see these "leanness" issues that people are talking about. It looks perfectly proportional to me.

I think it looks okay on it's own, but proportion-wise, the only way Robert Downey Jr. would fit in that is if he was a really tall twig.
I have no plans of getting myself an IM, seeing how the dark knight figs had really put a major dent on my wallet, plus pre-order on XL-shop, etc are fulled. But after seeing the pics posted here, I cant help but fall in love with the figure. Great articulation, wicked lighting works, solid paint job...I was desperate to get myself one. Thanks guys for the wonderful pics:banghead:lol

What luck that I happen to come accross this local hobby shop one day. The guy in-charge inform me that he has ordered the IM as well. Managed to book IM from him for $199. IM will arrive this coming friday. Can't wait for him to arrive! He have 5 more available. Any of you guys interested let me know.

Ouch, that's a horrible price for Iron Man. This thing should be around 150USD only.
Are those comparison pics squashed or something? Cause I was watching it again on DVD and the suit looks a lot more sleeker (like the HT figure) than those promo poster shots.

Me thinks those nitpickers are really just looking for an excuse not to buy this figure. (like they did with TDK bats which is a really fantastic figure and looks great proportion wise, only problem was V2 BB Batman should have been bulkier, if he was we wouldn't be hearing all these TDK Bat being too big)
I think it looks okay on it's own, but proportion-wise, the only way Robert Downey Jr. would fit in that is if he was a really tall twig.

I know RDJ is quite a short man in real life but in the movies they try to portray him as being not that short. In certain shorts he actually had to stand on books or boxes so his height disparity with other actors isn't that huge.
Are those comparison pics squashed or something? Cause I was watching it again on DVD and the suit looks a lot more sleeker (like the HT figure) than those promo poster shots.

Me thinks those nitpickers are really just looking for an excuse not to buy this figure. (like they did with TDK bats which is a really fantastic figure and looks great proportion wise, only problem was V2 BB Batman should have been bulkier, if he was we wouldn't be hearing all these TDK Bat being too big)

yess you are absolutely right, speaking for myself.
I find TDK too bulk. Face it, seen on screen: the new suit is lean and the Begins suit is more bulk, but the Hot Toys TDK is as bulk as the Begins suit. Medicom got the proportions PERFECT (without wanting a debate about the quality, sculpt, paint etc, just proportions)
And Iron Man is too lean and should be more bulkier in the waist.

So, speaking for myself, Hot Toys made a too bulky batman and a too lean Iron Man. For me these are too obvious not to be bothered by, so I did not buy them. It's not good enough for me, so I won't pay that lot of money for it.

As for the begins suit, it is well proportioned. If you made him MORE bulk than it is, it would have been too much, it would look really ridiculous. But now it's "perfect" so I bought it. (I even did modifications to it to make it more perfect)

I am not the kind of collector who wants to own a movie-figure just to own it or he can say he owns something from that movie.
If I want to own something, it's because it looks movieaccurate, and than I am prepared to pay the price for it.
If certain essential characteristics are too way off that it bothers me, I just ain't buying it.

So, what you call nitpicking is not the same as what other would call nitpicking. I am sure you agree there has to be a certain level of nitpicking IF you look for accuracy, so for me personal, bulkyness or leanyness of a figure is a point of argument.

So what has this to do with finding excuses not to buy? if its good enough for me, I won't hesitate to buy it, hell I already got 9 hot toys figures + one coming up! does that seem like a man who is nitpicking all the time and finding excuses? I think not!

The ONLY problem I have with Hot Toys is with Iron Man-figure and with TDK batman-figure, that all.
Personally, their coolest figure ist still the T-800 endo, it is thé most articulated figure and looks movie accurate when you say (in another topic) that you would wish for hot toys to remake the endo with the release of T4 because it is not articulate enough, I really got to laugh about your comments on me being a nitpicker :rotfl
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Are you serious?!?! You think that if you get this you willl be constantly bothered by the fact it is not 100% screen accurate in bulk?! I feel sorry for you if that is the case. (but not really).

This thing is TRULY a Movie Masterpiece and will likely never be bettered as a 1/6 scale representation of movie IM. HT are absolute legend geniuses and this figure will likely not be beaten by any release this year. (the above is NOT just HT fanboyism either, the pics speak for themselves.)

On a side note, how do the hands attach?

I think I would be bothered yess, just like with TDK-batman.
Those are the ONLY figures of HT wich I have this issue when looking at the pictures (and there are tons of pictures, promo and from users here to look at)
With all my other HT figures I didn't have this problem. When something is spot on, it will show also on pictures.

In case of IM, his lean bodywaist just catches my eye, so Snake Sucker sorry to disagree with you :eek: I hope I have not affended you with your worshipping of this figure :) I mean it when I say that I'm glad for you if it doesn't bother you. So do not feel sorry for me, feel happy, cause I just saved myself alot of money for a figure wich I would be bothered about everytime I look at it...I hope you understand what I mean.

and to show my appreciation about the figure, I absolutely love the overall sculpting and color and articulation and all the gizmo's they got it with! I really do, but him being to lean just outshines all of that in my eyes. It's a pitty, cause everything else is indeed spot on!
And I definately wasn't trying to diss the figure or something...

Theres always something to complain about huh?
Its really that frustrating? Poor you :(

Don't get me wrong, agian :rolleyes:
I am just talking about THIS figure being to lean, it's not like I am dissing the whole HT figure-range with complaints, (I got 9 HT items...)
I just "complain" about 1 aspect (bulkyness or lack of it) on 2 figures: IM and TDK batman, that's it, don't push it.

What is complaint on 2 figures on a whole assortment of figures and vechicles? You can't love everything they make, can you, I wish I could though :) but I'd love everything I would have even less money to spend on them :)

Not surprising there are some things that are off... but unless it was a direct comparison I wouldn't notice it. And those are the kind of things that I can live with... its when you look at it and instantly see problems that I get more concerned.
I agree, and to be honest, as badass it looks, the lack of bulk is what I first noticed, thus my concern to buy or not to buy :)
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so Snake Sucker sorry to disagree with you :eek: I hope I have not affended you with your worshipping of this figure :)
No need to apologise. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

So do not feel sorry for me, feel happy, cause I just saved myself alot of money for a figure wich I would be bothered about everytime I look at it...I hope you understand what I mean.
I don't feel sorry for you, I put 'not really' in my post. Yes, I do understand what you mean, your comments are not exactly rocket science.

Don't get me wrong, agian :rolleyes:
I didn't get you wrong the first time, I merely expressed my disbelief that someone could receive this figure and constantly be bothered by it's bulk not being 100% perfect screen accurate.

I am just talking about THIS figure being to lean, it's not like I am dissing the whole HT figure-range with complaints, (I got 9 HT items...)
I just "complain" about 1 aspect (bulkyness or lack of it) on 2 figures: IM and TDK batman, that's it, don't push it.
I'm not pushing anything, was expressing my disbelief as I mentioned above, and my love for how great this HT figure looks.

What is complaint on 2 figures on a whole assortment of figures and vechicles? You can't love everything they make, can you, I wish I could though :) but I'd love everything I would have even less money to spend on them :)
Didn't say you do love everything HT make, neither do I, indicated by my 'this is not HT fanboyism' comment. Once again, I was just expressing myself as to how great I feel this figure looks, judging by pics.

So, don't get me wrong again. :rolleyes:

Oh, and guys, REALLY sorry for bogging down the photo thread with this. I don't normally do this, but felt the need to reply.

I will make up for it by posting as many pics as I can when mine arrives in about 5 days!

This pic is spectacular!!!

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Since the whole TDK Bats issue have been beaten to death at the DC forum, I will avoid bringing that up again but for someone who demands accuracy, you sure are lenient about the BB V2 Bats. That one got a few things wrong with it, namely the cape clasp at the wrong place, the cowl neck flap a little too long in the front, and the waist is a little too thin.

The real suit is supposed to be a huge piece of thick sculpted rubber suit and that's why Bale looks so huge in that suit.

With HT, they made the suit a thin one piece rubber suit and ends up having too thin of a waist.

With TDK suit, they made the rubber suit thicker than the BB suit and with the added chest piece, the TDK suit ends up looking bigger than the BB V2 suit.

And to keep my post relevent, I will post screencap from the Iron Man disc 2 for comparison. It's great reference material and you guys will have a whole new appreciation of the length HT went through to bring us this excellent product.