1/6 Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

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Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

It does look like this turned out great, but ultimately I think the only one I really need in the collection is TPM Maul. Especially when I see in that video how very similar they are in overall appearance. The only thing noticeably different are the robot legs, but that's probably still not enough to make it stand out on the shelf.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

the robot legs, but that's probably still not enough to make it stand out on the shelf.

I don't know about that, those robot legs look pretty damn awesome. Maul was the coolest new character introduced in the PT and I think this figure is a great representation of what he eventually became post Duel of the Fates.

But I can understand being satisfied with just the original DX version.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Yeah, those mech legs are awesome.

And I agree, I really like this version as a representation of the Maul that grew to become a very deep and interesting character.

The Phantom Menace appearance is iconic, but he doesn’t have much depth in the movie.

I passed on that version but will have to really consider this one.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Just watched the video. First off, I ALWAYS appreciate the time these early reviewers put into giving us an unvarnished look at the figure that we are going to wait a while to get over here from our domestic sellers in the states. Makes the wait easier getting these early looks.

First impressions...the choices of the materials add richness and texture to what would otherwise be a pretty basic stark black look. The side by side really shows that off. The materials are also a great character choice too...he's running a major crime organization now, lots of wealth and power with him and the outfit's design correctly reflects that change while still having some sith robe influence to the look from his earlier days. BUT...this figure is going to require some MAJOR futzing to achieve it's potential. Nice that the tabards are all wired as is the shoulder areas of the vest. As with the EpIII Anakin figures, a good, clean, round effect will be able to help the outfit's fit and look.

It looks like the legs are ratcheted (I don't listen to the videos and there were no captions, so if this feature was mentioned, I didn't "hear" it). That will certainly help achieve some free-standing poses.

The portrait looks....good. i like the slightly bared teeth and they are well painted and detailed. Like HT's previous version, this one does feature the sculpted "lines" delignating the tattoos and it's still as slightly off-putting to the look as it is with that version, but considering how well the paint is applied, it still manages to look good. One thing that is throwing me a bit here is (I hope) the lighting in the video is making the reds look really pink. I hope that's not the case. I know the blogger photos make it appear more red, but those shots are so sweetened up it's hard to take it for granted that we're getting a good, deep red until we see more videos with different lighting conditions.

The gloves and gauntlets are looking a little "plastic-y" but again, that could be down the the lighting and the lack of a deep futz for the presentation.
Nice extreme detail on the exposed lower mech legs...very cool looking.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the throne is a nice novelty, but has an unfortunate visual effect that will have me leaving it in the box.

The packaging is okay. Not really digging the photo choices or the pink (please be more red) tint. The keychain is a shocking, cheap addition to what is being billed as a DX release and it's unfortunate that this chinzy bauble is the first thing seen when the box is opened. At least the metal plate included with the original DX Maul release didn't look so bad. It was a relief to see the outer sleeve did not include one of those garish wrap-around belly-bands that the other figures feature.
I'm not a fan of that cheap, easily bent little add-on.

Again, it's great to get this early look. I'm sold on this figure. Love the Solo movie and hope that someday in some media, that story we were left hanging with gets told, The idea of Qui'ra meeting up and working with Maul is indeed an enticing one.

Now more than ever...we need that Qui'ra figure HT!
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

The headsculpt looks insane.
I didn't PO this guy cause how many Mauls does 1 need other than the TPM version??
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

The headsculpt looks insane.
I didn't PO this guy cause how many Mauls does 1 need other than the TPM version??

As many as you feel that you like (and can afford). I’m eagerly awaiting SoloMaul and have PO’ed CW Final Season Maul but if they were to announce a “Cyborg Maul” from his reappearance in CW with the Mother Talsin fitted legs, the collar and arm bracers (only new molds needed would be legs, collar and bracers) I would buy that Maul as well. I’m a big Sith fan and while I was buying more 1/4 statues than 1/6 figures, I managed to acquire all the SSC 1/4 Mauls except for the new Mythos version and even a 1/2 bust (which I almost never buy). It’s also become apparent that so many people seem to express a desire for HT’s to do the “Spider-Maul” which, In my opinion, would turn out to be a total disaster of a figure. The best rendition that I’ve seen personally was (I believe) a Gentle Giant statue of some scale at a comic con years back which looked good but just could not imagine how that would work especially well in figure form.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Honestly the ?coolest? CW Maul would be a TVS Deluxe branded version or another full DX version with the ?base figure? being the ?Revival Maul? with the Mother Talsin legs, collar and arm bracers with including parts to change to the look shown in most of Maul?s CW episodes (basically the CW Maul being offered for PO right now). For me, that would be the ultimate CW Maul but they would need to make the legs swappable which would likely have the mechanism around the navel area. The rest would be mainly clothing and of course including 3 lightsaber hilts and if they do this in DX, then there would have to be 3 swappable LED lightsaber arms, I would appreciate 1 being the left arm wielding the Darksaber! This wouldn?t just be the ultimate CW Maul because of the different looks but the inclusion of the Darksaber would entice many collectors.

Still, I doubt they would go this far and they are probably just waiting for Mando Season 2 to release the Darksaber with a lame character like Moff Gideon :lol

Still, if I had my choice of any CW character for HT?s to ?realistically? produce which would work as a figure (we all know there are CW characters that just wouldn?t work as a figure) my ultimate pick would be Savage Opress! Savage wouldn?t need much R&D either using basically an extremely broad, tall humanoid body (recent DC bodies with 1cm leg extension) fabrics save for chest armor & leg, arm and shoulder bracers needing just an artistic interpretation of a headsculpt and his hands. Include the Mother Talsin blade and talisman please and Thank you!
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】








Yeah, I made the right decision going for this one instead of the Clone Wars one. Something about this just feels so much more threatening. Plus the superior arm articulation and the cooler looking legs don't hurt either XD

Haven't and won't see Solo, but I cannot wait to add this to the collection. Also chose this over ep 1 since I don't plan on getting any ep 1 figures.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Yeah, I made the right decision going for this one instead of the Clone Wars one. Something about this just feels so much more threatening. Plus the superior arm articulation and the cooler looking legs don't hurt either XD

Haven't and won't see Solo, but I cannot wait to add this to the collection. Also chose this over ep 1 since I don't plan on getting any ep 1 figures.

Any particular reason as to why you wont watch? Its actually a pretty decent movie and a fun ride.

The headsculpt looks insane.
I didn't PO this guy cause how many Mauls does 1 need other than the TPM version??

The answer is more than one.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Haven't and won't see Solo, but I cannot wait to add this to the collection.

Any particular reason as to why you wont watch? Its actually a pretty decent movie and a fun ride.

My biggest SW movie regret was purposely missing the theater release. No, I wasn?t part of the ?boycott movement?, instead I was fed badly biased information from sites that I trusted at the time (no longer) which all basically said that the movie made TLJ look good.

And I wholeheartedly agree with @chrisstrusthers that Solo was ?actually a pretty decent movie and fun ride?. Sure there were odd bits and bobs in there but overall, I was both entertained and annoyed when I finally saw the film. All that annoyed me was my blind trust of (and lack of trust in the Kennedy-era) the handful of reviewers who helped dissuade me from seeing in the theater.

Please @HTHero, give it a chance, even if you feel like stopping within the 1st 15-20 minutes, it really becomes a fun, wild ride which story feels like a nice little slice of good-old Star Wars!
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

The portrait looks....good. i like the slightly bared teeth and they are well painted and detailed. Like HT's previous version, this one does feature the sculpted "lines" delignating the tattoos and it's still as slightly off-putting to the look as it is with that version, but considering how well the paint is applied, it still manages to look good.

But in the case of this figure, it's actually accurate. The makeup artisits chose to cover Ray in silicone appliances instead of just painting his face, and sculpted in the tattoo pattern.

Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

But in the case of this figure, it's actually accurate. The makeup artisits chose to cover Ray in silicone appliances instead of just painting his face, and sculpted in the tattoo pattern.

View attachment 497827

I can’t remember where I saw it, but I specifically remember them saying it was done this way for film accuracy as the Duel of the Fates took weeks to film.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Terrific looking figure it has to be said.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Terrific looking figure it has to be said.

Yeah I thought the same. They really went all the way to make him look menacing.

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Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

I'm positively surprised at the positive comments here. I've also kept my pre-order and am happy how he turned out.

The legs do look awesome. And I think a Solo 2 still has a decent chance for the future if even in series format in Disney+.

In some ways a Crimson Dawn underground story with Qira + Maul would almost suit an episodic long format. Tie that in with a parallel stoty of the starting of the Rebel Alliance and I'm sure it would be an interesting story.

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Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

I'm positively surprised at the positive comments here. I've also kept my pre-order and am happy how he turned out.

The legs do look awesome. And I think a Solo 2 still has a decent chance for the future if even in series format in Disney+.

In some ways a Crimson Dawn underground story with Qira + Maul would almost suit an episodic long format. Tie that in with a parallel stoty of the starting of the Rebel Alliance and I'm sure it would be an interesting story.

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We definitely need to find out what happens to Maul and Crimson Dawn between Solo and Rebels and how he ends up where he does.

Also HT need to stop calling him Darth Maul, he is just Maul now. He says it himself.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

We definitely need to find out what happens to Maul and Crimson Dawn between Solo and Rebels and how he ends up where he does.

Now that it seems like there are some people either in or being moved into the position of overall story group, I?d be surprised if we don?t get some type of watchable content that mainly focuses on that time and those characters. I?d agree that a story focused on the SW universe?s mafia lends itself best to a limited series (perhaps 3-10 episode season).

Either way, now that Mando and more importantly, the right people proved that SW can still be done well there are 2 shows I absolutely NEED:
1. Darth Bane (there is simply too much great, universe implicating content for even a trilogy to do justice In my opinion)
2. Young Palpatine/Darth Plagueis (this could work as movie(s) except if it follows most of the content in the book, it might be hard to sell a feature film where the audience follows a murderous young man who everyone knows becomes the most powerful, deadliest, most brutal evil dictator of the SW universe. And the audience would have to also want to see him succeed because he barely has setbacks, which all have contingency plans).

I advocate more for those 2 things than anything, even that Obi-Wan they seem to have finally started planning principal photography.
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Now that it seems like there are some people either in or being moved into the position of overall story group, I?d be surprised if we don?t get some type of watchable content that mainly focuses on that time and those characters. I?d agree that a story focused on the SW universe?s mafia lends itself best to a limited series (perhaps 3-10 episode season).

Either way, now that Mando and more importantly, the right people proved that SW can still be done well there are 2 shows I absolutely NEED:
1. Darth Bane (there is simply too much great, universe implicating content for even a trilogy to do justice In my opinion)
2. Young Palpatine/Darth Plagueis (this could work as movie(s) except if it follows most of the content in the book, it might be hard to sell a feature film where the audience follows a murderous young man who everyone knows becomes the most powerful, deadliest, most brutal evil dictator of the SW universe. And the audience would have to also want to see him succeed because he barely has setbacks, which all have contingency plans).

I advocate more for those 2 things than anything, even that Obi-Wan they seem to have finally started planning principal photography.

Actually for a Palpatine \ Plagueis it would be best a series, just like Breaking Bad, Ratched or even Narcos
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Best likeness to Park yet...and i love the snarling teeth together expression. Wish they had gone with that on TPM version
Re: Hot Toys 【Solo: A Star Wars Story - 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure】

Actually for a Palpatine \ Plagueis it would be best a series, just like Breaking Bad, Ratched or even Narcos

I completely agree but I should clarify 2 things:

1. The 2 pitches were for series, limited or otherwise, on TV which is why my long post said ?there are 2 shows I absolutely NEED? and in my description of what I?d want for a young Palps/Plagueis I said ?it could work as movies(s) except?. I was trying to point out that if this was green lit, used themes and plot lines from the book, that there haven?t been great examples of movies with a main character who is a bad guy. It?s difficult to get an audience attached and invested in a protagonist in under 2 hours who?s major attributes are society defined bad and who MIGHT have some minor redeeming qualities in 2-2.5 hours vs. long form television. Plus as we all know, Palps is a freaking MONSTER!
2. BB and Narcos are great shout outs which all have proven the long form, episodic story telling format works for shows that focused on ?baddies?! Ratched is on my list, seen and heard good things but have not watched any episodes yet. Please though, let us never forget the GODFATHER of them all, the one that took the current television rule-book, shredded it up, laid down the new laws, thusly changing the way great television was presented going forward; we should never forget the incredible work done in THE SOPRANOS!