Hot Toys – MMS204 - The 1/6th scale ED-209 Collectible

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HT fixed it's Batman DX02s when they had leaky abs. Isn't there reason to believe they'll fix this cheap rubber problem and do a reissue?
Well I've pre-ordered with Onesixthbruce, Waimans a great guy and he really dont deserve this, its sad for him I know, but surely they can't expect the people that know about this monumental **** up to go through with paying the rest off now.
I hope they can cancel there order with there distributors.
I've sent them an email asking for a refund, hopefully I'll hear something soon.
The speed with which this deterioration is occurring, leads me to suspect it may be a combination of cheap rubber parts and a reaction to the glues used to secure those parts in place.

The thing is...if you see the pictures in the prior two's in areas where there is nothing to glue down. Just in the folds of the rubber. It's such a cruddy situation and it's going to happen to all of them I suspect. I could be wrong (I hope I am for those of you keeping yours). I sure hope Sideshow will still take it back...I'm waiting on a response from customer service.....
Damn it... what a load of crap that the rubber is cracking, not too mention after less than a few months.

My OG Ed never got too bad, but had a few cracks on top, but the arms and legs were good. I guess I need to check mine now to see how if it's rotting already... between this and the crap voice feature not a banner release from HT.
Between my pictures (Page 308) and Megacolors (Page 305)......I wonder if anyone else out there is seeing it in their joints too...can you post some pictures?
Its just another case of cheap materials being used on the figure and overcharging for it at the same time. Chronicle collectibles ed209 while in a static pose and costing 1,200 looks a more stellar bet then ht's toy offering at the moment. Its just much more detailed as well. Whats the point paying over 400 for a figure to have this sort of cheap rubber being used on it. Honestly HT really doesn't give a hoot about what people think these days.
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I'm returning mine for sure now. I don't care if mine don't have any issues. Its going back to SS!

Let is know as to how that goes, as I'm on the same boat and I really don't want my ED to sit outside for 6 hours in this heat just for it to crack.
The thing is...if you see the pictures in the prior two's in areas where there is nothing to glue down. Just in the folds of the rubber. It's such a cruddy situation and it's going to happen to all of them I suspect. I could be wrong (I hope I am for those of you keeping yours). I sure hope Sideshow will still take it back...I'm waiting on a response from customer service.....

I take your point, however certain types of industrial adhesive can emit strong vapor (you will often see warnings on the side of tins of commercial Adhesive, advising they are only used in well ventilated areas) which would be trapped in those gaitored areas.. tbh, it could be either cheap material alone, a reaction with an adhesive.. or a combination of the two issues.

The speed the domes in particular, are deteriorating, after being stretched and glued over the dome frame suggests a combination of the material and adhesive.. but if the gaitors are also deteriorating already, something is very wrong.. motorcycle suspension gaitors are made out of similar material.. so without a solvent cause, the grade of material used, or the storage of those components prior to use on HT's production line, would appear to be the most likely culprit.
Damn it... what a load of crap that the rubber is cracking, not too mention after less than a few months.

My OG Ed never got too bad, but had a few cracks on top, but the arms and legs were good. I guess I need to check mine now to see how if it's rotting already... between this and the crap voice feature not a banner release from HT.

It would be interesting to have a comparison on the gaitors, as well as the hood, between the original and the new ED-209.. Out of interest, how long was it after the original, ED-209 release, before Collectors became aware of the Dome problem?.. it was before I started collecting Hot Toys so I have no frame of reference.
Hey Taibhse, yep, I bought from Urban Samurai here in Canada. Invoice was paid May 2nd via PayPal (charged to CC).

Contact your Credit Card company and check.. as I mentioned before, terms can vary between companies and between countries, on Consumer rights, but I would hope Canadian Consumer Law still covers you, less than three months after purchase.. main clause would probably be 'goods are not fit for purpose'.

Retailers will nearly always have a default response of 'no refunds'.. even when you are legally entitled to one, since it you believe them, then they have saved money.. so check your rights.

In some circumstances you may have to settle for a credit note or 'goods to the value of the original purchase'.. indeed some Collectors who have a good relationship with their supplier, may wish to do this anyway.. but know your rights in detail beforehand.. because sometimes when you have decided on settlement terms, you are not entitled to change those terms later (this applies particularly if you are accepting 'repairs' so be aware).. and if you decide on a credit note, get it in writing with an authorised management name on it.
Contact your Credit Card company and check.. as I mentioned before, terms can vary between companies and between countries, on Consumer rights, but I would hope Canadian Consumer Law still covers you, less than three months after purchase.. main clause would probably be 'goods are not fit for purpose'.

Retailers will nearly always have a default response of 'no refunds'.. even when you are legally entitled to one, since it you believe them, then they have saved money.. so check your rights.

In some circumstances you may have to settle for a credit note or 'goods to the value of the original purchase'.. indeed some Collectors who have a good relationship with their supplier, may wish to do this anyway.. but know your rights in detail beforehand.. because sometimes when you have decided on settlement terms, you are not entitled to change those terms later (this applies particularly if you are accepting 'repairs' so be aware).. and if you decide on a credit note, get it in writing with an authorised management name on it.
Great advice, Taibhse. Thanks! I'll dig ED out of storage and see how it's doing, then contact the distributor.
this is worst than the original ed209, evident rotting just a month after its release. even if this figure had a 2 year rot free warranty...this is a fail. surprised there has been no product recalls yet.
Sideshow just got back to me and they will issue a refund for the product price only. I assume that means im on the hook for the return shipping. Still better then nothing.
Just checked my joints they are cracking as well :\ man....

Can we have pictures Empir3? I'm putting them on Hot Toys Facebook for all to see, we need people to stop buying these and then "maybe" they may exchange or do an updated version as they did with the oily Batman.