Hot Toys Announce Batman Returns License

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Personally, I will take everything from this line but I wanted to ask you if Ht ever did environments for its figures as I would love them to do a Batcave so that I can display Batman and the Batmobile.:yess:

we will just have to wait and see, but personally i dont expect HT to do enviroments for these figures since they are part of a line. none of the DX batman stuff even for nolans movies have enviroments so i dont expect any, though it would be pretty neat. but i would love it they gave penguin a penguin commando at least.

I think the figures and batmobile is more than enough, Hot Toys are very far behind to be taking on excessive/extravagant projects :lecture
how the heck is haveing a a penguin commando or a set piece extravangant? and what exactly is HT "behind" on? do you work for them? yeesh, sounds like someones upset about something..
how the heck is haveing a a penguin commando or a set piece extravangant? and what exactly is HT "behind" on? do you work for them? yeesh, sounds like someones upset about something..

i was referring to a Batcave enivronment to park the batmobile :cuckoo: :slap is the batmobile not enough

and Hot Toys is behind on about 8 or so figures that have all been delayed (in some cases more than once already), so they're obviously behind on production, and they are behind in getting new licenses started, they've been announced 6-15 months ago and not started yet...

So i think a huge environment for one license (any license) is unreasonable when others haven't gotten anything just yet.
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Yeah, I actually agree with Nova here. There's something wrong with Hot Toys' production system, clearly.

They've bitten off more than they can chew. This delay in production as well as these "split shipments" prove that. We'll be lucky if we see Batman Returns and The Dark Knight Rises, IN HAND, before this year.
We'll see TDKR and Avengers figures in hand this year because HT will fast track them to the detriment of all other lines, and possibly to the detriment of QC on TDKR/Avengers lines, that would be my guess
i really hope they get to Returns at least by early next year! im dieing to see what penguin will be like.
i really hope they get to Returns at least by early next year! im dieing to see what penguin will be like.

Batman is my most want, after that Catwoman as i haven't got any female fugues yet, I'm more wary for Penguin as his body is so unique from anything they've done previously, it's gonna be interesting to see how they handle him and his articulations and clothes options.

i think he should come last so they have plenty of time to develop him enough so that they can maximize his options for display and posablility
As much as I don't want to go broke buying these... I can't stop thinking how cool it would be to have a Max Shreck to go along with BR Batman, Catwoman, and Penguin...

I want 'em all!!!! :)

As far as Max Shreck goes, what the heck would he come with? Fish rolled up in paper? Fred's hand? Toxic waste? :lol

I'd love an alternate outfit from his masquerade ball party.

Man.. :lol

It's a challenge to stay focused on your priority pieces, when there's literally a FLOOD of amazing figures coming.

At this point - after 89 Keaton & Jack, it'll likely be Michelle CW next for me.. but a BR Keaton is just going to absolutely ROCK.. & there's the dilemna. :slap:

"..I want more.. but I know I shouldn't."

:monkey3 :lol
True that. Stay focused. I've turned down some amazing figures in order to discipline myself. Occasionally I stray for a random item. It's hard.

I'll get any of the Returns figure though.
Returns Batman, Catwoman and Penguin are must haves as far as I'm concerned. There's no way I could pass on them.

Even though I already have the '89 Batman and I don't really like the Returns suit as much as the '89, I gotta say, I'm looking forward to it the most. Just as a companion piece for the '89 figure and the Batmobile.

Hot Toys is going to KILL it I bet. I just hope they don't botch the inevitable Michael Keaton headsculpt that will most likely be included. That, along with the new gadgets/weapons is going to be the highlight of it for me. Catwoman should be fantastic (as long as she's nothing like Silk Spectre) and Penguin will be interesting to see, design wise.